Halton police offer some tips to help curb risk of holiday Internet fraud The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav. December 10. 2002-B7 The Halton Regional Police Fraud Bureau in offering up some "smart shop- ping" tips for connumers over the holiday seanon in order 10 avoid becoming a victim of Intemet fraud. -Pay with a major credit card. Most carda have zero liability, which means that if unauthorized transactions appear on your credit card, you dont have to pay. Thin also means that yoo have 10 keep track of your transactions. If you discover an unautho- rized transaction in excens of 30 days afier the charge. you may be held hiable. -Always check the retailers references. Be weary of solicitors In lîght of the arnival of the holiday sea- son, the Halton Regional Police is advising residents 10 be cautious of door-to-door solicitations. Residents may be contacted in the next several weeks seeking charitable donations either through door-to-door or telephone solicitation. "Although charities welcome donations year-round, many organizations fundraise during this season of giving for holiday- related charities," said Sgt. Val H-ay. "'Unfortunately, some individoals are tak- ing advantage of holiday generosiîy." Recently, police say an Oakville resident was approached by two people soliciting money for the Tim Hortons Jingle Bell Fond. After asking numerous questions, the resident felt uneasy about the charity. As a result of being cautious, the resident contacted Tim Hortons and discovered there was no such charity fond. The following are tips for 'save giving' over the holiday season. - Exercise caution if you're approached by someone going door-to-door and asking for donations. - For business owners, be wary of oppor- flanities to boy advertising in publications to benefit from non-profit organizations or an association. Before you donate your holiday cash, make sure you use your head, not your heant, when a charity appeals for your money. - Do your research. Before you part with any money, ask for written information and read it carefully. Check aIl fine print and ask questions. Find out how your contribu- tion will be used, how mucti of it will cover overhead costs and if your donation is tax deductible. - Give money 10 organizations you know. Use caution with groups who come 10 you, especially with unfamiliar charities who caîl you on the phone and pressure you to give your credit card number or spend cash. Make sure you know the organization yo're dealing with. And if you dont, ask questions and do your research until you do know. - Give when you're ready. Don't be swayed by emotional appeals. Don't let anyone pressure you to commit your time or money before you're ready. - Avoid cash donations. Try to contribute by cheque aI aIl times. Cash donations are especially vulnerable to fraud because they are virtually untraceable. Be wary of com- panies soliciting donations in an area where they cannot be traced, such as col- lection jars withouî a printed local address or telephone number. If you believe you were vicîimized or have information regarding these types of incidents, caîl Halton Regional Police at 905) 878-55II. OnIy buy frnm Web sites with a secure encrypted server to ensure that your pay- ment information isn't available 10, anyone else. - Shop at sites that display VeriSign. These sites are audited to prove that they are maintaining their security. - Always read the customer policy and understand the policy regarding retums and refonds of merchandise. - Keep a paper trail saved on your com- puter or print out a copy of the transaction for your records. - Consider using e-wallets (Microsoft passport, Banik of Montreal Mastercard Wallet, Royal Bank Royal Pass, etc.). E- wallets safeguard your info but are no safer than dealing directly with a retailer that oses their own security server. - You may also consider checking with your credit card provider. They may offer a password for protection on your credit card. This is recommended especially for e-mail shopping. ActAganstVioen Abused women often know the person that abused them. One in four women in Canada is sexually or physically