The Canadian Champion, Friday, Deoember 20, 2002-29 HANES, MARIA Ar Aiindaiv on Monday Decemberi 611r2002 Maria1 pie ciHaies Lovch mo/la-r oi Mary ad rl isand Peler Korchuska and Veima and her husband Sese Fsrik. Sadly mssed hy her granrichldren Judy Cap- ancîni and Ron and hs wîl e Helen Furik. Fondly re- menrihered by her greal grandchildren Ryne, Laura, Lndsey, Kyle, Lauren and Marina. Survved hy her s fers Veronica and Angela aise her brother Josel al in Siovakia. Family and fends visited aI the McKersie- Kocher Fanerai Hume 114 Main SI. Mion 905-878- 4452 Wednesday The Funerai Mas ws ceebralad aI Holy Rosary Roman Calholic Church 139 Marin SI. Mlon on Thursday. December 191, 2002. Interment folowed aI the Mlon Evergrees Cenieîery STICKLE: Ivan Altos AI hie resdesce in Coborse on Frday, December 13, 2002. van Altos Stickie ms the eiovad husband ef the lae Vera Bersîce Slckie (nea Orong). Dear father of Leon and hs aile Nancy o Elora and Gal and her husbasd James Fearson of Milon. Fosdly remem- bered by Beverfy Somerton of Glace B ay, Grandfather of Brent Fearson, James Pearson, Jayne Hahn, Chris- fine Wsodard and Davd Stînkle. real grandfather of Meaghue and Tyler Fearson and Clvia and Ella Hahn. Brother of Ciarkne Stickie, Cari Stinkie, Fem Fairbaim and Marilyn Joyce. Aso Carmas, Don, Harry, Mavîs and Winfred al predeceased. A prîsafe famiy semîice wi e held following cremaf ion. A Celebrafion nI Lfa for van as held et the Coibome Legion, ffranch 1t7 on Tharsday, December 19, 2002 at 1:30 FM. If desired, memoniai donations by chaque f0 the Canadien Canc- er Sociey wouid ha appreciafad by the famiiy Arnge- ments he the Macaobres Fuserai Home, Il King St. I W..Coihoma ,"(905)"355-28 jcoureye@sympatico. ca. BRADING, Ht n Loy ng mema Broher who passad am Dacember Forever Loved S Brian, Did 129. Co ina aMac- LOST black snd white Icet. If sean peuse cuit j905-876-3669 snytime. - DAVOARE availabf . Lots of fan, laarning, unis (Brade) adlan ra res. Ex- TiIr of1ouand celeng dayeca. Es- ~r îaur dea fc/CAS. checks. In- iay 3 yaam ega specfed by Heaath/Fire 1916, 1999 Departments. Receipta provided. Childs Driva. tReniembered Launae 905-875-2262 d & Sheryn DAYCARE Loving, safa enviromnt mitti nutri- - tious meais, outdoor play, waîka, crafts and raceipts. 905-876-0620. The famly of the ata Thomas (Tom) Rabishaw who pasaad away Navembar 23rd, 2002 wish ta, express thar heartfalt gratitude and appreciaion for the knd- nexa & suppot tCar as gîvean 1 tham durnng a ddhfcult hime Lace and thankstf0 uer neighhoums, co-workers, fnaends and relatives saur and fr Whethen if ha flowrs, carda, donations, food, mass phoe oils, visita; or a hag and a prayar. They mre sach a monderful tinhute la Tom. A Spectai Thank yos ta: The Faibearam mwho whre honourari f0 partorm thaîr service. Dr Ivan HunIer and nurses et Milton District Hosptali Father Davd and Sheila & Jean for the beaulîful ser- vice and consslîng ords. Eddy Rabshew & Amy Fnisniaiî for the readîngsateth1e Scot & Mchele Early and ha staff of the J. Scott Early Fuserai Home for their comfort and cale gves 10 ail ot us. Bg Thank yos ta: Mlton Lagion Foppy Fond Brasch 136 for the Scooter whîch Tom esîoyad. I made hs lie mach ausier If asyooe han heen forgotten please forgîve us as you ksom you are ail in ouI prayars. Tom wi h beoraver mssed and fbraver oved. Ethel Rabishaw Mary Ann Ellwood Patay Walker George Prisniak (Jr.) Bill Prisniak & familles 4'Wmnelertrcoa rt (2 years old), Efectric Lazy Boy Chair (like nam), U- tramatic Tin Siza Bed (Royal Mattresa). Att items Bet Offer. Please catI 905-878-8974 5-PIECE peari asport dram set, ocean bise. Includes ail hardmare, throne, peari doubl e- base pedai. 12AAX Mtai Splash, 20"AAX Mtai ride, 18"AAX Mtai crash, 14AAX Mtai H Hat, 20"Hand Hammered Chînese. Evaryfhing in minI con- dition. Askîng $1 ,700. Actas, 519-853-3472. A King Pillowtop Mat- tresa Set wifh rame. New in plastic. Coaf $1,59900 Sacrifice $65000. 905-567-9459 BED Oseen Pillotop Maffresa, Box, Frame, Neyer used stîll peck- aged. Cosf $102500 SalI $45000. 905-567- 4042 BEDROOM set. ffpce cherrywood. Bed, cheat, tidresser, mirror, nîght stands, dovetail con- struction. Neyer opened. In boxes. Cost $9000. Sacrifice $2800. 416-748-3993. CARPET 1 have caverai 1,000 yrds. of nem Stiomastar & 100% ny- ton carpet. Wilt do living- room & hall for $349. rin- cludes carpat, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM 1 3pce cherrywood. Double pedestal. 8 chairs, Buf- fat, hutch, server, dose- tait construction. Stitt in boxes. 