92-The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 29, 2002 'A' midgets sidestep couple of landmines Please fax your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943. e Clarke"s Golf I ww.clarkesgolf.com CPIUa fuq 18 Thompsou Rd, Unit 7&B, M~iton SPALD1NG. Bv yTEVE LeBLANC The Chaimpton Milton's A midgets dodged a couple of bullets Sunday evening. On the ice, they rallied from a third-period defecit to escape with a 4-2 decision over H-espeler - thus keeping a seaoon-long winning streak intact. And more innportantly, be.d coach ('bris Brennan iiiod oîuî,îut h hleai îv~t i >.'~ had been lifted. The possible suspension stemmed from what he deocribed as a simple communication breakdown regarding OMHA rule changes over instigator and aggressor penalties. The Milton newcomer -wbo moved to town for work tbis faîl - bad been coacbing junior hockey for the paut three years and was still under the assomption that an instigator or aggressor penalty had to have a specifec code attacbed to it on the scoresheet in order to warrant a suspension. Under the new rolea, no uucb code is needed. This case presented itself on two separate occasions and- not realizing tbe changes - Brennan ued those suupended playeru the following night. "We didn't view it as anytbing more than the two minutes on the ubeet," he explained, who said be was- n't brougbt up to upeed about the roles by Milton Minor Hockey when he joined its coaching ranks thia fal. Witb two strikes againut him by an OMHA execu- tive deeming bim 90 have knowingly broken the roles, Hart-breaking return for boxer By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Matt Hart Jr. bad gone nearly six menths witboot a figlit when be laced up Y lis gloves for competittean ai Terunnens Atlas Boxing Club Saturday tigbt. But the local boxers desire to retuna tu tIhe rinag sound up being uvcrsbaduvssed by e lacklustre and sbor-lived showsdouan with Brtiptonis Basilire Elizonclu. Miltons 25-year cld middleweigblt by bis unwn admission - was stock n defense mode througb the opening round. doing little more than picking o.. punch- es by Elizondo. Matt H Not wanting an obvious off-night to escalate, coach Billy Martin stopped the figbt in tbe early stages of round two- by whicb point a tum- around was learly not in the carda. -l dont blame my coach at aIl. I juat wasn't show- caing Matt Hart." said the local pugiliat, who describes the weekend retumn as bis frt legitimate loua under the tutelage of Martin. I felt really sluggisb 0outbere, and 1 tbink it bad a lot to0 do with the layoff. I wavn't using my upeed or letting my bands go. "Basically 1 beat myself, bot l'm not too womred. This is amateur and l'm being groomed for the pros." Hart Jr. - who in recent months bas received advice from Egerton Marcus. a sparring parner of wurld champion Lennox Lewis - isot 900 sure jiaso bow le many punches he landed aganst Eltzondo. bot says it wau well onder bis He had a busy and near flawless eigbt- bout run going before bis lengtby layoff -whicb was due in combination to a tom ebest muscle, a few missed opportu- art Jr. nities at area racetrack carda and an opponent pull-out in Loekport, New York September 20. He also failed to gel matcbed up for laut montb's provincial championubipu in Barrie. However, Hart Jr. anticipates that the slow time is now over and expects to be back in furm for a December 14 appearance at bis training ground of the Bramalea Boxing Club. "My coach bas picked out the 10 top middleweights around. and we're tracking down every one of them," be said. MILTON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION WEEKEND SCHEDULE 1-mmwa Ooc t I Nov 29 630 p. Tmbts Ye0w vs Timttts Red Nov 30 800 arn T rnbts Orange Tmbits White 800 arn TmbtaGreeon Tîmbts Black Nov.DO 700arn. 8000 . Hut Cryter va. Mitarn Store Cotatruction ethie betueretttg y Chudleghs Dec t 200 p. s Goodde iteta Dlue vo Goodide Pteau Red 3:00 p.rn Gtedlife Fiteat Green Goodîtfe Fitots lack 4:00 psm. Nu-Tech Recruites va 5:00 psm Gahriger Ford 600 ps. tiftan Freightert Clob 7.00 p. s. Travl Choce 4' Itototors Group McCvaig traurarce tlaley Optical trans Autt Repais 400 psm. Hme Citnea ideo va 5:15 p.rn. Dreas Car Garage 6:30 prn Ptresse Law Office 745 p.rn Idutral Lgflt & icr Nov. 29 730 p. 845 p.Ms Dec t 9:00 p.r. Dec. 2 7:35psm 853 p.r. 10:tt PsM -H Nov 30 7.00 as 820 a s 9:40 art Canadiar Tire MillweId Enterprises trian's Auto Ropaita tocs & Dents Chudltîglto ut Gus Mowbray Ltd. tria Auto Repaira Abuolute Trarsporatior i.Nu-Tech Recraiters Cttvdleîth'a High Five Potogtaphyut Key Centre Johnson Cotrolo Kwik Kopy Total TearnIsage Mlton Crysler Ddge Nadalît tlectric va Aste & Noble Irovrance tiaras Auto Repais Shoppers r Dng Mart Seara Tote Dental Group GALLENSE ,FORD LINCOLI HALTON COMMUNiTY REHABILITATION CÉNTRE Monday, Pecember 2nd we wil l e at our new location 17 WIL50N AVENUE (cornier of WiIboni & Maim) The acditiomal nervicen ani cauipment wiIl eac e so5l specific traimirru, increase our retum to work a E5E5bment ai work conclitioFti0n prooram, allow impros'ec pobtoperative care anti provitieaan enhanceti level of DerviCe to ail patienita. Phybiotherapy *Ma5baCe Tl eray*Or;lot ic liateb Brennan suas toeld S'ZtLtrd:e'v th:ee hi,, cîachtng uluties That newa came followtng an OMHA meeting attend by local ice scheduler and team trainer Scott Anders. However, Tammy Parcels- Milton Minor Hockey'v vice-preaident- straightened out the situa- tion with league decision makers the following day and had things rectified before the midgets to the ice Sunday. "b waa certainly a big relief," said Brennan. Sunday'a decision came au great news for rep hock- ey fana, ince the club represents perhaps the beat shot at an OMHA cbampionahip this coming spring. The A midgets' bench boas did bave to serve a three- game suspension, which ended Monday night in Elora when the Action Utility Trailer Winterhawks extended their win streak to a remarkable 22 games with a 2-0 shutout. Daniel Lynch and captain Kyle Strong did the scor- ing, while between the pipea for the team's 10th shutout of the season was Tim Johnaton. 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