The Canadien Champion, Friday, December 13, 2002-13 Prepare snacks ahead w of time and enjoy guests ee.. The aproacing hlidbelieve is n duTe apoacthe i h solid ey eaun 0isin dob un uf e us ieslad d lm eethyer j0 ý taining during December. su 1 like lu keep helping. make-ahead snacks on hand. I nal way, 1 can relax and enjoy visiting with family and friends. Merry Christmas and happy hlidays. Brie in Puff Pastry Package of frozen puf pastry (îhawed) 2 - 4 inch rounds of brie cheese Red or green pepper jelly (opional) Roll out each haif of pastry to, 1/8 inch thick and eut mnto 10 inch round. Place brie in centre of each round and top with 2 top. of pepper jelly. Fold pastsy around cheese, overlappmng edges and sealmng with beaten egg. (To mnake ahead: cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours at this point.) Place on imoned baking sheet, brush top with beat- en egg and bake at 400 degrees F until golden and puffed. 25 to 30 minutes. Each round makes 4 to 6 servings. Hot Artichoke Dip 1 can artichoke heats - drained and coarsely chopped 1 cup mayonnaise (not salad dressng) 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated 1 clove garlic, crushed 1/4 tnp. lemon juice Mix ail ingredients together. Put in heat proof dish and bake at 400 degreen F for 10 to 15 minutes or until top starts to brown. Serve with unsalted crackers, crostini or toasted pila wedges. I clearly saw a red light atramn EGGNOG on page 12 great so l'Il tell you again. t caîl i, The Christmas Miracle, or The Year 1. Personally Saved Christmas. Many years ago, jusl before Christmas, 1 was driving the spced limait along a country road nonth of Toronto on a dark and wintry nighl. 1 put my foot on the brakes Iu let the people in the car look at a cool Christmas lighs dis- play on a bouse. JusI as 1 did. a huge rein- deer, or at least a deer. wth gians anîlers. ran across the road a few feet in front of the car. Il 1 hadn't slowed down ai precisely the ime 1 dd, we would have smacked righl insu it. I figure a few lives might have been saved, includsng that of the deer. Now. heres where il gels a listle unclear. 1 don's know il il was a reflection from the Christmas display. or if tl was cuming from the front of the deer, around ils nose area. but 1 clearly saw a red lighl. Anyone. Anywhere. E' F:17 Wilsoti Drive,,Uiiiit:: oi m i &wl -Ph/ Fa 7x:905 693 -0226 c - ', f Coillllner of Main & Wilson Premium Quality and Freshness Guaranteed -Fresh stock arrives weekly, over 4,000 items including: * 200 types of candies, chocolates, gummies and sugarless sweets * Baking supplies - raisins, prunes, dried fruits, sugars, mixes, nuts, spices, specialty flours * Snacks - over 100 of your favourites, snacking nuts and mixes * Herbai Suppements, Health Foods and Organic Products Canadas largesi bulk food retailer & more ... now 69 locations and growing Franchise locations available in Ontario and Atlantic Canada - (905) 886-6756 m ~While suppies lest On adverfised items we reserne the ightto5 limil quannilen. No deniers pieuse. Milton Mail 5 Ontario St S. (0)r9-27P i e e e e e e e i Li 11%