Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Dec 2002, p. 38

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B6-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 10, 2002 a75 Main St., Ste. 10 Milton Medical Buildings 905-878-0800 Jullan Guard Cathinen McTavish Laina Westwond Ryan Weaver (lions.) B. Se., RMVT RMVT RMVT B.Sc., RMT The Muscle Spasm The physiological response of muscle to trauma of any type (overuse, overload, hypertension, impact) ix tightening. Thins tghtening is facilitated by the nervous systemt and resulîs in a spasm ai the exact spot where the trauma occurred. A spasnti i a group of muscle fthers held in continuous (tetanic) contraction, unable tei secure tts own release- a nigid kuot. Because spasms are an extension of the normal contraction process, noth- ing will show up on x-rays oi diagnostic imîaging. t i, however, a mal- functton, and any porton of a muscle that is not ssorking for you is work- ing against you - ACTIVELY! A spasmt in a muscle can severely tmpact its ahtltty to contract and relax release). The porton of the muscle involved tn the spasm ix unahle to work, forcing the rematnder te work excessively. A compromtsed muscle is a weak une, which fatigues quîckly. Wth cotinued use the spasm hecomes aggravated and enlarges, caustng patn and disconefori. Worse yet, the shortened fthres in the spasm restrici the ablîty of the muscle te he stnetched to full length. A muscle that cannot accommodate the movement placed on tl wîll pull or exen tear. Thus, a movement normally wthtn the safe context becomes unsafe when shortening aud spasm are present. The stage ix now set for one ftnal ovestretch overload whtch wll produce the massive spasm of a charley horse or stratntng of the tissue. Massage Therapy is effecttve treatment for muscle spasms and contrac- tures. The thenapist wtll use techniques to educe pain aud increase the local crculutton to help reduce the spasm. More importanîly, the theraptst wtll help prevent recurrence of the spasm hy constdenng the causes or con- tnhbuttng factors and reducing iheir effeci. Christmas Guif Certificates Available CInIC Nour8: IMon.-Fri. 8-8 * hL 10-2 *CIosd Sundy BARROW FAMILY flCHIROPRACTUCQ 180 Ontario St. S. Milton (905) 878-4994 Dr Agla Barrow Fax:(905) 875-4485 Emai: angebarrowdcC&hotmail.com THE "NINE TO FIVE LABOUR" PAINS Anly wornî who bas carricd a preguancy te tern can aiicsi îo ihe very reat tabour pains of chitdbirtb. But the "labeur pais associaied wîth workîng ai a nine-to-rive job are neaety as wett accepted or understooid. Someiimes the onty difference beineen the woman about te gise irtbs aud the recepiionixi witb recunring neck, aune. wrist or shoulder pain ix the way each cnditio ixpercived. Bine renant ixquentiab. tiatocm n knewtedg i regnancy u btbrhivtepi n icmoi and witt dtion s scbas !eettive mtioniJunes(RIsancu ttierum di notice, nnesandor considr tecniin ein nuht meewr or warrant sene time off. To make matters won.e, some doctors actnatty xnggext that peopte with sncb injuries find "easier" emptoymenî, sncb as secretariat or office work. Unfortnnatety. even the seeminety simpte tasks, sncb as bending over a desk, typing, stufting envetupes. answering the phone, or sîmpty sitiing for au extended period of urne in a poerty positiened chair eau be difficult or pinfut for semeone suffering, fromt injuries associated with the neck and upper exîrene- ities. The "difficuty' in compltîng a task ix net atwuys relted te the pain atonte, but ofien invetves associated sympîems sncb as nausea, headaebes, bturred vision, weakness or numbness of imbs or finger., a sense of being nterty drained, and even totat body pain. Differnt peopte witt experience varying deerees of dîscomfoie. For sonne, i witt merety be uncomfoitabte. for tbers it wîtt resnittin sîîffness. sereness and iriiabitity. For stitt others witb more serious conditions, it witt become atmesi unbearabte even te tbe point of feeing unabte îo ii, stand. or cope wiîb simpte wurk demauds. Se. wbaî du yeu do if youre a victine of such