1 0-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 3, 2003 .et i rt ~Folk art is on ly imited to.artist's imagination By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Six years ago, Julie Stroz wanted to try ber hand at a new hobby. And after attending night school in Burlington for folk art lessons, she quickly realized ber talent for the craft. "Anything can be folk art, except for fine art," shte explained. "Fine art is usually an original. Folk art is a copy." Folk artists are usually untrained and create their work ini various patterns. Folk art isn't liniited to the canvass; it cari alao be in the forrn of pottery or wood and is only lirnited to the artist's imagination. "Folk art can be où paintings but it's mostly acrylic," Ms Siroz continued. 've painted bench- es, dlocks, bird bouses and plates. 1 have the wood for a plaque 1 want to put by the front door, but 1 havent decided yet what 1 want to put on i." Although she prefers nature painting to scenery, sheas painted it ail, se saisI. Its very rewarding. You start off with enthusi- asn and then think it'a awful. But when you finish ifs very rewarding." Ms Stroz iant thse only one ini the household thats picked up folk art. Her husband, Joei, spends his days working away at thse hobby they share. 'Ive been doing it longer but he's better at it than 1 arn," se said. Classes at seniors' centre When they're not working on folk art at home, theyre attending thse Thursday afternoon folk art class at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. *"T he centre is very welcorning, very friendly. j We work with a teacher and on our own. Tiseres * about 10 of us at the centre but we're always look- mng for more people to join us."lo Event tisough Ms Stroz said she doesn't consider-.a& folk art to bu dificult to pick up, instruction is needed wisen buginning to learn the craft. "Anyone can do it with instruction. You can't just pull out a brush and start painting." Mr. Stroz saisI ahthough he and his wife dont make a profit frorn their work, they frnd the craft very rewarding. Its a nice hobby. Anyone can do it if they put their mmid to it," abu said. "If sorneone cornes to thse class at the (seniors') centre andI they've neyer donc folk art bufore they rniglst feel a little intirnsdated so it night be a good Photo by GRAHAM PAINE idea to get instruction fùrat." Folk artiat Jul.e Stroz shows somn of hr scrllc-pint.d s.rvlng irmys and a weathe baromete. ONTARTO MORTGAGE ACTION CENTRE LTU "Your First Choice in Mortgage Financin g" PURCHASES *RENEWALSITRANSFERIS e REFINANCES 0 PRE-APPROVALS eTELEPHONE/ON-LINE APPLICATIONS 0 CALL TrODAY!! mu'::.0% VISIT OUR NEW OFFICE IN MILTrONMALL SHOPPING CENTRE (905) 875m2333 muIAL RATS SBJET T CHNGEvvWWW.jMAU#-MgFqTUAÇZES.COM HADOFFICE 131 WHARNCUFFE RD. LONDON IAfldg muA - -à%m *OJLC. RATES SUBJECT TO CHANCE 1 1 1