- The Canadiani Champion, Saturday, December 28, 2002- 21 -Merchants and Raiders battie to series split By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion For Western Conference contenders, home-ice advantage remains a virtual trump card. The division's top three teains - and only legitimate bopefuls for playoff prosperity - have been almost unbeatable in recent weeks, particularly so in their own barn. That trend continued last wcckend with a much-anticipatcd clash between the Merchants and Georgetown Raiders. The neigh- bouring rivaIs each scored a wmn against the other- doing so in front of the hometown crowd - and in the process, have likely cxhaustcd their chances of ovcrtaking top-seated Hamilton. WhIile Milton was no doubt the more disciplmned and cohesive unit during the homc-and-home series, that wasn't enough to deliver the knockout blow at Gcorgtown's Gordon Alcott Arena last Saturday. Wes Clark tallicd twice from close range in the opening half to put the sweep within striking distance, but his teanmnates exhibit- cd little spark or finish tbrough the balance of the contest - and were eventually edged 3-2. This marked Milton's frst loss ini 18 gamnes - snappmng the longcst win streak in club history, one which lasted more than six weeks. Standout Raider Ryan Busby sank both thc equalizer and gaine- winner, with belp from Dan Lliakis and Kevin Harvey. Georgetown overcame some early brain cramps - thec most apparent ones delivered by resident bad boy Brad Naylor - to split the weekend, as well as its season series with the now 30-6- 1 Merchants. Cody Spicer and Georgetown counterpart Daniel Bellissimo were both sharp between thc pipes. Last Saturday marked a rare scoreless third pcriod for Milton. It was a much différent story one night carier at Memorial Arena. In front of one of thc biggest crowds this season, Uic Merchants struck early and oftent - exploiting a positionally flawed defense along Uic way - to humble Georgetown 7-3. The weekend-opening showdown featured plcnty in Uic way of extra-curricular activity, mncludmng an evening-ending slugfest between defenceman Phil Sbrocchi and Nik Bibic. Milton had enough scoring for the victory before first intermis- sion. Captain Craig Macdonald led with a hat-trick, while Clark also stood out with a couple of markers. Rookie Dean Strong scored for Uic Uird time in four gaines, while Rob Ricci had a goal and an assist. Spicer tumned back 30 shots for Uic win. Merchant notes: Milton scoring leader Rich Meloche was held to just a single assist in Uic two gaines against Georgetown.. The Merchants have acquired I 6-year-old forward Devon McElroy from Uic Mississauga Senators. He debuted against Uic Raiders in gaine two of Uic series ... The Merchants began the Newmarket Showcase Toumnament yesterday moming against St. Michael's. They continue round robin play today against Albany, New York as 12:30 p.m. and fmisb up tomorrow versus Brampton at 1: 15 a.m. The semnifinals and fmnals will be playcd on Monday. AIl gaines arc at Newmarket's Ray Twinncy Sports Complex. Merchants Rob eci (loft) end Via Ores kovlc h pressure Georgetown goalle Daniel Bellîssimo Satwrday nlght et Gardon Alcott Arene. The Ralders won 3.2 lta spali tdm weklend serles et oee eu"pè-~ Phooby HER8 GA UT ll,ýaydar reassigned to Nashville By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Darren (Mini) Haydar was no doubt happy to tic one on in Tampa Bay last Saturday. Not wîi regard to Uic incrcased clbow bending Uiat's typical around Uis time of ycar, but rather a 2- '" 2 draw as part of Uic Nashville Predators in bis second call-up to Uic NHL. Milton's top sniper saw about four-and-a-half min- utes of play at the Ice Palace - ail at even strcngth - whilc the Predators ckcd out a rare point on Uic road -4 againat Uic division-lcading Ligbtning. I didn't sec as much ice time (comparcd to, NHL debut on November 17), but I felt a little more com- fortable out Uiere. 'm learning wiUi cvcry gaine," said Uic 23-year-old right Winger, wbo rcplaccd fellow Darrer freshinan Vern Fiddlcr in the Nashville lincup late last wcck. "And it was dclinitely good to get the tic, even Uiougb we real- ly didn't deserve it. t's always big to squcak out a point on Uic road against a tearn like Tampa Bay." His latest promotion followed a two-assist effort to belp bis AHL Milwaukee AdmiraIs whitewash the San Antonio Rampage M- December 19. It marked Haydar's 10Ui multi-point performance of thc season, and at Uiceturne of Uic call-up he sat top five in Uic AHL points race wiUi a dozen goals and 20 assista. Haydar was still wiUi Nashville when Uic teain flew to Florida Sunday aftemoon, alUiough it wasn't known if he'd be in Uic uine-up for Monday night's tilt agalnst Uic Panera - wbich ran beyond The Cbampion's holiday press turne. But that kind of day-to-day uncertainty is com- monplace for NHL hopefuls like Haydar, and is sometbing Uiat simply bas to be acccptcd. "You can't let it (unccrtainty) get in your way. You juat have to be ready whcn Uic opportssnitics corne," stresscd Haydar. ri Haydar Dcpending on Uic Iength of bis stay wiUi Nashville this turne around, the local star may miss the AdmiraIs' two-gamc stand at Hamilton's Copps Coliseum January 10Oand Il. If back with Milwaukee by Uien, Haydar wilI play ini bis own country for the first time in four-and-a-balf years and almost defi- nitcly face former New Hampshire teammate Ty Condin - now a premier netmindcr in Uic AI-L and backbone of the top-scated Bulldogs. 3,e&a4/i/"e -- Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002 Vlakers, Champagne at Midnight, Spot Prizes. Limited Tickets. 6et-Prosciutto, Italian Salami, Cheese, Caesar Salad, Grilled Vegetables, food Salad, Mussels & many more items ioli with Meat Sauce Opn BarA sted New York Strip & Chicken Roast Florentine with Vegetables & Potatocaes"~ # Cé-~. Féi(4- Assorted Pastries, Cakes, Tortes, Fruit, Coffee & Tea & Bar Includcd DINNER SERVED AT 7:30PM 3090 STEELES AVE. W., MILTON 905-878-6527f Hats - Noise]e Seai -Rav Z .-Roa MI