28--The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 13, 2002 ,Haydar back among the AHL's top five scorers BSTEVELeBLANC 1-he Champion For Darren (Mina) Haydar, NHL competîtion this early in bis professional career was more of a bonus than an expectation. So Mfilton's electrifying siper wasn't the least bit disappointed about a quick retum o the American Hockey League's Milwaukee Admirais following a November 17 stint witb the Nashville Predators. "I saw iD (one-garne promotion) as a reward, and that if I keep playing the way I bave I migbt get rewarded again," said the 23-year-old winger, whn"u now back on track after missing three gaines for a concussion sustained from a thunderous NHL debut check by Chicago Blackhawks defenceman Steve Poapst. ID was neyer like, 'Oh I've got o go back o the AHL'." Sitisu' re oi n inv, tIhe \crniraols aîoong the AHL's top ftve scorers witb nine points in seven games,~ wbich bas lifted bis season total o29 Unfortunately, Milwaukee's overal success is coming witb much les. consistency these days. The tearn did manage o snap a tbree-game losmng sktd by nippmng division-leading Houston 2-1 Sunday nigbt, but bas won just two of its Iast 10 gaines. This is certaly unfamiliar ground Darren IH for Haydar, wbo between the Milton Merchants and New Hampsbire Wildcats bas experienced very few unproductive ruas in the past several years. IYeoeh, its tough when you're flot iu U, f Baker inalisi, whosc bhggest point Sinice bis retum o Milwaukee was a game-winning assiot Do beat TCleveland 5-4 November 30. "We're jusD ryng o get back o the basics - working bard and limiting turn- arounds, tbmngs like that." Wbîle some may have questioned bis ability o face the physical chal- lenges of the AHL, Haydar said bis only doubto ceatered around adaptiag Haydar o the league's chedule. The AHL pîsys rougbly Dwice as many regular-season games as the NCAA - so the local star, understandably so, wondered if he'd have enougb ta the proverbial gas tank for toepricualycicsrth. groundless. -1 seem to be doing okay in those third and fourth gaines of the week," he said. A legitimate contender for AI-L al-star play in February, Haydar will compete in lis own coun- try for the tiret ime ta four-aad-a-balf years wben bis Admirais visit Hamilton's Copps Coliseum for a weekend stint againet the Bulîdogs January 10 and 11. The weekend stint could give Haydar the opportunity to face former New Hampshire teanmate Ty Conklin - wbo's currently arnong the top goalies in the league. Before that, they'll look to gain ground on Houston, and continued that bid Iast nigbt at home against Worchester. Tykes show vast improvement at Brampton tournament Miton's tykes delivered a rags to riches tumaround at last week- end's Brampton Toumrnnent. The Arthur Electric/Fifth Wheel Winterhawks may not have secured another championship hardware- although the improve- ment they showcased after an ego-bruising firest round loss was nothing short of golden. Last Friday's 12-1 pastiag at the hands of Clarington could have easily sent the local ykes int unrecoverable îailspin. but they quickly recovered the next day - first with a respectable 6-4 defeat Do V*Wtby and then a convincing 6-I victory of the tourna- ment hosts. Bryce Abraham, Miltons top gunner fueled the round three tri- umph by denting the twine five times. Chipping in a first-period single was Gareth Browne, while splitting the cage work ta top- noch fashion were tandem partners Tristan Kivac and Jason DaSilva. Against VWtby, Browne tallied twice while adding a goal each were Abraham and Jack Goncz. Compound Strip Bond 5.65 % Province of Ontario -RRSP Eligible Govemnment Guaranteed Cali Diana Bristow Vice-Pr esde'nt & Senioer Inve.sInre'et Ado, nu, 905-854-4540 or 1-800-662-5571 raites asoniNov. 