22Tk .qn î; n hmnion- Tues flv. Decehar 17. 2002 m 1 W-ec -SoFAS= FO R L ESS!I n ErnordingQaly dSylet , of the Finest Custom Fabsos Mm Imagine. Cesuine La-Z-Boy at pnices that will Delght you V89-1 M Burlington Power Centre e QEW & Brant St. e 905-331-7600 ý) J - j BIRTHDAY 100 RWa~l FOR Sale: Ail brick de- taci-sd 3 bedraam bus-j gai 'v Air condtioned. Dovwntown Miltos. $215000 or rani $1150±atilties. mme- diatety. Carmeta 905- 876-1653. IMMACULATE 5 ted- - roam bungalow. 555511- flly renavated. decarat- ed, Tastefully land- scaped, quiet neigh- bavihood. Inquires 905- 878-9259. LOVELY ima stary. 3 bedroom, 2-bathraom home on quiet crescent in fluante Meadowa, Mi- ion, new custom bath- roam. oak kitchen wiih ceramica.finished base- ment, gardes doar ta large deck, A/C, hard- waod i bars, 4-car park- ng. 215900.00. No Agents 905-876-0603. OFFICE and Yard space for ren. Fts 6 trucks and tralers. Cal _à' 905-878-0900 SMALL prisais offices, beautifully sppointed. Hwy 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. CAFE, 055ts 3,li- censed in Milton. Building and street enfrance. $49,000. Muai ssiI. 905-279-5732 2 BDRM apt. available Jas 1/03 on adut floor, $925 a monih ail inclu- ive. For appoiniment cali 905-878-5345 ACTON Aparlments For 01 lest: 1 bedroom avait- ta able December lai cc Open 7 days!week. ec Same Day Approvat. Nao Itogs. 519-853-4374 BACHELOR APART-F MENT. Avaîlabte Jas 1 st/03. $700.00/masth 2 ncludîsg atitîties. Na B Pets. Caîl 905-693-8645 sr BASEMENT apartmnenl wiih kitchenette. Avait- able Jas. lst. $550/ma EB Cati 905-878-8223 i( GLEN EDEN p COURT i APARTIMENTS 3 122 Branle Street, h Souffh, Milton ft We are nw accepting I applicationnsfovi i bedroam aparti menis. For more information andior ta make an appointienti Picase cali 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny GUELPH Lins/Brook- aille. Spaciaus 2 bed- room aparlment. 4 ap- pliances. parking, gar- des. $790.00/mosth + utilitres. No Pets. Avail- able Jas. lat. 416-787- 11 25 or 416-781-9410 LARGE Ose bedroom basemnent apartmest suitable for one person. Fridge & stove. Avait- able Jas 1/03. 675 + utilities. Cali between 5- 9pm. 905-875-3418 [1LD WEW 82 MILLSIDE DRIVE1 1&2aedroomnAlts ICose ta oawntows I Bas atopl at (905) 876-1249 rMILTON 2 bedroom. i-Clean quiet building. itRedecorated. For reni. Cati Mary 905-299-0625 170 - 'NE tedroam self con - îîined aparîmentin5 -untry. Utîlîties inctud- ad $750tmo, 519-853- 170. 185 For Rs« 2 bedroom hanse, IronIe St. ares. $1200! month. Firat & Lant. Ref- eresces required. 905- 878-5153 BUNGAL-OW 2 bed- oom main iloar suite. Newly renoaaed. 6 ap- iliancea. A/C. Quiet reîghbourhoad. Yard, parking. $1 200/moslh uîlitiîs extra. 905-876- 3333. MIILTON 4 bedraom farm hanse. $1600/month utîltlies sn- ctuded. Available Feb. 1 st/03. Cali 905-624- 8612 MILTON brand new Greenpark 4 bedroam, 2 1/2 washroom. fariily room. backyard, Al broadtaomed. Availabte lmmediatety. $1650/ma. 416-898-1021 LARGE room n quiet hous. $550, Share hy- dro, f ree cable and park- ing. Shars kîfctsn etc. Now/Jan sf. 905-616- 4558. ROOM for rent sn large home. Downtown Mi- ton. Only $600/mo. PIsas cali 905-878- 7824 245 2q8 TALL Paul- Happy Brthday Hon - Love MoassaPS. Meiry Kîns- mas @New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? 