Crie ,tope g ofHatg Police try to track down three thieves who stole skateboard from teenager Halton Regional Police in Milton are mnvestigating thse theft of a skateboard front a 13-year-old boy. On November 6, the youth was skate- boarding in the parking lot of John Tonelli Sports Centre- on Laurier Avenue. Three young white maies approached thse boy front a nearby bas- ketisali court, pushed thse youth off is skateboard, stole it and ran north aiong the path behind the arena. One of thse thieves was wearing a yei- Iow jacket. Tise skateboard is valueti at approximately $200. If vou have any informnation that Ieads to an arrest in this or ans other matter, sou nia ve eligible for a cash reward. You wilI neyer have fo gise vour namne or testify in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton does not subscribe fo the*.cal1 display telephonefeature. Thanks to our tpsters.. .sshoeter -vou are. A safer coin- munirs' is vour rail. Please cail 1-800- 222-TIPS The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 13, 2002-11 Bunim~ essN ioit afi uisi 1 is ikeN ining itedr Presents the Inaugural PROCEEDS TO THE CHAMBER SCHGLARSHIP FUNO. Tuesday, January 21,5 2OO13 e Granite Ridge Golf Club * Tickets $1 25.00 plus GST Bobby Hull Keynote Speaker This is a new event for the Chamber and the Milton Community and we believe that it wilI become one of Milton's premiere events. Sponsorship opportunities are available by calling the Chamber at 905-878-0581 . Share an evening with some of the greats tram the world of sports! T 'kje/e w elwi4 pt'n4r., Milton Junior A. Hockey Club Albatross Restaurant Robert Lee tnsurance Agency Paragon DPI Joyce Hagevik, Royal LePage Woodbine Entertainment Group Standardbred Canada James Burton, Osborne Group The Enterprise Centre Milton Home Hardware Milton Canadian Champion TiI! i- Why battle the crowds? There's stiil lime to shop SEARS CATALOGUE.' Yts as easy as 1, 2, 3.. *Sit back and take a tour of Sears WishBook & current Catalogues, or visit our Website ( *Select/orderfrom over 50, 000 items ..its as simple as calling our toll-free number, or a click of your mouse! *Enjoy thse Season while your 'in time for Christmas' order is being shipped to your nearest Sears! Ask us about 'Ship-a-Gift'.. it's fast and FREE! ç/ÂMX~ataogue your Christms 'ix islisLore-