abused by their partner. (Statistics Canada) If you know somiebody experiencing abuse: vListen to her, believe her, and dont judge her vLet her know she is flot alone iRespect her confidentiality - keep things private if she asks you to. vGive her time to make her own decisions vHeIp her plan for an emergency vSafety is the first priority. If you believe she s in danger, teli her. For more information please cail: 1-866-442-5866 ext. 6065 Nh NW Jo.es0i4 5@ad etaarant ln MMelmugo maiy leoffetn@tw o Mnuse hWpîee of Pmoue Ret & Chipe for th Mu .of un@e eoveieithonmad ok .lW an 211 heftlrimyou cn ad11-1 If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" d/o The Canadian Champion, 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 HIGHPOINT ÀAUTfOPRO Vandervoort 8473 Regional Rd. 25, Milton L9T 2X7 905-878-5265 m 'TIS THE SEASON Brrrr! Wi riter is dutinri itely here anti the hest course of action s to meet tf head on by heing prepared. Take a serions look at the trcad on your tires or have a professional advise yîma. More tread means more traction. If you have a front wiîeei doive veicie and pla in n sing a trac -snow tire" on their front drive wiîcels tifv highlv recîîmmended ihat yon instali snow tires on the rear wheeis as nseii fir optiiîm control. Wiper biades that charter tir miss a section oftiihe sindshieid need to be replateti. Make sure the ns tndshieid washers perform priîperiy and carry a sapply ofi \s indsiiieid washer flaid. Evycci the uîîexpecîed. A set ot boosier cabies are a wonderfai thîng when yîma reilize yiiavt liii the liglîts on and yonr battery is too tins to stan ytîar tar. At su uiakts ytîu feel good if someone cisc needs a btîîst and ytîs caitri p' Ri.niber that the proper hook ap of booster cables s Battry Poisitivet iiiB.itery Positive ihen Baîtery Negative to Battery iii a Grîîand assay lromn the battery sach as the engine block. Thtrt art many EMERGENCY kits availabie in stores. Whiîe no-one plans on btiny. sirandtd on a rural road or sliing into a ditch. tf does happtn. Wtittvous atiitîr assistance these items could truiy be life savtrs! If yua hasteuts vsintr îsuuoîîve îîps yîîa would like to share smd thenu to tirt t/t THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, Bon 248,19t Man St E. MiltonîntiiiL9T4N9 Drivtet rtisls md 1 wîsb yoa alila sate and happy Chr imas ý HIGHPOINT AUTOPRO Locted just north of the 401 on Regional Rd. 25 (beside Tim Horton's) SHUT-VLE SERVICE AVAILABLE IN MILTON AREA Drv. Ton!, Wan'R A Tooth Ta 1k STowne Dental Group Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. BS., DDS (905) 876-1188 Teething tots - what's normal, what's flot Teethîng tts sir as earîy as 3 moîuîhs and continae anti! a child's thîrd btrthday. Typically beîween the ages of 4 and 7 montbs, yoîî wiIl notice your chids firsi îooîb pusbing îhrougb the gums. Most thildeen have ail 20 tof their primary îeeîb by the third birtbday. Whenevcr your chiid does begin îeething, it generaiiy wili bc a paînicss process marked by increased drooîing and the desîre to chew on things. Tecîhing, as a cule, dites soi cause hîgh fever, diarrbea, or sîeep problems. If yoar baby does deveîop a fever during the ieeibing phase, tf s probably due to somnething cIsc and your chiid's doctor shouîd be contracted. H-ere is some advice to parents t0 case the discomfort of teetbing: - Wîpe yoar baby's face ofien wiîh a cioib to remove the drool. Tbis kecps rashes lrom developing. - Give your baby someîhing bard to chew on. Make sure uts big enougb so that she cant swaîîow il. A wet washcîoth placed in tbe freezer for 30 minutes makes a handy teetbing aid - jusi be sure to wash it after each use. Teeîbîng rings are also good. but avoîd the oses witb iquid insîde. If they break. the iquid may net be safe. If you use a plastic teetbing ring, be sure t0 lake it oui of the freezer before if becomes rock-bard- you don't wasi 10 bruise those aîready swoilen gums! - Neyer tie a teetbîng ring around a bahy's neck, ince il couîd gel caugbt on someting and strangle the baby. - If your baby seerus irriable, give ber acetaminophen (sucb as chiîdren's Tylenol). If your cbiid is under 6 months, consuli your cbild's doctor.