CLIPIED RTN: 9054500 ~~CMam pionS Monday te Friday é 9:00 min- 5«0 i 2 bedraamn basemnent apartment. Close ta town. Separate en- trance & driveway. In- cludes utilities. Asking $800.00/mo. Availabie Jani. lst. Cali 905-878- 9995. ACTON Apartments Fori Rent: 1 bedroom avail- able December 'Ist. Open 7 days/week. Same Day Approval. No Doge. 519-853-4374 COSY 1 bedraam -, 2nd floor apartment on herse farm. $600/mo. includes utilities. Non- emoker. 905-878-1924 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Brane Street, South, Miltan We are now accepting applicationsnfor 1 bedraom apariments. For more informationi and/aor ta malte an appointnent, Pieaae sali 905-878-5375 Building Managera Leonard à Penny GUELPHI Lifleiooak- ville. Spaclous 2 bed- room apartmenl. 4 ap- pliances, parking, gar- den. $790.00/month + utilities. Na Pets. Avail- abe Jan. lst. 416-787- il25or 416-781-9410 LARGE One bedraam basement apartment suitabie for one persan. Fridge & stove. Avail- able Jan 1/03. 675 + utilities. Cali between 5- 9pm. 9058753418 [ ILIDE OWEW 182 MILLSIDE DRIVE1 1&MBedm Apsl ICose ta Duwnuwa jBus stap set (905) 576-1249 MILTON 2 bdrm. apt. Newiy renavated build- ing. Clean & quiet. Cali 905-299-0625 for ap- poinment. 4-bedroom bungalow in cauntry. Living roors, kitchen, recreation room, 2-car garage,. 10 km northeast af Miltas, no appliances, first and aest, available eariy Fe- bruary. $1250 per manth plus utilities. Cali J.D. Pembertan 905- 678-8900 between 9:00-5:00 Mopday-Fri- rfav. CAMÜPBELLVILLE cen- tury home. Fuiiy fur- nished ta share with third persan. No smok- ing. No Pets. $500. Cali 905-854-0959 WANTED- Female to share apartment in Mi- ton. Common Ares. Non-omoker. Finishinga provided. Jan 1lS/eb lis. Cali Laura 905-842- 5015 CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO HELP US CELEBRATE TWO WONDERFUL OCCASIONS FOR OUR PARENTS BY ATTENDING AN OPEN flOUSE FOR TONY & THEA (ASTA) WINDMOLLER'S 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY & 1 TONY WINDMOLLER S 75TH BIRTHDAY Best wishes on!y pleuse Date: Sunday, December 29, 2002 Time: 1 pm to 4 pm Place: Royal Canadian Legion 21 Charles St., Milton WHY Is JASlE SO iPy? She placed a Classified ad and solci her Dinette Seti Be lUke Jane and seil youxr unwanted items todayi Whethei it be a bike, car or couch, call Mbt CjanîpiOn Classifieds toda: Cail 905-878-8341 Fax 908-876a364 or drop by 191 Main Street, »Mto 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-281 li cin Memoriams in the torrn of Sdonations to The Cnda U7 Cancer Society E del Silver, Crystai, Tes Cups, Royal Daulton, Swaravski, Glass, Jeweiry, aid tays, cal- lectibles, estates. Cal John/Tracy, 905-331 - 2477. 1->.~ january 3-5, 2003 National Trade Centre Exhibition Place, Toronto SHOW HOL'RS: V151511 pal tSd lUîl,, liîll,l I)pn sui, y wr in FASHION SHOW TIMES: 1îîii,,î7:1011111 ADMISSIO)N: SI2 ix ln In,I , v(Lut i îîlql illîî l i li, Sotult)l'il(ifl (Iîîîîîlîîî lr l A1,12 i 1 l tl .1ii I lit %fl t'it (1I %% )i r i 1ý11)i/( ,i îîî - \%,îî )MIlîî1 4 f îltî )qIIkiia, ,, Iil,, I îl 1îlî1,l ,1k 111111111111111il î\îI -ti\t-I Ii iîai l i \It It NO 1 ic1 on Il l, x 2 FUR I1ADMISSIOU NATIONAL BRIDAL SHOW EMEING HOURS \IN I 11 M , 1*fi IRNI 1 ir, I ,1 IIN, Produied by: For information or exhibiior opporouniiies. cail 905-15-0017 or 1-800-265-3673. >isih our website ai WxW.preniierconsumershows.comi apprecîated. Talant Bureau, Meher 66 aiMfdsslranltarî FREE TRAINING mi Drive 4 Us. A Kng Pilowtop Mat- CARPET i have several School Bus Drivers Wanted treos Set wth ramne 1,000 yrds. of new New in plastic. Coat Stanmrasler & 100% ny- Cali 905-877--4448 $1,599.00 Sacrifice ion carpef. Wiil do living- Laidlaw is an equel er $65000. 905-567-9459 roomn & hall for $349. In- oprtny Cmay i BEDQuee Pilo~op cludes carpet, pad & in -__Il __________________Company __ Matres, oxFraestallation (30 yards)i ,y atrsBxFae Steve, 905-639-2902 Neyer ueed stili pack- cerwo. Dul aged. Coco $1,02500 DININGROOM 1 3pce Seli $45000. 905-567- cerwo. Dul 4042 pedestal. 8 chairs, But-1 Horse Farm BEDROOM set.8pe tthchsevrdo- i 2 Fuîlt ime positions 8pe tail construction. Stilli n clerrywaod. Bed, chest , boxes. Coat 11,000. Mare& Foal care plus normai farm labour. tridresser, mirrar, night 1 Sacrifice 3,000. 416- Folwdbyerngsespp. ,stands, dovetail con- 746-0095 struction. Neyer -rWc horse tag alng ate summer/fal opened. In boxes. C051 traiter. Great shape wlt Horse experence necessary. $9ihr. ta atarI $9000. Sacrifice $2800. new tires. $1750. Cail Cal 905-854-9991 416-748-3993. 905-854-5120 __________________ CA-ITho (idtaUtiin rhmi.îiiiqntirrl;;v, .,o OîPR-O200 24-Te Cnadan Uiamion batrciy, ecemer tiz'u Il THE Whp WOStheosflais IAOi .ACTORS I Models 203flilming bus baua. Tronto production is sopiadiog. Scoating new people, (no eop. needsd) wiih dillereni looks, shapes & suzes, (oewbarn la sen- ior) for Commercials, TV Shows, Movies, Cataloga. MTB wiii be holding Auditions in your aresaon Jan. 4th & 118h by appt. aniy. Audition tee ai $3450 + GST is relundable il yoo do no1 qoaliiy. Coli 9-5 10 schedule an audition: 519-249-0700 Modal and JOBS AVAILABLE Production mark in the MILTON area. $1 1-$i 2/hr. Ail shifts availahie. Fax resumne ta: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 LCOME%' ~JAGON -New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? -Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Welcome Lindla 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0311 Baby & Bridai Tracy 905-876-4330 Gr&a 905-319-1110 Il rm-m- c ý ý kl, - 1 liai] Ill' âJil ilil 1 iiiiii Ëffl 2