Volunteers needed Can you spare some trne? The Halton chapter of the Red Cross is in need of volunteers for transportation and office assistance. For more information, call (905) 875-1459. Compound Strip Bond 5.65 % Province of Ontario -RRSP Eligible eGovemment Guaranteed Cail Diana Bristow Vu e President & Senior lnvestmenl Advisor 905-854-4540 or 1-800-662-5571 raesa o Nv ,1 20 . het to hangean iahi 5, I inimum 5$10.155) %lebeBMO0 Nesbitt Burns- É tSieiiihir ol MO inîîîîîiI roup Bring in your empty cartridge andi we wili refi it while you shop! or Let us show you how you can save even more with our easy to use Refi Kits. Ail m"jr brand supported (Lexmark, HP Canon, Epson, Brother and more!) So stop throwing away your cartridges and start saving money today! We also carry HP glossy photo paper, a wide range of compatible and OEM ink jet carlridges and remnanutactured laser toners. Ali producs and services carry a full 30 day maney back guaranteel Our kiosk la located at Milton Mal 905-876-0011 Brng ln Ihis ad and relive 10% off your firsl refi' For a hmnited imne gel: * 15% off the first refliIot an OEM earlrIdg purchased at regular price. * $3.00 off your purchase ot HP Pholopaper when you refill! .specials are avoulable t Island Ink-Jet, Mitas Mal for o lmiled ime only. Thse Canadian Champion, Salurday, December 28, 2002--5 ,/Taxi driver escapes vehicle stuck on train tracks, in nick of time Crim Ito,' sof HltI Hockey sticks, shafts stolen Halton Regional Police are investigating a break-in at Sports Traders, a hockey sporting goods store on Thompson Road. On November 25, unknown cuiprits threw a brick tbrough a glass door. Thse strike sounded the alarm and prompted the suspects ta fiee. The thieves made off with 40 Easton hockey sticks and shafts, valued at $6,500. Police say a witness saw a mini-van fiee the area. If you have anY informnation that leads ta an arrest in this or an v other matte,; ou miav 6e eligible for a cash reward. You vvill nes'er have ta gi ve vour tiame or testofv in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton doesnt subscribe ta the cal! display telephone jeature. Thanks ta our ipsters... whoever you are. A safer commnity is your cal!. Please cal! 1-800-222-TIPS or check us aut on the Web ai wwwhaltoncrtimestoppers.c-om. Police Blotter cie. The van was dcstroyed. T'Me tracks were closed for several bours after the incident, police said. CP Police are investigating. Window smashed Thse front glass window of Farahs Food Mart on Laurier Avenue was smasbed ovemiîght December 20. Damage is estimated at $500. Police are investigating. Window broken The front glass window of Moffat Autoworks on Main Street was smashed December 22 at about 1:30 ar. Il wasnt immediately known if anything was stolen. Darnage is estimated aI $200. Police are investigating. cul7M',E COMMERCE Presents the Inaugural PROCEEDS TO uNE CHAMBER SCHOLARSHIP FIINO. "ýTuesday, January 21, 2O3 Y\.* Granite Ridge Golf Club Tickets $1 25.00 plus GST Bobby Hull Keynote Speaker This is a new event for the Chamber and the Milton Community and we believe that it wiII become one ofailtons premiere events. Sponsorship opportunities are available by calling the Chamber at 905-878-0581 . Share an evening with some of the greats tram the world of sports! Tlak eae e eMe (wg4 4rgr4i Milton Junior A. Hockey Club Albatrass Restaurant Robert Lee Insurance Agency Paragon DPI Joyce Hagevik, Royal LePage Woodbine Entertainment Group Standardbred Canada James Burton, Osborne Group The Enterprise Centre Milton Home Hardware Milton Canadian Champion A 34-year-old Mssissauga taxi driver escaped injury December 20 wben he jumped out of bis vehicle- stuck on thse train tracks - seconds before it was struck. Halton Regional Police said tIsat at about 8 p.m., tIse man was lost and didn't realize Ise was stopped on the tracks at Denry Road and Eigbth Line wbile he looked for direc- tions. TIsen tIse bamrers came down, blocking tIse Voyager van from leaving thse tracks. and be was forced tc jump out of thse vehi- i I