00sf 11,000. Sacrifice 3,000. 416- 746-0095 HANDWOVEN Belgian wool area rug. 10s12 muti-cotoured. Pre- domînately toret green. $2000. 905-854-0590. SNOWBLOWER 28", 10 hp, Craffsman, 8 yrs oid, excellent runnîng condition. $500 OBO. Cati 905-334-1515. $$$$ Wanted- Att Chnina, Silver, Crystai, Tee Caps, Royal Douton, Swarovskî, Glass, Jewetry, old toys, col- lectîbles, asIates. Cati John/Tracy, 905-331 - 2477. 1968 Chrysier LeBaron with sunroof. Escellent running condition. Carti- fiad and e-fasted. Ask- ing 1900.00 OBO. 416-660-4503 4[87 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881 Two IMPORTANT ANTIQUE HOLIDAY AuCTIoN SALES To be held at the Agrîcultural Hall on RuertSt,' Mlon Fairgrounds, Mlon SALE #1 BXING DAY Thurs. Dec. 26 aI 10:30 AM with previewing startirrg aI 9 AM SALE #2 NEW EARS DAY Jan. 1 2003 aI Il AM with previewing & regstration saring aI 930 AM. This is the 21 sf year for Barb and Gord Rankas fabulous New Year's Day Sale of Quality Antiques. For more complete details log on f0: These are always great sales year afler year Hope f0, see you aIl thare. Auctioneer Don Coling (905) 877-0117 FTIPT - Curves for oe World:v largest fitness rganization is accepting resumes for a mature, ertergetic, rself motivatedperson that lones lu work wilh Ipeuple. Perfect upprtunity for someune returniug lu the wurk force. Fax resumes te 905-875-3512 FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted for Hqhwaiy Camp, DZ license. Experience Prefered. Cati Ken or Roger 905-693-1439 * Canadian Therapeutic + l colIcge1 ww.cnaiafeapeticoltgeCO NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JAN. 2003 CaiI 905-877-4448 ehla Laidlaw is an equal îdtrta prcs a opprtuhtyComany are looking for a moli a technical sales bac 1038! JOBS! JOBs! our equîpment to av " Administrativa Assistan!, Oak.- 38K tries, Sonne inside si " Bit ogual Franch/Engt sh CSR, Oak.- Parm. bilingua) (FrenchlEnçl " Fînancial Servica lnduslry- Client Rap w/CSC in Southern Ontario. " ln-bound Oeil Centra Spacialîsis, Oak.-Perm. ston, wîfh automobie " Othar Contraci end Tamporery Jobs Mail resumne tc: Visit our website for more information: ax: 9e,0 www.thesolectiongroup .com 1 Fx 0- Fax: 905-238-0753 EARU EXTRA Run your own business with earty morning detivery of n Buringlon. Eec. commissions. i days/wk. Reiabte vehîcle. requited. Cati Borts, 905-333-4977 JOBS AVAILABLE Production work n tht MILTON arta. $11-$l2Ihr. AU) shifts availabla. Fax resuma fao: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tai: 1-888-411-1660 ISt. PauI's United Church 123 Main St. E. Milton (905)878-8895 I We are acceptîsg proposais for the j foiiowîsg costracts: 1) ilDaerai Ceaning Proposais mus be recel ced by Dec. 31 sf102 Contreet specîtîcations cas be pcked ap et the church office. CLSIFIE NT E ITE NE caNANa arDeon5SEIES ~ t IU sucIn n CAsesIENNE DU SANG DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU? At Canadien Bloori Services, me rely on the aklis and expertisa of many volunteers. 16e are ssarching for raiabla ciînc votuntears fa heip anssîx the soccess col Milon doser clîsîca. Clies ara held t the Milles Seniors Centre on Chldas Driva the thîrd Thumsday oft avary moslh tram 1:30 p.m. lot8 p.m Heip make Ihîs life-ssvîng progssmn possible. To sigo up today, contact Andrea Davies as 1-86&-537-7700 est. 6319. CLASSIFIED CHIRSTMAS DEADLINES Fr1. Dec. 201h at 11:00 for Tue. Dec. 24th Mon. Dec. 23 aS 11:00 for Fr1. Dec. 27th Happy Holidays ~f romaaba zbmw MOVINGI Packîng. Do- metic Inernatiornal site. Urgent jobs wvî- coma. 905-829-1282, 1- (866)666-1313. Sales Rep eattng equîpment. We îîivated tndtvtdual wtth ckground, fa present wide range of indus- tales responsibitities, glish) an asset. Travel )salary and commis- e provided. 0: P.O. Box 686, ON L6J 5C1 4-49-0001 The Canadian Champion's Christmas Bureau Fund foir The Salvation Army To date we have raised... $1 89288 Our goal is to reach $25,OOO0 The Canadian Champion office is stili accepting donations at 191 MAIN ST., MILTON 'Make this Christmas special for someone" Madison Truck Lines has an immediate opening (or a ReceptionisffiAdministration Clerk. You must be self-mot ivateri, hase excellent oral & wriîtes communication uklis, pleasant telephose masser. and prevîous experience witfu Mcrosoft Office & Sîmpiy Accoustîng. Some dutes isclude invoîcîso, A/R andi A/P Please tas resumne f0: Kirk Morgan at 905-693-1768 FYPS1 I requîred for Eatoffie IEsoffice Pe 120hours/week1 Pee FlexibleRecycle Fax resume to this 905-849-5815 Holiday Season! Lie, 1