The Canadian Champion, Thursday, December 26, 2002 -7 SO UR READERS WRITE TH AIAN CHMPO Milton council's recent opposition to fluoridate water was appropriate, believes reader Dear Editor: This is ins response to The Champion's December 13 article entitled 'Council refuses to support flouridation of local water'. The withdrawal of Councillor Rick Malboeuf's motion to support flouridation was most appropriate. 1 commend council for flot pavuag the way for an effort by Halton's medical offi- cer of health, Dr. Bob Nosal, to fluoridate the water. 1 think Dr. Nosal needs to become better informed on the real cause for tooth decay, and learn more about fluoridation. He needs to rely on factuat evidcnce rather than what t think is misinformation provided by the fluoridation promoters. Councilor Art Melanson is correct in that theres no more evidence to support fluoridation' now then there was in the 1970s. However, now theres ruch more evi- dence to support opposition to fluoridation then there was in the '7t0s. For example. major cities in the L.S. that have had fluoridated water since 1978 or earlier. are currently experiencing a tooth decay crises. lncluded on the list are New York City. Boston. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. You sec. contrary Io Dr. NosaUs sugges- tion. I don't think the source of tooth deeay is a lack of fluoride. 1 believe tooth decay is the result of poor diets, poor oral hygiene and a lack, of access to professional dental care. Here in Hawaii, because concemed citi- zens have donc their homework. efforts by the fluoridation proponents to pass legisia- tion to fluoridate our water were defeated in each of the last three sessions of our state legislature. Their recent separate efforts to fluoridate the islands of Lanai. Molokai and Kauai werc also defeated. One more thing, don't believe Mr. Malboeuf's assertion that there are no adverse effets to fluoridation. Many adverse effeets are documented. 1 suggest you check out some of the many Web sites loaded with information like www.fluoridealertorg, www.fluoridc-,,, and Robert Briggs, Fletred engineer Hawaii Letters welcome The Canadian Champion wel- cornes letters tathie editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and rejed et- ters. Letters must be signed and the address and the telephone number of the writer inclucled. E-mail letters ta miltoned@halton-, or fax them ta (905) 878-4943. Local couple says thanks to E.C. Orury development builder Dear Edktor. One day a maxn had a dream, to crm a coin- 'musty for aduta and seniors He ptrcbaaed lansd that was for sale in tli hean of Milon, andIbe lseld a meeting askiasg senios what tbey would like to tee built. Onie day another mnan bad a cause, Ieoptise sale of "aisland, and a grosap was fomned caled 'Friends of E.C. Dnny Park'. They visited our bouse seeking dolona for duitircausse. Mybhus- band aand 1 were cuarions, as we were directy belsis4 Oi" forest, so we did our owxsrescarcb. Well, "ody we're privileged te live in one of those bungalows backing oust the foreat. he hmtree s a ttlabaundant, twalkways arc sfi11 tisee, andl a pond bas bemu added. We wore almost a year witlsout a borne, wbule bureaucray took over. To tbe mari who bad a dreanste gave us older people a cotnrnunity ini the beaxt of Mone so we caas walk to thse alores when we mt unable te drive, we say tsaxk you. We see nathuxsgbutbapy people on our street Gfy andMAfrg Chrlade C«dwW F~ Orf» TM/MC At Sears, we are big enouqh to have what you want.. but small enough ta care who you are. OFFERS STARI THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 AND END TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31,2002 Itfs like theres NOOGSTADD** on a imstal req.-priced hoe e lectronceic d **Sears will deduct rm te item price an am unt s that y ur total purchase, incudmq aial taxes, w i l be na ma re tIsas the item proc lsPTw eaicbe. Otter daes nat apply ta deterral tees, maintenance agreement, delivery or installatin charges. fE nsclues esi u da tion/Otle r es, . Catlaue ndWesit prcase Cnnt b cmbuedwih ay thr ates tte eda ueda, Dcebe 31 MI2