1 O.-The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 13, 2002 -MPP wants to scrap gun registry JBut Reed sa>s move premature By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion registry program is incffectivc and needs to stop, says Haiton MPP Ted Cbudieigb. OnTIuesday, Mr. Cbudlcigh tabled a res- olution in ihe Provincial Legisiature caling lor- MPI>s 10 pressure thc federal govem- mient to scrap the program- which wa.s cxpected to cost $2 million wben it was mni- iatcd. ""le 1l-ederal auditor found tis program bas run up staggering cost overruns. ls been a $1i billion boondoggle from the start," hie said. -Worse, il does hlte or nothing to gel illegai firearms off the sîreel and instead largels iaw-abiding hunIers and owners of firearms." The overspenl funds would have had sig- niftcantly more impact on poicing had they been put toward the Community "If the federal government is serious about getting illegal firearms off the street, they would provide police the resources and the bodies to do that." Policing Partnership program, added the MPP. The program s a collaboration between the Province and municipalities to put more police on the streets. Had the federal dollars been put into the program, 15,000 police officers wouid have been added t0 the streets of Ontario, said Mr. Cbudieigh. "If the federai govemment is serious about getting iliegai firearms off the street, they wouid provide police the resources and the bodies to do tbat," he added. GOf *D:JGH SLEY f 'TIiÂ'fANU Hav vear senunantiras switcei nim er ra Set ot Iliizzak eler th"a item BuiOUESTOflE® ýbywlwtimA GRIP ON THE FUTURE ,~ir IV! The winterbaur The RUZUK Fer Righ-Pedormance Sedm " Mmldcell Cmpmad for MeV ad lce par- M Provkles well-balanced formâce wmmut mon 1 parformsance S" . both la winter and wet " M-T tochaology or dry cowdllom Improm mm traction 0 For perfommm touring Se" and brakiq. ïie The mm u wl, §k-olmac MA No M=alccontant trua cmniwomau« Busabom la M Frmpuen ma otmmtin tu-r IS11EWFOWRc tu-T, limeUltmata Ilateatoa lntallpflgatTiaTucmaugiuu vl- arePhmv gommer a aalplu u- ve-n - purlouê.Y NL, WNTR TREHA5CRTR AM Miftown Tire Srvice Ltd. Milltown Tire Servie Ltd. TRE 675 Steeles Ave. E., Milton SEUA 905-8786785 Ti. !BLIM for UgbI Trucks and SUVi- " Dehoseurir l ait. traction am ruai at*hfy. " uiumacoir conçimtw 108rovseicennno Maqirumae i timaduRelier alma talnAuelaton BRf Cmai. (RAC). Nutrition Notes Did you know... prierrnThere are '3 iretîro and dOer riroo] proror runnine 'n YM\CA enrer in <idijile 9We houe s-hols in Holrîn. lntererîed i orrire a program Cail the Foori for irougiri oordinator iodai' 421, of Canodiar- chindren attend school arihoui a ruiritiiou Tirai on1 $36.9f> pairs for one rardeni 10 hai e o heaithN snack ihree tnon a A ec for a fuil sehirir 1 in 5 Canadiar chindren are nol gcring the recommcrded fic rer- rprs of fruars and regerahier ther reqaire Hloroo for Tiroophi Cortact Prognom C rordîniror 9i fl5i5r97 ecil roi imonhoriough(acogeco.c Nutrition Notes How can local business help? *Volunteer in a school nutrition prograni *Make a financial donation *Sponsor a prograni wîth a food donation Join the Bd> On Fond for Ttrought pariner-ohip commtt ee t-alionodforThougir Contacr Pr-ogram Coordinatnr 905-845-5597 et 201 foodonhnnghi@ cogeco.ca But Halton MP Julian Reed caiied Mr. gesting people waittfor a revicw of' wbere ail the money went before caiiing for the programn to be axed. -We know some of them (causes of increased cost) aiready, whicb are tbings like the decision for a fairiy expensive advertising program to try and countier the nay-sayers, the iowering of the cost of reg- istering," he toid The Champion. "I tbink ail of us, wbether we are in opposition or the govemment, we've ail bad to bare some responsibiiity here. The estimates did corne tbrougb and the committee studying those estimates were government (mcm- bers> as weii as opposition people. "The requesi for funds passed through the proper scrutiny proceirs, but 1 dont know wbetber ail members were asieep at the switch a littie bit or wbat." A proposai has been submitted to form a House of Commons committee te, investi- gate the handling of the tire arms registry. 'Me investigation is ikeiy tb start in the new year, added nr Reed. ---11