iTown gets big bucks to make Park upgrades By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Upgrades to local parks and trails will soon be undertaken thanks to a $2-million investmnent announced yesterday through the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program. The investruent witt go toward improving seven parks and tour traits within the town, which inctude Rotary Park. Drurnquin Park, Metanie Park, Fay Park. David Thorupson Park as svett as new park devetopruent at Lions Sports Park and the Comrnunity Park. The investruent witt atso go toward impruvernents to Sam Sherratt Trait, Dorset Park Traits. Timbertea/Bronte Meadows Traits and the CN Rait Trait. Construction is expected to be complteed by 2X)4. The federat and provinciat govemments cach contrbuted $t mition tu upgrades bo the towns park and trait rstwork. Thc Towvn witt atso invest $4 mittion toward park and trait improvements.' t arn thritted to be a part of this .nnouncernent today because this project xillu imiprove the recreattun intrastruc- ture in Miton, and wsitt have a positive impact on the quatity of ttc of the region." said Haton MP Juttan Reed durmng tc cheque presentation vesterday at Town Hllt. The improvement sitt encourage tuurism and hcatth and fl- ness' activity. t extend hy congratulations to the Town of Milton ai the locat tevet. Their teadership had providcd a contintiou'. basis for mvn haand sustaining devetopment." Hatton MPP Ted Chudteigh said traits ptay an important rote to the ife in Miton. "Su much of the surrounding area is dotntnated by the Bruce Trait. ttfs a marvetous spine that runs down Ontario. Very few towns in Ontario have traits ike Mitton dues. Congratutations to Mitton and t'm pteased tu ho part of this part- nership. This witt provide recreationat opportunities for att age groups and contribute tu Mitons reputatiun as a great ptace tu ive.' Mayor Gord Krantz remembcred back severat years wtscn resi- dents voiced comments regarding a much-needed trait systeru in * the town. "Through that process we practiced what we preachect and inctuded it in our overatt ptanning for the devctopment of the govemments and the private sectur. The program's objective is to improve quatity of ife by investing in prjects that enhance the qualty of the envtronmcint. ÏF NHOUSE True qardenler hink about their garcden6 and gardeninq even when the temperature turne cold and the enow startes to fali. Purine the hoiday eeaeon they mety wieh for that perfect gardeninq gift. A new and trendy gaM~einq tool or acoeemory, or for the gardeninq connoieeeur a gift certificate from their favourite @arden centen Make the @ardener in pur I19e happy and help them nurture their lom of fai1eminq tho ot the yar. ListenTro GREENHOUSES Dufrinetoni Waterdiown Milt.on ocate on Hey. #5 W*teWe locate on te corer of 10c"te a 5ftarnia Ba 5toee and Ciep Lne Hwy#6 at 5th Coeceeion taus: andô Trafa4ar 905-:332-3222 905-689-1999 905-876-4000 Please give genero us/y to The Champion>s Christmas Bureau Fund -J H0hSedltmit The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 17, 2002 -9 Are you getting the inancial advice you need? *Professional Investment Management *RESP and Education Planning Douglas Riding BA, CFP * Retirement Certiried Ftnancial Planner Strategies Inz'estment Plaing oqCounsel"' *Cash and Credit Management Services " Tax Minimization " Life & Disability Insurance " Estate Planning " Mortgage Brokerage Services For a f ree and cumptete anatysis of your financial heatth, catt: (905) 876-2400 ~Jr) lJI) wi1II~iJ !v ~ýJJL There's mare in your cable Now avallablo at RMUIRE SHOP J)9RadioShack MD1.G Download speed based on file transter rate of 2Mbps for COGECO standard high speed Internet service vs. 1Mbps for DOL higtr speed edition by tetephone. Based on data publshed by the leadng DOL supplier Download speeds ontîne can ars wth Internet traOic, server or other factors. Bots Cogeco and DOL offer higher speed premîarn options ai a higher price. Offer ends January 31, 2003. Monthip rata for Cogeco Hgh Speed Internet seroice aBter trst three mooths is $dd.95. OSer tîmdted tIonew customers who have flot sabsooibed f0 Cogeco Internet services for the pasr 90 days. A one time charge for horme networkiog equpment map apptp. Not aoalabte in ail areas. Some restrictions apply. Protessionat tnstallation is $19.99, regatary $9999. Professionat Installation inclades caSte installation, onait client configuration and softare configuration. Contest closes Jaouary 31, 2003. No purchase retqired. For tali cotest raes isif www. cogecocom or cati t1-800-267-9000. Doîersai Studios Flornda: 9 Uniersat Studios, The Moie Network and the M logo are trademraks oi Astral Broadcasting Group toc. Order Cogeco High Speed Internet todayl j ý4rj mirwi,>ýtm uiaW,,cý Nk,ý