12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 17, 2002 F KI 4er C Iaioff -Mctlzck 1Zge L Businesses prepared for Iast-minute rush D By FANNIE SUNSHINE Frank Cicero, manager of Radic Bats nd ey nd ?-The Champion said he's expecting this week to bc "n Sundays, have been very busy." continued. beL i~L M LeThe big sellers for the Christmas holiday "Last year people were juat e have been winter jackets, t-shirts, hats and buy digital cameras. We knew thc "We haven't sold many bikes and skis. Casual and athletic clothing makes up about 60 per cent of our business." Mark Brancier, owner of Brancier Jeweller-Gemologist lnc., said the seven days before Christmas tend to be the busiest. "Diamond and gold earrings are strong (sellers). New this year was the Italian charm bracelet, which we sold out of. The charms were very personal because you could create your own." He said contrary to popular belief, sales of engagement rings aren't up more during Christmas than any other time of year. "We seIl a lot in December, but we also selI a lot in September and October. A lot of people think Christmas time is a popular time to get engaged, but girls today want their own special date to remember as that." Mr. Brancier said he believes sales pick ,,up overaîl when the wcathcr reflects the norm for the time of year. "The weather is a great influence. Snow makes people start to think of Christmas £rom Decernber Lbj porcha,-sinq oa$1 Bec Products are in-store or 2 days delivery. IVisit Our Showroom W 2Ooff Agil bathroom 'L accessories 18 Thompsofl Road, Milton <Corner of MainlThompsofl) 3905-878-6666 www.platinumhomeimlprovemenlts.com Open Monday to Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-5 o Shack, be the big . There's ppers. this year 3players, [toys, he starting to hey would from the year before." Electronie equipment has been the big seller so far this holiday season at Zellers. 'Ibis time of year generally home enter- tainment electronics is popular and to a lesser extent home hardware appliances. Clothing is okay but sales aren't as brisk," said manager Matthew Dell. PlayStation, XBOX, video games, DVD's, VHS movies, stereos and televi- sions have been flying off the shelves for the past few weeks, he continued. "About two weeks ago was our first big surge. lt was busier that usual on Saturday's and we expect (this) week to be busy with last minute shoppers finishing off their lists." Mr. Dell said customers have also opted to purchase gifs cards, which can be used at any Zellers, Home Outfitters or Bay stores. "Some people aren't exactly sure what they want to buy someone 50 they pur- chase the gift card instead. Its been selling better this year than in years past." Suzy Shier manager Shelley Niklas said sweaters have been a big seller as of late, as well as gift certificates. vy dý 9t719 ff 1,: G. u m m s M I G î3 G-' (il