The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 29, 2002-B5 rromWe ri nger roodg to believe.. PreDining DeIicioug cuHntartj i ci'mtionig foi'goul' gI>oin l pi g occa!ionl hlig We Iovd theriight inigrpdient!:. cugtoin Menu Proparatioli A Range of Euiffo pt rigp ptobg.ionql Table 2.qrvice Large Cotporae [vent or Intirate Sýoial 0Carhp.ring PetfPct benid of expprip<f)Ceý & creativity fo tnakp tJour mp(ia ocagion a hIefnotablê te Anyone. Anywhere. ChribtmaE5 Operi Hoube '5teholiday eeàeon riôl aII throueh our etore. there arc tong of qifte5 from the ceiIiniq to the floor! 5o corne in nrow do mot delay. Ai ['fore you kniowit .. t wIi lle Chrtmria5 day! VVe ot à CodtqTRY hlII. would lilke to inivite yot. to our arnnual Chriotrnia5 Open Houce. Openi Hou5e 5avurciay, NovemIber 3GVh 9:30 a.m. - (ô:00 pm. in [urlinigVon anid iIr. V 2 We have 2 arcat Iocationio! 265 Mairn 5t. E. Carriaýc 6quare. S -~<Milton 905 878 1070 51,5 5rant 6t.(at ,aroIinie) [3urýiîjtori 905 651 9885 ~,~ We hope Vo bec you there! ~ Have a 5afe & Happy Holida~y! i kimP~erly, Glennr, Drooke, 13roclie, aie~ ll of A Couli'Ry MIL£ 5taff PLEASE GIVE 13888332103433 1