The Canadian Champion, Saturday, December 28, 2002-27 ExV ERY CALL WINS FOR A LIMITED TIME. A GSIARANTEED $1,000 OFF WREN YOU LEASE OR PURCHASE VIRTLIALLY ANY NE5W 2003 OR 2002 GM VEHICLE.4 WIN 'roua ... ... ... ...... ...... .. . .. . . OlP TO 48 OTSN VIRTUALLY ALL 2003 VEHICLES; [HVOS0% Purchase Rnancing fe up ta 48 nîonthst aisoeatvaiabie on 2003 Nme, Monte Cado, Auror, Venture, Silhouette, Astre, Truoker, Blaze, TralBlazer, BraAa, S-10 and Slierado. EHEVR JIEI For the latesi Information visit us et, drap by your local Chevroiet e Oldamoblie Dernier or cili us ut 1-800-GM-DRIVE. VNo purcase ncessaty otest opent teCantadian tasdents oly seto ave teached the egaetfmaortin theit prontce of residence. Cttet closes Januarp 13, 2003. Pnizes car en/ bea ppiad te the purchase or lease et most nae 2002 and 2003 vehicts purcased and dleated on et belote Jauary 13 2003. obed guamentead minimum ewa dcon onip be appiad te the putelase or lease et vehîdaes purcheeed and delivated on or belote Januaty 2, 2003. Ses yeur GM dealer et Ceti (iIrIcjyv jhj~ asesgmcanadacern orni 1-000-G*ORIVE lt lvii cntest rots.uGMlemlepeesMaDelareiihmeerbarsGMesupalnsBGMiea atshippmplereascedreasicFleatgpbglatfor thet e ingglInl&tWienRingilv& 0/ buaseat e botara eligfoe thr 0e aseaodet$1,000 onaribamdes*asdo a4/0/03 mnSles dsnpaoat trdee 2,0/1.810 /43,020 /S3,295 is tequired. Aenual cest of beconetg et t 9%/t 9%/3.4%/4.4% par annote. Opien te purche et le end is 55,got/09,05/$tl.525$24,460 plsappllcabl taeas. Anuel istottotta lite/Oel 20,000kmop0.i2nereecees kteteatra Gretliease ptions a20a2la. tOoa aeptiesenptv2ooneoridasdetivaeden eîbe3,eJ 200a.pE3x2003 onecptienserd 200202FFa/ Sic Pasenar ans& Epîau L-Y9, Fit izaCare/Ctawp OesSibted 200/300 egler and Etendad Cab (nen CeP). 2500/3M00/lerado Crae & Chasaîs Cabse,and 3000 HO Chassie Cabs )CarpeeîStyle). tVFraîght <0795/097/0975/01005), lience, icureeca, vgtetteee, PFSA, d'emnistnb onleesandvlavecnet dndded.rAppion ontptefvehide dal/verd3,ser0blote Ja arp 13,203sVThantuhlL psEmvntht anadotant ed the GMC putc finafinancrtataaar net evatab artS andave ont cicctated e tira taît Furchae Pnce slefnrmetdelaranne bkeen 0/e te lot 0e SeucnLnun/GMAC PtoaresatFea"Casghefet aed 0a tash Puchase" olat te da praovcoderproonruis daclosur iao te b a ceetoe bemese/ng eltetberor cet 0/ sema rapasents atusi inteent.acede raqcitedlobe anpmsed8as2canc69%pe4.ntVg.31t%.ht59 9%/Oh9%/404%/an.3%r00%opurapseovena nMAcecaprevedoGMA ycfodi hp lot0mon 20022ccd2003 vetrcHs. Tao up te 40menthe lt meet 203 velr/es. Taonus te 60tevethe ot mont 002 velotes. Dea paptean ced/et tada mepbe raanded. Menofp paptent ced ser et brnera/cgatt) o ot dapandlg on ement becdsad aod dan paptentOtedE.Eeappe: 510000et % 0R, /a ec0/t pateet l 0203/016.6 be40/0 mntr. OPOler aptp e 1e utchase et mot 2002 end 2003 nae or damonenrato modelsanad apply oceipte que/i/ad rati cutmers in Canada. 0%/r ancing ced contest do ont Crae CaS 2500/3000, ced 2002W003Sivesede 30000 DChesa sCabse Carryover Style) ced 2002 Silveonde 2500 seaesv e0 COR 0% finang e/ce dosntlappp te 2003 Tancea, 2003 Subetban ced 2002 Silveade Ragoter CaS (con MCO) Lîmed quatifes ot 2002 modelsaveeitabta. V/3Prs appy 102003 cae et damonstratet modalels fCasaJean L Sedac 97A/14e/ibe 97A/trpala F97A/Avaanubhe 2W0 0R70 aquppdad esscttbad. tV*,0/3llamapptp tequaifidadtait cstoers ic me Otane Chestoet-Olsmvkia Oaa/at Maketing Assciation aea en i)iddng Outaouais ced eadoud ong erijestete Ontaron). Oaears aren Sos te set indrviduel rcons. DOalerat ada map be raquirad. Umitad imae fet tirt map nt be comnoned ilS Cer o/ems, Ses peut deaer for conditions acd deaers. ATest cenductad Sp the US. National tiglteap Traffîn Salatp Administation (NHTSA). -Vsa Itnatial/c Service Asseciation/TO Bank and GM. tcesed srs et marks. Tîdemark et TO Bank. 0 The 2002 Chevroet Matîbu sas 1he hghast ranked Mdiza Car in J O Poseraned Asseciatas 2002 US. Initial /3oaltyt Studp. ý 1. àm/