The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 17, 2002 --3 Rozanski report is praised x by local education oficiais OUSUm WVHICWW PONTIAC * BUICK 0 CADILLAC ONjIjCýB-C e ýAILIý -y.- By LISA TALLYN Special to The Champion Local school board offi- ciais have high praise for the Rozanski report on edu- cation and welcomne recent funding boosts by the Province for special educa- tion and teachers' salaries. "Dr. Rozanski got it right," said Halton Dittrict School Board (HDSB) Director of Education Dusty Papke. "I'm delighted with the report." Added HDSB Chair Ethel Gardiner, It validates what the school boards have been saying for years - that the funding formula does not work. We've been trying to operate the education system in 2002 whle being given 1997 dol- lars." University of Guelph president Mordechai Rozanski, chair of the Education Equality Task Force. released the 107-page task force report last Tuesday. It included 33 recommendations and called for the govemment to annually review its education cost benchmarks. Mr. Rozanski tld the govem- ment $1.1 -billion needed to be put back into education to bring school spending in line with inflation and increased salary rates. The task force also recommend- 111t vaidates what the school boards have been saying for years - that the funding formular does not work. We've been trying to operate the education system in 2002 while being given 1997 dollars." ed an additional $689 million investment ini items such as special education and building improve- ments. "The recommendation to infuse almost $2 billion into education during the next three years was particularly well received." said Mr. Papke. 'Stability in education funding, and comprehensive reviews of the cost benchmarks and the funding formnula as a whole are alto key recommendations in the report." Mr. Papke alto welcomed the $250-million funding announce- ment from the Province Wednesday for special education. "That is absolutely wonderful news," said Mr. Papke, who added the board currently spends $3.2 million more each year on special education than it receives in fund- ing. While it's flot known yet how much the board will receive, with- out that upecial education funding the board could postibly have been facing a year-end deficit. he said. I-laton Catholic District School Board Director of Education Lou Piovesan wau alto happy to sec the fundmng announcement. "We're very pleased becaute we believe there should be additional funding coming our way based on a review of our needs in that area," said Mr. Piovesan. H-e alto praited the recommen- dations in the tatk force report. It certainly confirms what we've been saying- there was noth- ing wrong with the funding formu- la, but the benchmark had to be addressed and brought up to date in order to better deliver education services to our students," said Mr. Piovesan. "Wc look forward to the govern- ment responding positively to those recommendations." Ms Gardiner said she will remain cautiously optimistic -until 1 sec how these dollars will be allocated to individual boards." She said it is a little more prom- e ee OFFICIALS on page 18 ariette, leather, pW, pjýitlt V6 4dr V6, pw, pji, tlui e, ar loaded, loaded, extended warranty St116ASt#1 33920A to 8/25/04 120km $27,,86 . 4.. 28St#281 368A '27 826 L . ,92 . $16,876. Optimum Used Vehîcles uold w! 3 munths. 5,000 km warrunty, 150 point inspection plus roadside assistance. 1lOL- One Owner Vehicle 200ii 2000 Pontiac 2000a ontiacxG Lear utm Grand Arin SE GandePix G.ppi J' 4dr. auto. air.,, .a., ui1',., P- pl -P01 cass. #P2OYOA . az45a8 COMffl $14,827. $16972. $14,8720 00Bk Sevile STS Century Custom 4d, V , i-,ill tlt 4dr V6,ppu l itt hýt»l pseatscd ioaded st.p2l28 P2145A $2 ,92 . $16,922. LeSabre Ltd. Cotnta 4rauto, v6, Pw, pi. c"t,1twýi tilt, n.oonroof. eather ioaded #P2097 GrandPrixGT 1Century Ltd. VI1 4dr. auto. air. .6.a $1,82 e $14j982. 20 drn4rlaerLT 2000 GMC Safari tdra4 6,auto, air V6, auto, pw Pltt 8 pa:senger #PZiS59 ioaded #P2lS3A Ià $23..9860 $17,826. Applies tu utS ces 1997 and ueWer and mnimum ameuant t nanced $12,500 Pays date o u trsact. Balance t ranced anler1 oear atreaular branchratt.