8-The Canadian Champion, Friday November 29, 2002 111611 SCHOOL RE£PORT YO N RI E S: ha v r d ii g c lus free vde bocureld bo eatm Most driving sehools exist because people want to0 pays driving tests. YOUNG DRIVERS' exisîs 10 îeach the secrets and skils of lifetime C ollisionfteef' driving. so we dont stop when you've learned 10 pass a test. in tact, thats ubere ul ucstart. Teachîrtg over 750,000 Cartadians lîom,îo predict and preî'ent collisions has made YD the most celebrated course in Northt America. (Antd eamned us ISO 90011 rtgisttation!) Besides colision avoidaace, you'li gtt' " Oneon-one behind the wvheed training. " Heavy traffic, highway/freeway training. " Hlead-on collision avoidance and 8 other emergency maneuvers. " Annually re'îrained and re-certified instructors. " Pick up and drop off at home or school 10 students within residential boundaries. " In car home pick up package availabte to students whîî reside outside the residential boundaries of Milton. Ask for details. 4 Day Course, Saturday - Tuesday, Dec 21, 22, 23, 24 (9:30 amn - 4:15 pm) 2 Weekend Course, Saturday & Sunday, Jan. 18 & 19, Feb 1 & 2 (9:30 an - 4:15 pm) at a free parent cî-dtiving session! 5î/4, Colisref www.coiiomnfr«.cLom <YOUNG DRI VERS*of Canada 1 ~ jYour licence to survive. int0%T9OO' www.youngdrivers.corm 905-875-0480 DATEL6INE DRURY Julianna Clarke Sara Grimbly Jordan Lumb In the sprnt of Chistmas, we ssould like 10 ccler a big thank you gi b lie many Daieline Drury readers wico are consaoly siovering us wclh cccnplic mens on our column. espccialh t/ti' Mac 'c Milk 'mplcce vec'icccc(ccppcc ici/canna. And. wha lice ieck, in tie spirit of gvng. we would also lke to, lirow a ione 10 lie alened wrilers of The Royal Report and T1ice Mustcng Messenger. Nccw Ihat we have ticat oui of our systenis, lets gel dccwn te busi- Led by none oher tian Jack Bangay, thce Senior School Reacic Teace ied for 2nd place ai las! Fniday's Toumnamentila B.R. 'Mis is qinle a fantastic féa hecause the competicion was siff. ln lie wonderful world of Dnnry Aietccs, tie balîs are bouncing, the pucks are dropping, and the wrestlers are iuting tie mats. The Girls Hockey team is al smiles tiis week, basling in the success of las! WednMsay's gamne against Milton District High School. Tie 'Smongs go dd-dcissed by our girls last week ai Tiompson Arena the gamne ended witic a final score ol8-1. Ligicing up lice scoreboard witic six, count'emn six, gcoals ssas Asiley Rui.Tie Boys' hockey leam was ioping liat some of lie girls'tlent would rub off on tiem wien liey it tie ice Iis past Tuesday in a gamne bere in Mlton against Appleby College. They aso balled Oakville Tafalgar Hgh Scicool yeslerday a! lie Oakivlle Arena. Tice results of liese gamnes were not avalable ai press ime, bai we cao bel liat lie boys did as well as tie girls. And if nol: remenîber guys, il*slice effort liat couolts. A team tial makes wînniog seem efforless s lice ECD wrestlers. You cao rest assueed dia! our boys will bring triumpic home wilic tiein when tiey returni from the loumnameol in Beamsville loday. And if not. aI leasItichey cao bring iome a cool souvenir from big-citvy Beamnssille! 'Me Locker Bay was a htale empIler ioday. No! only were lie wrestlers absent, bu lie senior boys' basketbal ieam was 001 in circulation eilicer, due tu tie loumament tiat diey are iostîog here ai Drury. 'Me loumamnent will be spilling intolomorross as well. So comne on down t0ulie Sport.s Building 10 cieer on our taienled Spartas! Bu if you are n01 a bg sports fan, you cao comte ouI and see lie musical talents ai Drury on December 5di. Tîne into wcinter ai die iner Music con- cert nexl Thursday aI 7:00 p.m. you cao even tay ou! laIe diat nigici because NEXT FRIDAY IS A P.D. DAY!! On dhi note, everyone ias îwo dings to0 be looking lorward te, ... An upcoming diree day weekend, and CHRISTMAS! So you better be good l'or goodness sake! COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS: 25 days!! Megan Cavon Stoph Creignion MILTON DISTRICT HION SCH00G6 "-MUSTANG aMESSENGER"9 It keeps on getng colder and