Counc1T!ors decide to keep tax-free portion of stipend. not salary hike By RICHARD~ VIVIAN The Champion Regional counicillors wili maintain a tax- free portion of theii stipenki eliminating a possible $150,000' increase 10 council s salar\'. Heated debate over thi issue resulted in a Il -! 0 vote Wednesday, \vhloch favoured keepmng the stipend as is. Council also sup- ported conducting a ctiens' review of current remnuneration levels and council responsibilities, which could result in a future salarsý hike. Under the Municipal Ac". municipalities have been given until the end of the year to decide if they wish 10 maintain the îax-free portion or increase their salaries 10 balance the additional taxes paid. "Thse provincial and federal govemmnents may put this money (additional incomne taxes) toward health care and education, but they could alto use il 10 help repair golf courses in Shawinigan, pay for advertising and trade shows in Quebec that neyer occur or they could use it 10 off-set the $1 billion gun registry," said Councillor Rick Malboeuf. I believe this $150.000 would be better spent and utilized here in Halton." Had counicil voted 10 eliminate the tax- free portion, councillors' pay would have increased from $2 1,70010o $28,000 starting in January. Likewise, the regional chair's salary would have jumped fromt $82.500 to $ 106,400. Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale suggested eliminating the lax-free portion would accomplish hal1e more than help politicians pad their pensions. "This isn't a crusade, in my mind. for equality. It gives extra pay 10 advance the pensions of elected people," shte said. Tax-free portions of income arent appli- cable toward pension contributions, there- fore reducing level of pension received. Burlington Councilor Jack Dennison didn't back down from the accusations the issue was mostly related 10 increased pen- sions, suggesling it was a case in favour of eliminating the tax-free portion. 'mr doing this (supporting elimination> in faimets 10 people who have chosen this field (municipal polies) as their voca- tion," he told the committee. "This is an area (pensions) that is not fair. Other areas offer a good pension.- Other counicillors argued the tax-free portion skews tho reality of remuneratton. Eliminating the tax-free portion - as other levels of govemrment have - would allow for more clarity of expenses, îhey argued. -1 think we should pay our fair share of income tax and be up front about expens- es," Burington Councillor Mike Wallace said, referring 10 recorded expense dlaims. "Why should we be îreaîed differently than any other regional employee'?" In Halton, the City of Burlington is the only municipality 10 decide 10 eliminate the tax-free portion. Provincial guidelines require the issue be revisited at leasi once in evcry term. The Canadoan Champion, Frday December 13, 2002--5 Town of Milton's budget discussions to staff this Monday from REGIONAL on'page 1 ing a review of alternative waste collection streamns ini other municipalities, suggested commnitree mnemrbers. Commiissioner of business services, Jane MacCaskill told counicil she was comfortable with the changes suggested by the review comsnittee - which were mostlY adopted by council. The major drivers behind the budget increase are a $6.1 Mil- lion increase in debt charges for capital projeets, $5 million more for police services, decreased funding and increased costs for the Ontario Disability Support Programn (ODSP) and a $661 ,000 increase in Conservation Halton funding. I1 think we have a gond, responsible budget, but we're going to have to look closely ai the future," Burlington Counicillor Jack Dennison said, refemrng to projected increas- et ini capital and operating costs over the next several years. Milton counicil bas yet to set ils portion of the 2003 proper- ty tax bls. Town budget discussions are slated to begin Monday. The Province alto bas to set the education levy for proper- ty taxes at this tirne. NEVE BEEN ABETTE:TIMETO B A CR xLs<r~ __ ____ _(10 mum of $1000.I (ou Could m VEHICLE j'~dUk J½fl~ I on virtually ail 2002 Modols up to 60 months or virtually ail 2003 Modols up to 48 months ~~fVb J4}idJ1d ~'.109001 59000 1 2,500 2,9 0 1,9500OO0 RVEHICLE OFF YOUR PUR(HASI OFF N'OL R Pt Rt HASI' OFF YOI R PI RI HSE 0,1 O! U LR PtRCA' )F151 Iii (IlR Pt R<HSE (> OFF YOR Pt Rt IAI ,.,DOWNPYMENToAc) )NT ERESTFOR 90 AS PAYMENTS (FOR 90 DAYS> ON VIRTUALLY AIL 2002 MODELS. Ailmodlsquaif fo frthr svigs it yor M Cr'Serving Milton For Over 3 Generations The sensible îay o buîy a car or truck CHEmVRGLET-mOLDSMODILE HVY 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON *on select models - sue dealer tor details Win Minii or Y YOUR YOURI -i -.ý Il à IL à à ý, 1 1 , 1 rýbml 1 leà.lpr -., -/- L ff Mr