'Ha ving a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Wetcome Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elîze 905-6g3-0313 Baby & Bidai Tracy 905-876-4330ý Gmoce 905-319-1110 246 - FIANDER, Ken and Debbie are peased no annunce the nîSthofa their sas Chad Abert William weightiaq h ha 11 oz ai Mltas District HospitalionsSepiembeî d2nd, 2002 at i2 30 arn Newlitie brtrtior Aysa aad Wae. Pnangrandiparesis fBns and Gnria Waasoni Markdaie and Oaîsy Fiasuler ni Nava Scatia Ttanks Io Dr Glas Hunier andte OBstafaf cha era greati n de- iîeiig theeaty McLardy- Bruce & Margaret f nee Nimmo) and Bg sister Taylor are ihriied n assaounce te arrivai ni Tho- mas William weîghtiag 85 ta 3 ans a ilMtonn Disiîct Haspital an Nasember 27t, 2002 ai '4 47 pm Pai grandaonsfor Rase McLardy and Tam & Moira Nîmma ail ai Etabîcoke. Speciai thankain ODr Gien Haniter, Nose Nancy & the fatastîs nrsesain O.B. Mammy wanis to especîaiiytank addy & Taylor for theu escel- lent coaching & ter firend Lnda tar Car supportd dnng ter latour CLASSIFIED CHIRSTMAS DEADLINES Fr1. Dec. 20f h at 11:00 for Tue. Dec. 24th Mon. Dec. 23 at 11:00 for Fr,. Dec. 27th z- neuaayn npton esay Le emui11 - Clâssoitle Milton, ON 905-878-8481 DAYCARE asîlabte. NANNY WANTED. Ma- Lais of tus, iearnîng. ture Naniny manteS in and mavi59 daycare. Ex- aur home Tuesday- cellent referesces. Pa- Thursday 10.00 am- lice/C.A.S. checks. Is- 200 pm. Reliable rans- specied by Health/Fire partation required, non- Deparimenss Receipia smaksr preferred. praaided. Childa Driae. Hours are flexible. no Laurie 905-875-2262 houseclsanîng required. DAYCRE Laîng ~~Pisas fax experience DAYCAE Loingsafe and references. Brook- envrosmenl wiih nuiri- ille ares (401/Guelph flous meals, ouidoor ie9085-86 play, walks, crafis and Lis 90-5486 receipis. 905-876-0620. RAINBOW Village Day- cars bhas spaces for X-À, childrsn 18 montha f0 5 Cblauw odyssrs (905)878-7552. Fu Vîsif us ai www.rinbow- *I:Iivllgsdsycare.com f9',-30 Recycle this Holiday Season! coateBazart 1 -4m1.-~ i A -,-S..-ý-ý- James Henry Preston In loving memnory of Jamnes Henry Preston, who passed away Dec 19, 2001. Loving father of Barbara and her husband Kevin Powell of Milton, Debby Renaud of Burlington, Sandy and her husband Greg Munday of Wingham., and Jim and his wife Christine of Georgetown. Also rnissed by grandchildren Jason, Ananda, Louis, Ben, Stephanie, Gregory, Derek, Michael and Matthew. EVERYTHING MUST GO FOR OUR VEAR END 2 DAYS ONLYM! FR1., DEC. 20 - 10 arn. - 6 p.m. SAT., DEC. 21 - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Additional 20% off sale Prices il 998 winstofl Churchili Blvd. Georgetown, 1 112 miles N. of Mayfield Rd.IRiver Dr., Georgetown New ready to finish handcrafled