1 200)2. su hjW ni ocange andl .ilohim. iiiiiiin i i iiiiiiii 'AmWBMO0 Nesbitt Burnas- If, Aincineiut MO iiil iupi Dec, 13 630 pm. Timbts Red s Tîmbits tlack Dec. 14 900 a.m. Timbits Green Timbits Orange Dec. 14 700 m. Berkshire SecuntoDoug Eleyvs Ctudlsgh's Dec. 15 200 p rn. oodlte Ftnss Green s Goodlte Fitness Red 3.00 p.m. Goodife Fîteso tise Goodlis Fitess Green vs (rase) Chnice McCuaig Irsurance trsvestnr's Droup Miltor Firefighters Club Rep Hockey Round one's only bright spot came when Abraham spoiled Clarington's shutout bid in the final fraine. He drew player-of-the- game honours for Milton in this Iopsided contest, while doing likewise against Whitby and Brampton respectively were Evan Rudd and Ryan Stark. Monday's 8- 1 humbling to Hespeler dropped the tykes' regular season record to 7-6-2. They'l1 look to get back in the win column tomorrow atemoon in Oakville. Streak snapped Milton's A major peewees had their five-game unheaten streak corne to an abrupt end at Memorial Arena Saturday. Despite home-iee advantagc and a fair amnount of momeatuin ontheir side. the Liebert Canada Witerhawks were spanked by Georgetown 5-t). A general lack of intensity and finish were Io blosme for the loss -arguably the mosi humbling this season for the local lads. Three nights later in Arthur, Milton got back on track by trim- ming its hosts 3-2. Parker Mott\ 27-save performance - includ- ing 16 in the middle stanza -higblighted the aarross victory. Duffer Black provided the heroics with about five minutes rcmaîaing -redirecting a Kyle Johnson centeriag pass by the hoînetown cager. Matt Jessup scored goal number two in pîcturesque fashion beating two defenders belore undressing the opposing goalie - wbile also lighting the lamp was Daniel L-ewandowski. Arthur evened the counit twice before being s anquished at crunch time. Dec. 15 400 pm. triar's Auto Repair s Inustrial Lih & Elctrc 515 p.rn Caradiar Tire MilIweId Enterprises 630 p.m. ocs ard Dents Presse Las Office 7.45 p.m.orne cnema Video Dream Car Garage Dec 13 730 pm. tiar's Auto Repaîr s us Mowbray Ltd. :45 p. m. CudleigD's Scooters Snack Shack Dec. 15 90007 m. Nu-Tech Recruiers Absoute Transpoationn Dec. 16 735 p.ir Total Team Image vs Johnson Controls 0:537p.m. Miltot Chrynter DodO) Key Centre toit pm Hgh Fise Photography KwîA Kopy 1MomodolArena rEM Dec 14 7000(1m Searo s Brion's Auto Repaîr 0:200(1m Nadalîn tlectrîc Sboppern Drog Mart 940 a.m. Towne Dental Group Austen and Noble 14 400 p.m. Galinger Ford 5007(1 i.N-Techt Recruiters 6007(1 .Ese Optîcal 700 p.m trions Auto Repars -. E. ILTON(905) 875-FORD 165,5 MAIN Si. play, including a bome-ice bardle with Ancaster Tuesday at 8 p.m. Starting to rol Multons AA minor bantains continue o distance tbemselves from a rather lacklustre fîrot baîf - and beading into this week bad now won four of their lant six gaines. 'Me Milton Machine Sbop Wtaterbawks' most recent victory was last Frtday's 2-0 wbttewasb of Georgetown. This shutout win -number Dwo on the year - boosted the team's regular season record Do 8-10-3. Duke Reid was flawless betweea the pipes, wbile Jef Thomson was the game-winning marksmen -wtth assists going 10 Michael Brown and Michael Vipond. Ryan Lecky added a little insurance with a unassisted, short- banded tally. Resulîs trom Wednesdays game against Ancaster were not available at preslime. The minor bantanis resumne league play ta Stoney Creek Tuesday and are back at home o face Caledon Wednesday at 7 p.m. Hot streak continues Milton's A major atoms coatiaued their bot streak witb a con- vincing wia and bard-fougbt tie ta their last lwo outinge. The Gorrud's Auto Winterbawks - wbo've l juet twice ta tbeir past 15 games- battled Do a 1-1 stalemate witb Flamborough Tuesday. tbanks Io a goal by Andrew Boivin. Assising on the pluay was Jordan Dias. Two days earlier ta Acton. Milton toppled the Tanners 5-2. Brendan Ervîn und Braedea LawDber each tallied lwice, wtth the otber goal comiag froru Breadan Farrell. Drawing belpers were Boivia, Dias, Jacob Love, Jef Etater and Mackenzie Zuet. The 11 -8-2 Winterbawks are back ta action omorrow aflemoon at Memorial Arena against Acton. Game ime te 3:30 p.m. Please e-mail your teamn reports as well as your sports story ideas ta sleblanc@&haltonsearch.com or fax them to (905) 878-4943. 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