The Canadian Champion, Frday, December 13, 2002-25 Who Does It..BMUNIsNmSIoT SServing Milton & Area or <~~ovr 40 yearsw W~WVAir Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces HEATING (905) 878-4821 103 Steeles Ave., Unit #7, Miton THIS $POT COULDBE L YOURS FOR v CALL DIANE 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 ALU U / IN OW Specializing in Custom itted DVin Winydomw ALUMINUM LIMITED Entrance Sstems Also WIql Sidhwg, Soffit Fasciéa ad Àlon 'eamies, Al«Wum Trough ý 1Cail 877-5383 between 9am & 9pm 5 tIPI HtITTEN WARRANT ON WORKMSHIP WHODOS I THIS SPOT COULD BEYVOURS FOR CALL DIANE 905-878-2341 EXT. ! 7 Pr Kitchens, Bths and Beyond Inc. New Showroom Supply - Design -,installation Complote Lino of Products0 il ibompmo Road, Milton (Corne of MuinThnîbo) 905-878-6666 < &6RENOVAION SPECIALISTS" Residential & Commercial " Additions a Bathrooms " Rec Roomns - Garages -Decks <,eos87848625 R&R wgoe Doon~ - Elecuie Opernr Sales, Service and Installation Wiodow, Entrance Doors, Storn Doons, Patio Doors TEL: 519-853-2114 (ACTON) GLASS & MIGASS& NDO FOR FMS SERVICE CALLI£ : 'm 'psomIC COMMERAL CCIAL -& 4HCIIISIS i lICES ~9O5u775642 HOMEHEACOMMFERL Brown's è Fuels Independent suppliers of. *Furnace Dii *Stove Dii eDiesel Fuel* Gasoline -m Lubes 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ServicIng the. Haton and Peel Ragions 905-855-1222 1-888-542-7799 Concept Cainiete $150Oin KUhem & Vnity Cab1nete FRE AmtchtwralCabnete kitchmn Cuetom MiIhork 785 ManEut, Unit#3l 878-917 HOEM MAINTENANCE SERVICES Plumbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates jCalîPFat Di ount 75-'4 sFe 1 ENs IOs1 Stan Nowak c(905) 691-5757 " Bathroom Design & Installation " Basement Renovations " Hardwood Flooring Installation& Refinishing " FuIIy Insured " References Available Ceramic TMes a Hardwood Flooriaig lHec Rooms * Steel Studs o Docks DatIroom Rlemodels Dop CeiIings 1(905) 876-4023 Stan1 Over 50 ears Experenc Commercial & Residential b . HARDIMAN ROOFING ,ýe CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876,0958 4252 HeersnRa Res: (905) 878-3447 RAR No. 1, iton Fax: (905) 876-0936 L9T M5 Free #: 1-877-667-4958 SEPTC TNPUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. o180 ft of hose for crossing Iawns s3 radlio dispatched trucks to serve you Dont wait for trouble - Pump before it's too latel (Should pump at Ieast every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toilet paper (519) 853-0500 Actuin Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! QUALITY TREE SERVICE Certified Provincial Arborist Fully Insured - Tree Trimming & Fertilizing- Tree & Stump Removal Hydre Lin. Clearing -Anial Bucket Truck Serving the Halton area! 13 years experience Murray Anderson Tel: (905) 873-6982 I Coes Well Drilling Cl Puunp Service 0 -WeII Rehabilitation *WeIl Cleaning *Fow Rates *Water Treatment *Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems *UV Sterilization Systems Telephone (905) 8 78-4 515 (Ask for Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON - TO ADVERXTISE IN THIS SECTrIO»N CALL DIANE ATr 9C>5-878-2341 EXTr. 227 m