wîth December almost here we can expecl ît 10 stick around for a while, but don't be dîscouraged! The wînter months don't just brtng snow and frosîbite, but Christmas, New Years and fun Milton activities. John Toneili arena is open for public skating. and Glen Eden should be opening on December lSth, depending on the amount of snow. Thankfully, the amount of snow we get does not matter to the winter sports that are happening at MDHS. in the next few months. From the Mustang Sports Centrai we have updates on ail of our teams. Unfortunately the boy's hockey team lost their past two games 10 QE. Park and Appleby college, but with Ms. Miller's excellent coaching îhey should soon be in top shape. 'Me girl's hockey team lost their first few games as well. Wish the players of these teams good luck in any upcoming games. In boy's basketball news the three îeams had exhibitions this past Wednesday and Thursday against White Oaks and Acton. The seniors will aiso, step out onto the courts against E.C. Drury this weekend in a pre-season toumament. The sea- son officially starts on Monday. Go 'Stangs! In other sports news our very own fish, Jennifer Porenta, travelled to Edmonton this week to participate in nationals. We wish ail of our athietes well in the next week. We also wish our senior scholars weli in the next week. They wiil be starting to apply 10 coliege and university. This year ail applications will be done online. In the past week ail students interested in university will have received a tutorial and a PIN number in order 10 do so. As an aside 10 any student who wants to appiy and did not receive a PtN, please see Ms. Schofield in guidance as soon as possible. The numbers for college application wili be distributed next week. Our school wili be worrying not just about applica- tions, but about the iess fortunate as weill Next week is the start of the Christmas Collection, so please bring in food. Just remember not 10 bring in any next Friday. It is a P.D. day and you may want 10 corne 10 school that day. but you reaily dont have 10! In just a few weeks you won't have 10 worry about coming lu school at ail. Christmas break is on ils way. Soon you cao relax, take a big sip of Eggnog, and enjoy the festivities. Until then. keep up the hectic pace. and enjoy the fresh winter air, because the oppressive sommer heat (sound good) will be back soon enough! ,,,THE ROYAL REPORT"9 Jenna Masciantonio Meredith Murphy DISHOP REDINO HIrg SCHGGL BR's Fact of the Week: The rhinoceros is a relative of the horse and can run just as fast for a short distance. The coffee house this Thursday was a great suc- cess. Many of BR's talented singers and musicians were the topic of conversation as they entertained the night away. The audience was captivated by Melinda Knox's rendition of "The Man I Love". Nothing does a better job compieting the evening than tables and tables of delicious snacks. Intermission between bands allowed guests to admire the creative paintings in the piazza. Congratulations to key S.O.L.L. members Melissa Farrell, Melinda Vieria, Bridget Row, and Krista Cunney on such a successfui evening. Ail proceeds will go to various social justice causes. Bishop Reding hosted a REACH toumnament last Friday. They destroyed the competition throughout the day taking ALL FIVE rounds. This inciuded hammering cross-town rivais E.C. Drury. Fast hands and a quick brain helped Nora Loretto, Megan Mutcheson, Ryan Pyne and JiJ. Byrne lead BR to such an overwheiming victory. The team now travels to E.C. Drury on December 5th to con- tinue their winning streak. GOOD LUCK ROY- ALS! ATTENTION! Ladies and gentlemen, the Snowfiake Bail is only a week away. So girls, heat up those curling irons, and boys get the gel out of the cupboard. Aithough these are obviousiy essen- tial don't forget the most important thing TICK- ETS! Hopefuliy you have your tickets because today was the iast day to purchase a fabulous evening of dinner and dancing. "Great things are îlot done hy inmpulse but bY a series of sniall thirtgs hrought together-" -Vincent Van Gogh m