Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 2003, p. 5

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 3, 2003-5 I Arts MiltonI www.ArtsM!Iton.com Winter - Spring 2003 Joanne Parker of the Academy of Music studio has becs holding a year-end studeol recital for Use pasl 20 years. This yeat over 100 of hèr studenta performed 10 an eager audience of over 300 parents and friends a the Oakville Conference Centre on December 1. A Cappella Showcase! chorus travelled îo Waertown. N.Y. early in May for Harmony lnc.'s Area 3 Convention and Competiîion, retutng with the gold medai! Showcaae 2002, Use chorus' bi-assual show, waa held on Octoher 5Us aI Ue Oakville Centre. BoUs shows played 10 an almost sold-ouî cmowd. 10 rave reviews. The chorus won silver aI Harmosy fmics International Competition, in Indianopolis November 9. Fr. Mark Curtis, Canadas Singisg Priest, has recently achieved Use statua of hecoming Ue number ose Recording Artisî in Canada in sales. Hia new CD, Peaceful Sky, is in Use russing for a J1JNO Nomination and is recent concert tour Urougbouî Canada bas sold out in 45 cilies. Jacqueline SmiUs School of Dance, in April, hosted an adjsdicator fromt Scotland who held exans aai Use studio. Ail dancers asained high marks. Chantai Wat etained ber tiles (Provincial and Canadian Champion) for Use tixUs consecutive year and placed 4Us overall in Use World Championshipi in Use under 15 years section. Sarah DeWolfe bas won many Championssips acrosa Canada and placed SUs overallisnUse World Championahips in Use over 18 years section. The Mesnil Boyt sisgisg group was active Ibis year wiUs several tue- cessful performances in Milton, Orangevile, Brampton and Oakvifle. Their repertoire includes sacred, folk, Cluistmuas and humourous pieces wiUs emphasis siilos music frons Use 5's and 60's. The Millon Choritteri wrapped Up Uis series by celebrating record ticket sales for Use seasos. For Ueir new season, "A Musical Mosaie," Use choir bas welcomed new director, Sonja van de Hoef. This dynamnie new graduale from Wilfred Laurier University bas already captivaîed Use choristers wiUs ber exceplional energy, charm and enUsusiaam. Milton Concert Presestations last year entertained audiences of 400 to 450 at St. Paul's United. The 2002-2003 tesson got off to a resound- isg sIart wiUs Kerry Stratos and Use Toronto Philhiannonia performisg sold-ouî concerts wiUs "Gilbert & Sullivan" in September, "Bectoven's FifUs" in October and 'Nighî aithUe Proma" in November, wiUs flags and songs. Milton Players Theatre Gmoup began its 23rd tesson wiUs "Thec Mumberley Inheritance" Gerwyn Davies, Rotary exebange student frons Australia played Use fiancé, Rodney. Rehearsals have slarted for Use February production of "Angel Street" directed by Paulette Tac. The Women of Note, direcîed by Leurs Jefftey. performed a unique concert in November 2002. The evesî was called "We Will Remember Them, a Tribute in Story and Song for Remembrance Day", and featured sot only some very memorable musical selections, but also professional storyteler Marina Lloyd of Burington. The concert wss a fund raiser for Knox Preshyterias Cburch, proceeds being put towards ils new elevator. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar of Arts Milton Events <Winter - Spring 2003) * CREATIVE JOURNAL A I iN ALENTINE THE HOPE 0F SPRING This s a ten sieek cour se n the ûreative Journal- An Looking for sonnething a hittle different this Valentine's This concert has as itsfocus the anticipation of renewal that I Exspressive Arts Method. We will explore our creativiry, Day?1 Have A Cappella Showcase's quartet pefon-m a spring brings and willfeature J. S. Bac'h's "Jesu, Meine naturai healing abilities, taming our Inner Critie and cre- Singing Valentine at your homne or party! Freude" as well as deligh qui Renaissance Madrigals and * ating the life of our dreamis in fun wriing and drawing Friday, February 14 songs of spring and love. * exercises USING BOTH HANDS! Contact Helen at <905) 332-8198 helen-dahl@hotmail.com