nine-te-f-ive btues'? Tbie frsi îbîng you need te o i'ste sec yeur chîrepracior. Ciropractors eau pupeint the spe- cific prebtem aeea and brine wetcemne reief, hence, maki ne botb your job and yourt ife mure enjoyable. ose snffering front work-rciaîed injuries or disor- dccx who are conidrg consulting a speciatisi in ibese areax , xhoutd insisi on making chîropractie nitegrat part of ibeir iceaiment plan, since mosi 0f these xy npîoms are aggraated, if noî îuduced by inierference iii tbe neck arca. t' lsu i e bave demonxîraîed a direct cenneciion bLiween arm, wrisi. and sboutder pain, and tbe nerves ibai cmii fromt the neck. A spine free frot nerve stress wxiti be boter equipped io bealthie body fren hese painfut aud efien crîp- ping conditions. In neosi cases. tbe drug-free. non-surgîcat approach of chiro- pracîic wîtt bo far more effective ihan the mure traditionat medîcat options. Most importanily, cearne î take the nunseen' pain senouxty. Jusi bocause you cau't sec tbe probteni doesnit mean i wun't get on your nervex!- mxi as you woutd nî expeci a woman te waîî unîit shes about te give birih tosete a mid- wite er doctor, dont waîî untit yonr pain ixunuboarabte bofore yeu take action. Tatk te yenr chirepracior today. If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" 191 Main Street.E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 -ýSHOPPERS ZDRUG MART, uhh~ Open ta midnight, 7 das a week E 1Martin St. 905-693-9594 Maxine Stanley CaJgOqur,25 Aî t I,,,tW,, ttr905-878-4492 JIION Hea/eh oand WelIie.s.s Q:I'm sick and tired of my New Year's resolution being 11to lose weight"!l How do 1 survive the holidays (but stili enjoy myseif) without gaining a large amount of weight? A: The Christmas season uuually in a time when home- baked trealu and high-fal meula are flot onty readily avait- able, but are highly encouraged! Unfortunalely, our waiatlineu pay the price, and we end up making the ominaun New earas renalutian "ta loue weight"... until the next holiday arrives! Wauldn't il be nice ta be able ta, fit inta that dresu you wanted ta wear on New earas Eve? There iu na better lime than the halidmyn ta gel yaur eating habita and weight under cantrali At HerbaI Magic, we believe that the halidaya can ulilI be enjayed withaut having a huge weight gain. Meal idean, faad planning, alternative treata, and canstant suppart and motivatian are aIl part af the Herbai Magic pro- gram, making the halidayu much mare enjayable! Our pragrama use anly yaur awn gracery store baught faada, and incarparate treatu na that yau dant feel depnived and binge. Herba are uaed ta help contrat cmav- inga for carbahydralea and augura, making the halidayu much mare bearable! The herba alua help ta nalurally baaul the metabaliamn (withaut the harraful effectu of caffeine ar ephednine), praviding energy and impraved weight loua. If the impending hatidayu have gaI you warrying about vaur weight, we'd like la help! Stop by or give un a caîl. AIl con- sultations are free with na-obligation. Maxine Stanley has a B.A. in Sociology and an S.S.W. in Social Work. She has worked with the Herbai Magic pro- gram for aver six years, and la a trained nutritional coun- 'ý4QMFI INTERIORS RShowroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine Heskelh 845 Main St. E. Milton 878-4280 As Christrnas approaches, and we thînk bock a year In hue been one with a lot of new concepts in ideax and productu within the design field: Firstly, we broughn in Pratt & Lumberis latesi faux finish liste and we have finiuheu fcom suede to tone in uome very inlerent- ing tones and have put thern on the wall ta, show you! Next, a diverse line in the lateut cerumies wull and floor very unique in a huge'diuplay. Samples t0 take home 100! What about a gorgeous patterned staie runner from poly 10 wool - blacks, goldu and red wiîh accu rugs in vurying sizes also. When it cornes ta click flooring, we have good names uuch au Wilsonart & Manninglon. Productu you know you cao trust. New on the scene is Hickory Hardwood, Avilable in 2 1/4" 10 4" widths in