4-The Canadian Champion, Saturday, December 28, 2002 'Exxxotica closure won 't affect Milton store: owner By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion 111c c! t o t.tt!G BtttýaI tt n> have no impact on the controversial Milton store, says owner Tony Wang. Last week, Mr. Wang dropped a $600 mil[lion lawsuit against the MILTON TRANSIT HOLIDAY SERVICE Please advised there wili be no Dial-A-Btss, Go Feeder and Physically Disabled Transit Service on the following date: Wednesday January 1, 2003 GO FEEDER SERVICE: GO Feeder Bus Service for December 31, 2002 will be as follows: Morning Service - No Change Aftemnoon and Evening Service froin Milton GO Train Station: Departure: 1:22 p.m. 2:22 p.m. 3:22 p.m. 4:22 p.m. 5:22 p.m. 6:22 p.m. Please check the destination Station for holiday departure schedule to Milton GO Station. For yosir convenience, these changes correspond with Holiday GO Train Service arnivals at Milton GO Station. City of Burlington and its counicil for attempting to close the store after it illegally expanded. By January 21, the store wilI be con- Hollywood Second Run Videa Rentai. But the baffle in Burlington was significantly différent than the one Mr. Wang is currently having with thse Town of Milton. Mayor Krantz invites you to attend Thse Annual New Year's Eve Gather around the historie bell at il .45pm in Vctoria Park, Downtown Milton on December 31, 2002 to greet in 2003. The Annuai Mavor & Council New Year's Leve. January 1, 2003 1:30 - 3:30pm Please Join Mayor Krantz, Members of Town Council and the Milton Historical Society at e1611Annual New Year's Day Levee at the Milton Town Hall e Under thse zoning bylaw, wbicb applied when Exxxotica opened on Bronte Street in April, the store owner says his business TMe Town argued- and continues to do so that the husiness is an adult entertainment parlour, which was only permitted under site specifie zoning under that bylaw. No business permit bas been granted to thse store. "People keep thiningI'm the kind of person that likes to fight. 'm not. 1I ny nos to fight. 1 just want to work sometbing out," be told The Champion. "But if 1 bave to fight, 1 have to figbt." Tbe zonmng bylaw was revised earlier this month to lunit aduit entertainînent parlours to industrial areas on tbe nortb side of Hwy. 401. Mr. Wang said be believes this new bylaw sbouldn't affect bis business because be was operating prior to the bylaw commng into affect. "If they don't grandfather me, I will feel disasppomnted," be said, adding bis lawyer is stili in consultation witb the Town over tbe issue. While unavailable for comment due to tbe bolidays, Mel Iovio, Milton's director of planning, previously stated a cours challenge would be needed to detennine if the store could be grandfatbered, as il bas neyer received a business licence. Mayor set to ring in the new year Milton will celebrate the arrivaI of 2003 witb the annual New Years Eve Bell Ringing Tuesday nigbt as Victoria Park. Residents are invited to gather around the historic bell at 11:45 p.m. as Mayor Gord Krantz nings in the new year Levee held Jan. 1 It's time to ring in the new year witb the l6th annual Mayor and Council New Year's Day Levee Wednesday at Town Hall. Residents are asked to join Mayor Gord Krantz, town council- lors and the Milton Historical Society for the event, which will be beld from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Ual A ru.1m1e11 i oeoewo1emaw.y IJ-9 1 m A,.1.m SHPEAL FRBST EiCIO E ort NW li 1 1 ORF HOliRs (la-ill 1ý,linl L)ailý 1