Sunday, April 13, 3:00 pmn I Monday January 13 - March 24 6:30-9:30 pin Knox Preibyterian. Church Main Street Milton. CnatCarolyn Selyfrnforaino o eitr Fak(ir n Eve in thCnadats SnigPist odoThcetsPaer Zon e io MaIl. jCilre <2:$ 90-75-2788 SONGS IN THE KEY 0F LOVE Tickets available at: Delacourts, Main Street, Milton, Contact ~ ~i En likn ri ithCnada's ing remier g Ticets:AdultZ$1, M iortuet:1, h.den<2:$ lil ltin oitennvrt 1ri'vnatitnino p nvvnt'-.. Communications presents an evening of warmth and joy for Leslie Music, Speers Rd. OakvilleI THE GALAXY TRIO the mid-winter hlues, u'ith the music o aaa rme or caîl: (905) 876-2401 or (905) 689-0f6 Nom, classical music meets jazz to make magic. Violinisis s'oice. Enjoy an e.sciting performance as hê brings ta each * Moishe Hammer and Lenny Solomon, along with pianist concert his stunning tenor voice, captivating on-stage pres- d knNi(npn- I Bernie Senensky - three internationally renowned musi- ence and great sense of humour! Father Mark will be per- CRAIEIURNALI I cians - has'e combined their specialities in their new con- forming music from his newsest CD. Peaceful Sk4', as well as This advanced 10 week course in the Creative Journal * cert performance. Support aur Raffle Draw for the Albert contemporary, gospel, show tunes & classicfas'ourites. Method is for people who have taken my ten sveek course. * Casson print "Majesty of the Mountains". Sunday February 16, 7:00 pn We will use the Creatis'e Journal and Voice Dialogue ta I Friday January 17 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main Si developfurther the skills learned in thefirst ten weekI I Doort open 7:15 pmn, concert 8:00 pin Tickets $ 10.00 CaIl 905-878-2411 course. St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E.(at James St.) Monday April 21 - June 23 * Single Tickets: $25. Seniors/Students $20. '. iit t 1i.'îni i . 6:30-9:30 pm I For tickets eall (905) 878-2432 AN EVENING OF BAROOUE Contact Carolyn Skelly at 905-875-2788 for information. I Harpsichord. flute. clarinet and oboe combine for a glori- INGLSTR.EET Fund Raising Silent Auction night! Lots of items up for COTET ,VIEW SHOW 'MTe Manninghams of Angel Street appear 10 be a happy bids: a chance ta, conduct the Toronto Philharmonia A Cappella Showcase holds a dress rehearsal andfree per- I I and loving couple, but looks can be deceivmng. By strong Orchestra during next seasons opening concert in Milton; formance, open ta the public. This is an opportunity ta hear I * manipulation the mmnd can be made 10 believe anything. gift certificates; original paintitigs; CD's; restaurant din- this gold niedal chorus perform its contest sangs for the Area The twists and turnis of fate tumn this Victoria setting into a ners; personal care items; and much more! 3 Contest. g thrilling and exciting melodramatie gaine. This is a must Friday, Fehruary 28 Tuesday, April 29 I to see for those who like suspense and mystery! Doors open ai 7:30 pm concert ai 8:00 pmn approx 7:00 pmn, location to be announced. ISt. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E. (ai James St.) Caîl the chorus hotline ai (905) 876-4093I Dinner Theatre Tickets: $25. Seniors/Studenîs $20. * Sat, February 8, 15 Bar opens - 6:30 pm Dinner - 7:00 For tickets, caîl (905) 878-2432. I pm Curtain - 8:15 pm, Tickets: $30.00 per person Show OnIy i Fri, February 7, 14 Doors open 7:15 pmn I Thurs, Feb. 13 Doors open 7:30 pmn Curtain 8:00 pmn I Cash bar & refreshments Tickets: $12.00 /personArsM lo atf ly ck wed s i . the support of Mohawk Raceway M O H)IlA W K-1<, for publishing our newsletter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arts Milton BilI Smelser, President Boar of irecors LramJeffrey, Past President Boar of irecors Bruce Witehead, Secretary Howard Willson, Treasurer Joy Anderson, Town of Milton Liaison Directors: Hazel Carlin June Hollenbeck Dan Wiest FaUser Mark Curtis Harvey Shoemaker Doug Eliott Peter Young o:. . . . . :~ s.:' .: , * *lui0

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