The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 3, 2003-BO Municipal council election nominations 110W open Nominations are open- the tinte in comtng to choose your next municipal cowicil. In order to run in the November 10 election- be it for town councillor, regional councilor or mayor - candidates must reside or own land in Milton, be at least 18 years otd, a Canadian citi- zen and flot in prison. There's a $100 fée to mun for coundcil, though the money will be refunded if theinidividual collectsata leaat 2 per cent of the vote. The fee su mun for mayor has been set as $200, with the same miles for a refund. Nominations close Sepsember 26, giving can- didates as least 45 days of campaigning tisne. For more information, contact the clerk's oftice as Town Hal At presenst, town counicillors receive an annual stipend of $19,039 and thc mayor receives $44,340. Regional coundlllors, who also sit on town coundcil, receive a furtber stipend of $21 ,700 from Halton Region. Metallic Wrapping Paper, Lightbulbs, Aerosol Cans Waxed Cardboard Tubes, Egg Cartons, Take-out Containers, Waxed Containers Be a Part of Halton Regions FM*] Officiai Plan Review I icIHalton Region is seekung input from the public on its Official PI« j«gI We will be hosting a series of workshops throughout the Regi( and we look forward to hearing your ideas on the future of Haltor. Ian. lon, n.. We la lthOfci Pan? Evymncp*l nai srqie odvlpe fiiiPa hc ut onmuntys vsin for f futus end gpn sdecisions on development, ,USwft*O=.evmvnf proton, nd more. Haitn os OtW lan la ow udr reiw. TN isn opportunty for madsints andbysrm layanioraptin eInurn akn e ontto beà grplacto #y,u1caknd pa Whet tWipsflnt to youu aoutMt 4n ft.oWm? ow mhoeict w adirm 1h. Yow prfcpeon isvtal. es rstr fo awoshopor visitout wobs1te to Im wwwrogioehaftanon.c&WffcWIpiai.Try ou new ecbonîc comment erMi Officiai Plan Review Event Schedule Wedne. . . d e. , e.tura Transportation Workshop Greenlands Worlshop Rural/Agricultral 7:00 p.m. to, 10:00 p.m 7:00 p.m. to, 10:00 p.m Workshop Halton Region Museum Milton Lions Hall, Milton Nassagaweya Community (Kelso Conservation Area) Memorial Arena Centre Kelso Road 28, Milton. 77 Thompson Road, Cameron Drive, south of Main Street Brookville, Milton Milton. Calil us or visit our website at to download a copy of the Directions Report: The Greenna of Halton -Smart Growth. Smat Choîe and other technical papers. These documents are a starting point for a public dialogue about the important issues in our community. For more information contact Isabel Telford at EXT. M _____________________________________________________________________________________ Halton Regonal'Council -Your Regional Government Halton Regional Council wishes you ail a Happy New Year, and looks forward to an exciting year ahead. Council remains committed to the open flow of information between govemment and the community, and delivering policies, programs and services that are visible, accessible and meaningful to the residents of Halton*. 4falton Regional Council 2000-2003 Back row: Kevin Flynn - Oakville; Kurt Franklin - Oakville; Jeff Knoll - Oakville; Keith Bird - Oakville; John Day - Halton Hilîs. Middle Row: Jack Dennison - Burlington; Richard Malboeuf - Milton; John Taylor - Burlington; Rick Craven - Burlington; Mike Wallace - Burlington; Rick Bonnette - Halton Hilîs; Fred Oliver - Oakville; Allan Elgar - Oakville: Barry Lee - Miton. Front row: Carol DAmelio - Burlington; Kathy Gastie - Mayor,-Halton Huis; Gord Krantz - Mayor-Miton; Joyce Savoine - Regional Chairman; Ann Mulvale - Mayor-Oakville; Rob Maclsaac - Mayor-Burlington; Joan Lougheed - Burlington. or vsit s a : w.,