Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Dec 2002, p. 25

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sÈw imm&sÉi Be sure to follow these food safety tips throughout the holiday season Its that time of year again when we cel- ebrate the holidays with lots of food, fami- ly and friends. People are rushing and deaiing with larg- er volumes of food than usual. The follow- ing tips, adapted from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Web site, can help decrease the risk of food-bome illness (food poisoning) during the holiday sea- son. While preparing your meals, remember to use a thermomneter to ensure the rigbt cooking temperature is achieved. Preparing and serving holiday buffets: - Remember the isso-bour mile when entertaining with a large meal or buffet. Dont let perishable foods sut for any longer than two hours in the danger zone between 4'C (40'F) and 60'C (140'F). - Prepare foods quickly. Cook themn thor- oughly and serve them immediately. Keep hot foods hot with warmning trays or chaf- ing dishes that can hold the food tempera- ture above 60'C (140'F). Keep cold food cold by placing serving dishes in crushed ice to maintain the temperature at less than 4-C (40-F). - Store replacement dishes in the oven or refnigerator prior to serving. - t's unsafe to add fresb food to a serv- No tesg ing dish that has been sitting ai room terri perature for more than two hours. - Remove ail foods from the buffet after two hours and discard the leftovers. Travelling with food: *Remember to keep bot food bot and cold food cold. Wrap bot food in an insu- lated container to maintain the temperature above 60'C (140TF). - Store cold foods in a cooler witt ice or freezer packs to keep the temperature below 4'C (40'F). Eggnog and other recipes with eggs: - Use pasteurized egg products, found in most grocery stores to make eggnog, or purchase ready-made eggnog. Always keep eggnog refrigerated. - Precautions should be taken with hol- landaise sauce, mousse or any other recipes calling for raw. or lightly-cooked eggs. Use pasteurized egg product or ensure that egg mixtures reacb a tempera- turc of 71 C ( 160'F). Apple ider: - Only serve eiders labeled as pasteur- ized, or bring un-pasteurized cider to a ful rolling boil and cool before serving to ensure its safe. This is especially impor- tant for children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Leftovers: *Refrigerator temperature should always be maintained below 4'C (40'F). - Refrigerate leftovers promptly in shal- low containers so tbey cool quickly. Avoid overstocking the refrigerator Ioi allow cool air to circulate freely. - Remove turkey from the bone and store separately from stuffing and gravy. - Reheat leftovers to at least 74'C (165'F). Bring gravy to a full rolling houl and stir during the process. - Use leftover turkey and other cooked dishes within two or îhree days. Use stuf- ing and gravy within two days. For more information about safe food handling practices, caîl the Halton Region Health Department ai (905) 825-6060, ext. 7501, or visit the Region's Web site at www.region.halton.on.caffhealth. Hea/t/i Notes is prepared bv staff oJte Ha/ton Region Healt/î Departoient. w Fo RIR The Canadtan Champton, Tuesday, December 17, 2002 -25 nb.10 k flttesnwith aou. The Onlarlo Iroust Sreoning Progrom protides iildeeo breasi exoaminatian and a mammogrm aitn cottlo mon wloo ori 50 oars of ugeor o er. tho contre norstI YOUt oi d:3'~ 100-668-9304 ( à s'a 119w snoua a ire Thie chiroîpractie spinal adjusiment 10 rernove presr ny scrves and rchalancc yîîur boîdy structure can bc eypoelu r proccdurc Ai the nmoment ibai a cbîropratrcrncsyu tics re affccted. Tbe ffow 0f'nerve tmpule oe he pia cord and spinal serves is nîrnalizcd and yurbdybgn to ri.ncw and rcbuîld iscf. Peace and Relaxation Afier an adjusnient you may experiencc a feeling o'if dccpening peace and rlaxation. This rlaxed feeling may 1 ast f*or tbe resi <if ibe day or the wcek and may lead iii deep, rclresbing slcep. Others bave ai tintes teli a warm feceling lowing to variîîus parts of ibeir body ibats very sootbîng. Some c'cl vcry esergetie and do l ibeir cbîîres or business thai day wib a ligbt. bappy f'eeling. Relief of Symptoms Otbcrs may find ibai ibeir sympîoms bave begun to disappear. thai tbe problems ihat ibey came to the cbîropractor bave beguit * to lessen afier tbe lfirsi visit. And, there are sorte people wfîo f ccl no dîfference afier an adjusimetît. That ducs flot necessari- y mean ibat îbey are flot benefiiiing f ruîm beir adjusîmenis. if josi means that ifyre flot feeling any externai reaction. Adjustment Reactions Other people, usuaily a small nunortty, may ccel discomf'ort. muscle soreness or even sonie pain and tbcy may experi- ence a headache or some otbcr uncomfortable feeling. What Causes Adjustment Reactions? i. You may be experiencing a detoxitication or cleans- tng of your body afier the adjusiment. Wben poisons feave the system. there may be dscomifort sncb as beadacbe, - - - - - _______OFMILTON OeI affer an adIustmenF? snf11es a s1gb levertrongI flngsof drv. s iesergy r inilarandorresticions. reacton%. Inceascd bîlîty 10 breaibe 2. The muscles are reaiigning the spine ater the adjusinieni. 0f teni ifiese are mtuscles ibat baventt sorked propcrly f'or years and nîay bcein a \eakened state. Nîîw that the muscles are working again tbcy nia> become sore. Tbis condition is îempîîrary and will soon disappear afier tbe muscles bave srcngîbcncd ibeinselves. 3. Someti mes nerves that were impinged or compressed for years are flow 11coming back on life" îor bcalîng and arc becomîng sensitive agaîn. t)ld infuries ifiai basen't bealed complecly nîay bc reawakcîîed in order fl'or imore coiîpletc bealing iii begîn. Most fascinating. mnîîîrîes ,nd feelings assoic ,îed wiiibthe original n jury may also corne ii tbe surface. This pbenîînienon is knîîwn in chiroîpractic as "rtracîog aîd tua> be a iecessary and desîrable part of yoîîr be.îing. 4. Ners es that begin on send nerve impulses of'ife energy' may send a hurst tof healing energy îbroogb ibe body agaîn and ibis inay gîve yon ans esperience 0f' beîng cupfioric oir 'igb'. Tbis may alsîîîîccur as you esperience a suddcîî release from long-sanding stress fixatiotnsin your boîdy, 5. Some people are ine such gond generaO healtht iaiîbey ina> f ccl no ififferent, wile others may féee no dîfferent for tbe opposite reason - îbcy are so il ibat tbey bave losi connections wîth tbcir body. Foriunaiely. even ibose experîenciog sncb f rst-tîme reactions to the adjusimeni faier enjoy the feeling of wclf being that usually accompa- nies an adjusîment aller a sbort pertod of tîme. As You Continue Your Care As you continue your cbiropractiec cace and your spîne and servons sys- terr continue 10 release deep-seated stresses, you may begin to notice: *Better balance. smootber movemesi, and as a resuf t, more energy. I ncreased awareness of yonr spîse, uts movements, areas of tigbtness niore deepi y. more awarcness of your breatbtng. - Awarcness of' your body stress. *More emottonal relaxation. *You may spontaneously change your eating habits, feef an tncreased destre to exercise. go for walks or become more sensitive to your work or le isure. The Most Importcant Benefits However. wîth ail the interesi in what is consciously percetved. please remember thai the true benefits of the adjustment are usuali y found below the level of cossciousness. Itils whes the nerve communication to the heart. lungs. joints. sexual organs, sktn. eyes, cars and the brais itself are improved that the true benefits of chiropractic are experienced. The truc bcncftts of chiropracierare are the prcventattve benefits: bet- tcr ntgbts steep. more csergy and better serve systeru fuoction. A heatthy spine can tmprove your life - sec your chiropractor for peri- odic check-nps. Apblic awareness programn ayyur local chiropractic association MilonChrorati Mltn amiy ru Hal. arowFa* yCae eain Cnte cPai Cetr C irprctcCetr C irprcic Chrorati hipjrato 9 a i St. E. Ciropri c Centre.. Dr Dvd . hllp D. ethrJoes#05D . . R Barow D.- s'iaKet 0586188 D . ra ch a0587-.56*0587-500 r.Ann- af90-878-1279058785165905876000 905-876-0048 NO SALT WATrER CONDITIONERS NEVER BUY SAIT AGAIN CALL 905-693-9313 WWW.NO-SALT.COM 2 ILKWishing You A Healthy And eles Relaxing Holiday Season Are you Iost for ideas for the person on your list that has everything?v Give the gift of health from... Massage Gif Crtilicaies cake ALICE LoGAN & the perloci gift or JANINE MYERS sî"!ocking efftue Registered Massage Therapists (905) 693-3546 18 Martin Street, Milton --e le -- ---, --- -A Mal.maiLMAUM dmiLlgublumuAi

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