26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 10, 2002 MOTMER ai 3 grtc ai OLV ans/table for befare & ater scent cure or uhtersr>asoa/a el- came. Ca/i Carat 905- 876-2516 NEEDED caregiver for 10 & 12 year aid ram 2- 7 Msnday ta Frday. Lghf haucework & meal preparation. Lan/ng, de- pendable, references. Pleace ccli Sue 905- 691-7557. RAINBOW Village Day- care hac cpacec for children 18 manthc ta 5 years (905878-7552. V/ct uc at www.rain- bowvllagedaycare.com MORSE barn. 6 tatic, hot water, hay storage, paddock, traning ring. Minutes te Mohawk.1 $600/mo. + hydro. 905-1 854-5246d 2002 Cabra CB, 2 sets t chaîns fts 22.5 tire.c amati deep freeze arr8 hockey tabe, nardîc cross country traîner, werghts. Complete Shapsmîth power tool warkahop. 519-856- 4767 or 289-259-3859. 4 Snow Tires Michelin Artic-Alpine 16". Oently eaed. $250. 905-854- 3441e22. 5-PIECE peari esport drsm set, scean bive. Inctudes a/i hardware, thiane, pearl double- base pedai. 12AAX Met Splash, 20"AAX Metai ride, 18"AAX Metat crash. 14"AAX Metal H Hat, 20Hand Hammered Chînese. Eoeryth/ng in m/nf con- dition. Asking $1,700. Actas. 519-853-3472. A Kng Piowtap Mat- tresa Set wth rame. New in past/c. Coat $1,.599.00 Sacrifice $65000. 905-567-9459 BED Oveen Pitowfop Matress, Bos, Frame, Neyer used stil pack- aged. Coat $102500 Se/i $45000. 905-567- 4042 BEDROOM set. tpce cherrywood. Bed, chect, trdrescer, mrror, night stands, dovetait con- struct ion. Neyer opened. In boxes. Cost $9000. Sacrifice $2800. 416-748-3993. CARPET 1 have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmacter & 100% ny- lon carpet. Wil do living- room & hait for $349. In- ciudec carpet, pad & sn- statlation (30 yardc) Steve, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM l3pce cherrywaod. Double pedectai. 8 chairs, But- fet. hutch, server, dose- tai construction. Stil in boxes. Cot 11,000. Sacrifice 3,000. 416- 746-0095 FARM f rech geese wholecaie/retaii. Cali Lyons Famiiy Turkep Farm (613)658-3148. Deivery /p/ck up can be vrranged. GARAGE door open- ers. 1/2 hp opener, 2 se- curîty 3 functian re- motes, 1 premîum con- trai console, 1 ire- lecs/keyless entry pad, 2 safety reversing cen- sors. Ail ntaiied for $425. Please ccii 905- 299-0085. MATERNITY clothes. Size 8-10. Business sand cusuat nos esc- NEED a comut- er .. dont have cash? The Original IBM PC, eust $1 a day...na msney downt Unlmted AOL & intereet free for 6 monthet The Buck A Day Ca. 1-800-772- 8617 www.bucka- $$$$ Wanted- Ail Cina, Sucver, Cryctal, Tea Caps, Rayai Doultan, Swarovski, Glace, Jewelry, aid tops, cal- lectibies, etates. Cali John/Tracy, 905-331 - 2477. 1991 Cutiass Siera 'S' 170 km. Escellent con- dition. Cerf. E-tected. Askîng 3450. 905-854- 5041 1992 Fard Crown Vic- taris. 300,000 kms, Un- cert/f/ed. Best offer. 905- 878-7652 IRICHARDSONI ICHEVRLET OLDSMOBILEI To lease or purchase yorcror truck Hw 5S tDryRd. 878-2393 SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE, A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES L/IPGCSI SELETION IF USSCI CLES I/58/LION 875-2277 C/creeifrecs Phone 905-875-3300 Fax 905-876-2364 DEADLINES FOR CHRISTMAS: Friday December 2th il arn for Tuesday December 24th Monday December 23rd 11lamnfor Friday December 27th ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Rerîcail * ffv iret u r i niiirrit rbuîiig.Seri rtir ie i i irir irncouple. r i/li onrrrriiir & rî/ir ingîCi. smur.ine i(//ri i iagcereqirid t1i9, rcSt. E.. m/i j,o M L9I4N9 Pa; àn4Mýt INationa We are taakîng for nrgiuly motîvatea inoîviouaic wno mant ta mark in a dynamic, growing direct insurance campany in a profeccianat cati centre enviranment. P & C INSURANCE AGENT Your key reapancibilities will be ta provide superior cus- tomer service ta cientc