furniture and novelties: TV armoire, hutches & buf- fets, harvest table, caffee & end tables, dressera, armoires, wardrobes, night tables, corner cabinets, deacon benches, bookcasea, desks, TVNVCR stands, plant atands, sots tables, hall mîrror throne, china cabinets, jelly cabinets, pantry, curîo cabinet, jam cupboard, magazine racks, magazine tables, blanket boxes, quîlt rack, pie hutch, dry sînk, washstand, mirrors, dressing vanity, and much more! Bring a TRUCK and take it with yeu! Orders welcome. 9th annual Seconds Sale Decorative Ceramîic Swtchpiates, Clocks and Mosaisî Save up ta 601% off regular retail Fri. Dec 20, 4-9 Pm Sat. Dec 21, 10-4 Pm Ail Fired Up! Ltd. 180 Niissincn Road JIm Strain 190 Ontario St., Mlton 878-522 monuments Markers a Bronze Markerst Cemetery Lettering CREAI i AM l' 257 Deathe r APLIN, William Donald - Suddenly on Thursay December l2th, 2002 as the result of a motor vehicte accident. Don Aplîn, in his 46th year. beloved husband of Diane Aplin (ose Minetf) and lovîng father of Kym and Warren. Loved son of William and Janet Aplin of Barrie and son in law of Ruas and Ev Minett of Mis- siasauga. Dear, brother of Etaine and her husband Jim Jamieson of Toronto and brother in law cof Cheryl Smala of Mîssîssauga, Wayne and Marna Rose Minett of Toronto and Rick Minefi oit Re- gins, Saskatchewan. Uncle f0 Shannon and Shane Jamieson, Colin and Daniel Swala, Justin and Lauren Mînett and Jessica, Jacqueline and Calvin Mineti. Nephem 0f Bill and Eieanor Rsynor of Barrie and cousin of John and David Raynor. Don wll be sadly missed by hîs dog 'Trio', the cats 'Friendly', Viper'and 'Lilleigh' and 'Snowflake' the rabbîit Frienda mili be receîved at the J.S. Jones & Son Funeral Home, 11582 Tra- falgar Road, north of Maple Avenue, Georgetown, 905-877-3631 on Wed- nesday from 2-4 & 7-9 pmi. Funeral and committai service wîll be held in the chapel on Thursday December 1 9th at 1:00 pm, Cremation ta foilow DANCE: Edith P,-a, eiul1y vurroî-r.,JdCry her iamily ni Aliendai on tAr -îaa ,.e'ivmnv ,16 2rY 2 Edit Dance tn ver 901h B i, ) 1c, f tediejol n Dance. Lnving mth- a,,~-'" -- h vc"adNorm andJack- ' rauYCenshed grand- - ,sn Michael aiDe- S 'r: Carry ,'esaay.Decemn- -- iP e, a[ service vs' e z ,ieshay De- - - 5 , r e' - aieai 8.iringn -q acer- Ce-iete-v Oveipfl Line As expies- ais jýý,daionsv mvne mralle iv Aiîendale s Mili Dîisci Hospital Foundaia 257 Deatm f-AOLOW: Howard Sari Peaceiatiy. aut Aiendae ons Saiurday December 14, 20012.Howard -adiox in hîs 85515 ear. Seoved han- band of 54 years olte lte Gerry Hadiow Lnsing lainer of Ken and his wîle Marionani Miton. Chenisheci grand- latter ni Barry vifSaiiigton. Predeceased hy his dear granddanghter Oayie, Aso latter oi Robert and tîs farn/y ni Taronto and David and hîs wte Cathy ai Mis- oi ToionIo, and Davids sanas Stenen ni Misissauga and Rîck and hîs wie Lisasof C065155. Connecticut. G reai-granhiiather ni Ricks sans Michrell Cremalona has taken place, A Memarîil rassîde Service ii Sbe held Iai a lter date.