The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 20, 2002-17 U S UUOU (NC)-uring this ime-of-year we are focused un cel- S naring nolav ebralîng unr relationohips wiUi friendo mnd famtily, and W findîng spectal gifîs and gesînres eau he chllenging. Wihteepoigpoplariiy of digital photography. joy w ith di i a ymc digital gifîs and creative crafto are now aI the fingertips of many Canadians. p notograpny "'This is the season for givîng and sharing, and digital 1 NEWYEuRSEV1 uSxi m camneras provide endless creative possibilities,' says Miriam Baltensperger, Digital Produci Manager, Fujifilm Canada. 'From sending images and video greetings tu far-away friends, creating personalized gifis for loved sues, to processing digital 8x10 prints for faming, digital photographers have the resources to create quick and affordable gis." Capture the holiday spirit with these digitally motivai- ed ideas. .Have you uncovered a box of family heirloomn photos in the attic? Arrange tu have the photos dig- itally restored hy a photo retailer and delight rela- tives with memnories from the past. Once the image to restored, t cmn be saved us a digital file and repninted ai ariy ime. . Surprise fniends wth a personalized calendar using digital photos of special occasions and mem- ories. Calendurs cati be created fromt your own com- puter on software sach as Adobe Pagemaker 7.0, or e-mail your images and special instructions 10 une of mmny photo retailers who will format and pro- dure customîzed calendars for a nominal charge. Imagine the recipienî's rnjoyment as they flip throngh the monîho seeing their own chenished memonies. rOy She'd like to donate $100 to the crippled Children, $100 10 the hlind children, and $100 to the handiCapped. Chef DomeniC & Jr. Chef Jordan Have served this community for 18 years. For the New Years dinner, we have prepared 5 course meals includ- ing 1 1/2 pound Royal Alaska King Crab Legs, with our zesty garlic cognac sauce. . Create an e-greeting with holiday wisbes from PS. We u'oult Tues day uecm 31ra,2002. Starting :uvpm il'iIl *unr home computer. Usîng a digital camera, cap- andj tIftng tre a holiday phoîograph and pair il witb a special Cocktail Hour tram 7:00 - 8:00 holiday eGreeting that can be e-mailed duriug the Forervto Cash Bar holidays.Fo ervti at 8:0<) there a digital camera un someones wîsh lîsi? 5500( BUFFET (Hot &~ CoUd) Read" t80 Witb several models mnd brandi available it can be Ml 1 BotUe of Red WIne and 1 Bottie of Whlte Wine per Table. difficalitu select the moot sitable model. WebsiesMi sncb as,, L v . .unUl12:00OAM www.phoîography.sympatî, or w cati assisi you in selecting a camera Midnight Buffet served with Champagne b providing reviews, articles and information on - &Party Favours digital cameras. onu"' Create and e-mail home vîdeos of holiday acîîv - - per person iteo to far-away relatives using a camera likeUi thitmFnei 80o 60.ta eod îe TIckt on sale now!' Getine while tJhey lastll Cali for Reservatbons clips as weîî as st images. *Sendîng ont Christmas Cards? Add a personal lunch 10 yonr holiday greetings by nsing a digital camera 10 capture a picture that cao be easily for- WIVCT INOI. co matied osto cirds. Back: Norma, Carolyn, - Suzanne, Michelle, Barb, body Franca. Middle: Lea. S 1e2ý,"Front: Jen, Christine, Heather, Tracey R EL A X A T ý O N WR PlMIFTO Experience the anciemt art of the River Rock massage. Warin stones combined witb relaxing massage help to create harmony & physical & spiritual balancing. UU LM..UWUIV~M a ld lIke f0 welcome our new neighbours hope f0 hearfrom fhem soon. ms, cai 876-0499 intario St., [ton, ON À1 Oî CHRISTMAS DOWNTOWN MILTONI There's no reason to travel out of town for holiday shopping when your very own area merchants have worked hard to create a Christmas Town that's just around the corner! Vule find something for everyone on your list, while enjoying the convenience, competitive prices and friendly service that make shopping locally your best bet for the holi- days. Yule even have time to relax and enioy a meal or refreshment in many of our fine restaurants and cafes. Some downtownstote# wiiI be * êninqt Ir hours, êobe smto pIkup o ylast minute gff! Discover the "Wonders of Christmas Downtown" Sponsored by: Tb M» lon Iownt Iwn A. r