an their home and auto icurance productc. You wIl advice and col/cie ouf productc, while adhering ta the company'c underwiting pal/c/oc. ldeally, you have 2-3 yearc ai progressive cutomer serv- ce experience w/Ch proven computer ckis, and effective communication ckitlc fa meet calec targefs. Having incur- ance knowledge or an QIL licence would be considered an accet. WE OFFER: " Competît/ve Compensation and Benetc " Bonus and Incentive Programs " Profeccionat Training and Licencing " Career Advancement Opportun/t/es CONTACT US TO JUMP START VOUR PERSONAL CAREER JOURNEY! 3 Robert Speck Parkway, Misisauga, ON L4Z 3Z9 Fax: 905-306-5202 E-ma/t us af: careerc@the perconai.com Webs/te: www.thepersonal.com We thank ail applîcants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview wiii be contacted. An equal apportunity employer The Canadian Champion Christmas Aureau Fund for The Salvation Army s0 The Canadtan Champion office is now accept- ing donations aE 191 MAIN ST., MILTON 'Aake this Christmas sperial for someone " Part time position available at Milton Area Horse Farm. Weekday Mornings 9cm ta 1 pmn, ava/lubie /mmediateip. Heiping with Barn choies. Experience wth horses an ascet. Work in exchange for board/lessons can be arranged. Please cati for details 905-693-1657 PRODUCTION ASSEMBLERS Hayward Pool Products Canada, Inc., a leadrng manuflacturer ut swimm/sR pool accessvry equipment, bas severat upenings lot productien assemblers. Puitives are avalable rmmedrately for appreermalely 7 monîhs term. Wages- $9,/hri Hauts tý30um-5:00pm. Pieuse app/y tn Persan er contact: Allen at 905-82-288, Ext. 241 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakville (Wlnston ChurchillIEW) saI 6mU1 ~ ESALIHO D X a4 LV&YJhF tEPNGmAI al Account Executive This exciting and progressive position requires a self mot ivated, creafive and experienced sales professional ta develap the national account territory for City Parent, Ca- nadas largest regional parenting newsmagazine and the exciting new "NEWS 4 KIDS" publication. Account base includes package goods, healfh, finance and related ac- counts. The ideal candidate has bath agency and client experience. Based in Oakville, this position offers com- prehensive compensation package including salary, com- mission and mileage expenses. Please submit resume f0 Judy Miles at jmiles@haltonsearch.com or fax 905-337-5571 Deadline for applications is December 20, 2002 CHERYIL (RANG CAREERS CORP.. BILINGUAL (FrenchlEnglish) MARKETING ASSISTANTICSR Burlingien marketmng ce bhas arr immediate openmng te cuver a maternity teave Must se bilingual (Franchi English) ealeetd and have excellent communication skilIs. Ths marking irn revers everyts ng rmm te/emarkeiiug to managig cirent data- bases Caridate riest be team-spirrired ainehase the albiiy /s m i-ask aie verk wePr rueepPrifl//y Morý -rit 305 t-tscry sage ncgoî au/e Please calil905-332-1600 toi msre e/v/ls E-mail tceyia ursc ým EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT /naeperrdert ..usu/tirig firm /ucated ru Buriugton witb a sma// but committed team eof protesslona/s whu share & practice the carrpanv' va/ues and be/rets, luis position wr/r sapporiouer busy Executiue n many aspects uft beir day to day respunsrbr/rtres nc/udrng time management. marnlarnrng mies ut cormurcatrun/scbedu/ ng a cunrytex workîuad te enscre mtaisrsues are dea/t arth in respunsrue/lime/y mauner Daytine trase tu isdclCtet sites Wr/r Se reg. ou reguent basis deat candidates wr/t ce ab/e te demunstrate preuoues e/ated eep. n busy mu/Ci- îuskrng euirrunment where success was measured us urgarzatrunal/reratinnsbrp ski/r5 Tbis postons s auar/. rmmedrate/y & sa/ury/benetrts attractiue tu gua/iied app/rcaats. Forward resurme: Box #1939, Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview Si., Burlngton UR 2E Marketing 1 need someone to learn my business. Muet have leadership abllity and strong desare for above-average incomne. 