rich wurrn tones a little différent frorn ouk but very elegunt and hardwearing. Laura Ashîcy's designer line of carpets now takeu presidence on the showroomn floor along wiîh Shawe and its arnazing R2X stain repellent carpes. Also this year, Joe acquired lots, yes lots of bis farnous rern- nants in every size imaginable. So corne and browue and deco- rate with us nexi year. Thunku 10, everyone of our great customers old and new who we hope will pop in. Happy Holidays from the Gang ut Comfi. ii~ Q:l've heard that some asthma inhalers will nia longer be available. Uow will Ibis affect me? A: Many înetered-dose inhalers currently contaîn CFC's wbicb help propel the medication mut of the inhaler. Unfortunately, CFC's are known te deplete the ozone layer and se Envîreannent Canada bas brought oui regulanions te phase these inhalers out. The fîrsi inhaler te be affected by the phase out ocîlI be the Ventolin' or generîc saîbutarnol inhalers (eg. Ahti-Saîbutamol, Apo-Salvent, Novo-saînol) Effective January lis, 2003, phar- ruacists will be prohbiîed frone selling these paricular CFC con- toîning inhalers. The following options are available te you: 1. Continue with your current inhaler util Decemnber 3 1 st. then switch te the new CFC-free inhaler in the new yeor. 2. Switcb te a new CFC-free inhaler now. 3. Change te a dîfferent asthma inhaler wîth the same or simi- lac medîcation. You oilI need te discuss the above choices with your Healtbwatch Pbarmacist or doctor sînce a new prescription oilI be requîred. Are the new CFC-free putTers the same as the old ones? The new formulations work the carne way as the eIder ones for îreating your astbma. The main dîfference ix that they don't affect the ozone layer. Wben you ose the new inhaler, yen rnay feel corne of the followîng differences. 1. Warnser. sofier spray- 2. Different taste 3. Canîster is lîghîer Be sure te speak te your Healîhwatch Pborrnacist about ibis issue. He or che con belp make the transition te the new inhaler an easy one. {~ 1 15 Martin St., #3 (Carrnage Square) Milton, Ontario L9T 2RI Wendy Sanimut 905-876-0551 ID ,u10118wsammut<iirogers.com Q: uufferfcomfibromya/gia and chronicfauignesnadrmme and lfind thai the added demandu of the holiday seanon canne M y smproms on flore. A fniend te/d me that yoga han ceai/y he/ped herco ciîd thai be trne? A: When we are in constant pain and discoifort, ii can bx, a challenge ix keep np wth the regular routines of our busy lises, then sec add ix ihatiimanu«vmre tasks assocmated wîîh entertainiug and sociaizing aud sec bcoiic oser-estend- ed; stressed. Stress drains ns of citality aud energy in a uie wheu sýec eed iu the mosi. Haîhu yoga ix a fore of physicat mesement that combines an assarenexs of the body with a focus on the breath. The postures muse yon tbreugh esery muscle gmnup and work inie every joint. Yoga ix practiced mindfulty with futl attention to how the body is moviog and feeling. and when donecocrrecîly creates a wen- derful sense of wett-boing. A regular practice of grotte yoga movements and breaîhing techniques gises us urne for ourselses and teaches the tools we con use to relax the body and mmnd while building strength and flexibiliîy, esen on those cressful momients. A greai deat of research bas been donc regardîng the long-tenu bonefits of hatha yoga and the resulîs are ccry positive. Thcre hase bocu numereus cases where individuals wiih ilînesses ihai resui n chroume pain hase found a marked impresement in iheir overal tatc of boîug when fotlowmng a regular yoga prac- tice under the guidance of an esperieuced. wett-trained teacher. Consider a yoga practice as the gufi you gise yeurself, remtembor to consuli with your health care presider prier to boginning any type of physical acîisîîy. Iouer Sancton in a full-lime yoga studio offeing c/asses, woc/ohopu and peina/e sesion yeac-coood. Our Wia/ec Tecm beginu Monday, January 6th. Foc moce infocmation contact Wendy Sammut, 905-876-0551 or email wsaomu/<4lcgeen.com. R - - MM" 1

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