Councillor changes vote; motion stili lost By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion A motion to reconsider Milton's smoking bylaw was defeated Monday after Councillor Brian Penman changed bis vote. But changing Uic vote wasn't a malter of changmng opinion, Mr. Penman told The Champion. "I thnk that was the way to go. 1 still got exactly what 1 wanted," he said. referring to a motion direciing Town staff to investi- gate eliminating exemptions from the bylaw. "A number of us (councillors) have agreed that we'll still get Uie reconsidera- tion Urough amending the bylaw." Lasi month, Mr. Penman voted in favour of reconsideration during a controversial 5- 4 voe that killed the motion. Thre vote was taken again Monday after a series of pro.cdural errors resulicil in a second voie. Again. the teconsideration died, but thîs time in a 6-5 tally. Mr. Peoman supported the staff direction 111 tbink that was the way to go. 1 stifl got exactly what 1 wanted." to investigate removing the exemptions which received majorty support. 'Had we gone the other way (reconsider- ation). we would have put into disarray the whole process and started back at scratch. That would've led to confusion in the restaurant business. the bar business," the councillor said. "We (council) spent more time wran- gling about how Io get to first base than what the issue on irst base was about." Currently. hait' t both the gaming floor and bleachers ai Mohaswk Racetrack are exempt. As ssell. Bingo Country bas until January 2(X)4 t0 construci a designated smoking room. Thre Champions Christm; is slowly moving toward it! To date. $4,207 bam bee the annual campaign -wh ail local families have ai complete wiffi dinner and tt dren itsel IfitI woh - sýfor htefinh tu as Bureau Fund s 2(X)2 target. en collected for ich ensures Uiat nice Christmas, toys for tUic cli- A lot more help is need over thre next tour weeks if thîs year's goal of $25,000( is 10 Ire reacheil. Please send donations payable to Uic Christmas Bureau Fund, Box 249), Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or drop them off at our office, 191 Main St. E. The Canadian Champion, Friday, Novembier 29, 2002--5 vClarification i i TI!W- n I ii nHu I TF s ,qtj C G T îsOyita' ssh'n in tact tl -hotilht Parade photo teature on the t.ommunity Page. in have rea t boih time. as (ord/lto loyola Tuesday's Champion requires a clarification. The Champion regrets any confusion that rnay One of the floats was identified as 'Milton have been caused by the wording. *FieO oà ThiUlgs@ QUALITY ~ ~ ~ O OA UNTR FCAMPBELLVILL 'i :~~ i soi 1 ý l I New Style, Souk) Oak Miss SeatS Up te 12. Other 10 fabulous c( New Colour. Christmas Special sion Dining Suite. Uimiteci quantities of book cases in Pine and Oak. 2rstyles te choose from. Sized from 48" to 720 in height Starting at $189. 0101K s avallable. Many more great Çhnstmas gift ideas. . fi i e0a thiilp C UNiEMin.rwnISH M AD OIDOKFUNT oeEVERYTHINGIOU> MUST GO Fui 11-7 Sat " Fr1. Nov 29 to Sun. Dec I1~~II7 .~zU~Fri.Dec 6to Sun. Dec 8$77 $u SN am ln ii iWe reaerve the rghi 10 lîmt quantufies. While quanliea iat.Final sale, no refunda, no exchangea. Bureau fund donations are starting to trickle in a IF MASSIVIE HOLINDAY Q IDATION SALE