905-681-5515 ext. 48 or43 Promotios *Management Tra/nng Naquiraments; Bendabte, w/Ch esc. communicationl akitis. Weé offar: Ns evp. nec. training prsvtded, rsvm Cet advancemevl. lnterested? Brad, 905-845-9735 Iaxu 8e87-26 A Heritage of Quality, Buit One Home ai a Time Sf are 1978 HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGER The Reeres Hertage Grtip ut Cumparîres s erre ut tbe argesi nomebur/drng uperatruns in South Western tlriturios wth pru/ecis actiueiy enderway ar a number ut sites r. Guelph. Cambridge,1Kichener Waterloo L rrsuCu//,ngwuud arcd ari/e r uav ca rl engrng and rewardrug unpurrcnrry aaarb/ tfor a ccrpereur mndierduat uwh vv uuoersee lhe day lu day a rilfes efthle Group's Heu//s vire Sa/e/y Prsgran As Heu/rh vad Satery Manager you wi deue/cpip/errent and ru rc rare EH&S Drrec- ruves prugrams ane sys/emu riciudrrg cunuccing au kpraLe inecio ns averts dentilyig and curry- iýg cual ail trainnrrr uiremen/s conucirng hasard anrd accieent rueestrgatiùris aud inurougu leadership aired psitivereinicrcemefrvr piearurvasate and e baih, wurk Peiirisnmeu/ lire siccesstut candidate wirr pussess " Tliriuglir krruw udge outhse O aupafirciat Heath & Sa/e/y Act " Cumipetrsrr utceirtfcation trainiîng foluinteuHeart- and Sa/vis Cummittees inthe Province ut Oniarruý " 3-5 years experrence ru a sîmîtar cupaci " Preurues experrence rn the residentrut constructiun iudus/ry " Excellentirnerpersura/ ane communicatiou ski//s, " Superb urgaureutrolsU/ ks ane tue abr/riy ru wuik welltrinder pressure, " Stren arrîteir aid ural cummurnicationrs la leari imore vbou ui. iir compares youe ,n iuate us ai www.reidsheritagegroup.com Please fax a covering lotter and resume by Docember 29th, te 519-654-9746 Attention: Shari Walpole Pieuce no phone cates On/y Cose app/icaeia uetected for au interview wr// be centacted -ForveYliOUNG NATIONAL ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Forever Young Newsmagazîne is looking for a hîghly motivated sales professional required ta develop national advertising for Canadas largesf 50+ publication. This high profile position requires an experienced sales professional with agency and client experience fo develop the national accounts in the health, finance, automotîve and related categories. Based in Oakvitle, this position offers comprehensive compensation package includîng salary commission and mileage expenses. Please submîf resume to: Brad Marpie at bmarple@haltonsearch.com or fax 905-337-5571 before December 13, 2002 Brunello is looking for Mature Dishwashers. Suitable for Early Retiree. Cali 905-875-3305 Please Recycle this Holiday Season! ~SV ~ - IMMEDIATE! Company dec/mng wtb fortsne 500 cliente/e Has Opevînga tsi ait visas rc/udrng: " Generut Heip " Cusismet Service " Public Relt/os " Prject Management " Account Managers " Client Reps " Mgmt. Irurnees Acceptrng a/t esperrenceleue/s. $500 $600/wk (start) Fuilt ime need app/y Caîl Julia 905-560-6187 Car Washers / Lot Attendants FULL-TIME Val/rt Drivers licence required. Fax resume to: (905) 825-8802, Afin: Service Mgr FREE TRAINING COOK WANTED SUPERINTENDANT COUPLE Drive 4 US. $11 .00 per hour requîred îmmedîatefy for 80 unit Sohool Bus Drivers Wanted 3 days Friday, Saturday & Sunday apartment complex in Hamilton. Must be able to cook for 14 people Experience required. CaII 905-877-4448 Ask for Mary 905-875-3214 or Apartment & salary for compensation. Laidlaw is an equal Fax 905-875-3635 Fax resume to 1-905-822-9155 opportunity Company --_________1__ e im 50 C~ s Careers Caro" -J -1 1