The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 29, 2002-27 DEONI: Joseph Anthony (1938-2002)>I band joli Gîîies, Mark ana his wie Leanne, and aean and his fiance Cora. Grandpa wili e tiondiy missed by Tatiana, Aekaandr, Tyer, Ryan and Jorden. Joe passed away peacefally wiih famiiy at his side Tharsday. November 28fh. Fiends wii be received i t he J. licott Ealy Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Mit on (905) 878- 2669 on Saiarday, November 30th from 79 PM and Sanday, December 1lsi from 2-4 & 7-9 PM. Vigil Prayers mii be recited ai 8.30 PM. A Fanerai Mass wil be heid on Monday, December 2nd ai il AM f rom Holy Rosary Roman Caihoic Charch, i temmeni ta f011 0w ai Evergreen Cemeferi,. Donaions t0 the Canadiar Cancer Society or the Hearn & Sroke Foandai ion wouid be appreciated by the famîf y. SOARES: Maria Pnacefuiiy, ai Af endafe or Wednesday Noember 27, 2002. Mania Soares of Mion at the age o 83eoned i ile of Anono for 63 years. Lonîng Man of Mary Joe and her hsband Don Mark of Mlon, Lis and ha milfe Laara of Mssisauga, Anono and his ie Conceicao of Torono, Jose and hs ie Rosana of Smiihsviiin, A- berina and her husband Anono Medeiros and Maria and her hasband Eagenîo Guerreiro, al o AcoresaIs- sands De.,r Bavo of 18 grandchidren and 16 greai- grandchildren. Friends ii Sbe receioed ai the JScot Early Fanerai Home, 21 James Si., Mlon (905) 878- 2669 on Fnday, Noember 2910 (ioday) f rom 7-9 PM Vgil rayera iii Se recind ai 8.30 PM, A Fanerai Maso iii 0e heid on Saturday, Noember 301h ai il AM I rom Hoiy Rosary Roman Caiholic Charch. Inermeni 10 foi- lom ai Eergreen Çemeiey Speciai ihanks f rom Mar- as famiy 10 Dr Hunier and the sali ai Aiendaie for al iheir care ard suppor. SUTTON, Richard - Passed peacefully away, in the presenoe of his oving fami- y, on Wednesday November 27th, 2002 at the William OsIer Heahh Cen- tre, in Georgetown, Ont. Richard Sut- ton, formerly of Bell Island, Nfld., in his 84th year, predeceased by his brother Clarence. Leaving to mourn his wife of 59 years, Violet (Martin); daughters Bev- erly Lee (Frank), St. Johns, Nfld; Betty Fitzpatrick (Leo), Georgetown, Ont; Sandy Ewing (Robert), Milton, Ont. Grandchildren, Brian Lee, Rachelle Verge (Craig), Debbie Pop (Ian), Rick Fitzpatrick (Kelly), Rob Ewing and Chris Ewing. Great grandchildren Sydney and Ryan Fitzpatrick and Dylan Pop. Sister Sophie Ryland, Lewisporte, Nfld; sisters-in-law Effie Coombs (Walter), Upper sland Cove, Nfld; Marguerite Martin, St. John's, Nfld; Bertha Martin, Mt. Pearl, Nfld; Alice Marnin, Thorold, Ont., and many nieces and nephews and special neighbors, Annie and John Dwyer. Friends will be received at the J.S. Jones & Son Funeral Home, 11582 Trafalgar Road, north of Maple Avenue, Georgetown, 905-877-3631 on Friday November 29th from 2-4 & 7-9 pm. Fu- neral servie will be held at St. Georges Anglican Church (60 Guelph Street, Georgetown) on Saturday November 30th at 11:00 arn. Interment Greenwood Cemetery, Georgetown. In memory con- tributions to the Heart & Stroke Founda- tion or a charfty of cones choice would be appreciated. Natalie.Dawn Clarke ,Vat lt us one yar 06000 oni'uvmbur 2.91 k- Theru art, nou'ords Io express the magnitude of the (eus uc lave eprienced. We did nt simple insu a member of ose famîty, wc test a kind, carng and teîing purson who support cd us i. oemuny uruys. Shu ail ocrer bu (ergelten. ner will hur presunce in osr W e les diminish. We miss pou Natatie but hope le 6e wllh pou again one day. Afom, Dad and Shawn HAIR IS ON FIRE I Lovîsg Memory of aur nîece and cossis, Natulîn Clarke. Your are mssed mre eacli day and miii uiays On nn our earis l'aur love ofi îe and your spîiri livens mlhîn eaclionofa We h05 aif ysu whes we see a Seaulîlul sunset or a red rose, a fitle girl in pîgtais or a beaullful omen illi a hlinull ai caris, Wa you wilf neyer be lorgoflen. The Beckett Aunts, Unces and Cousins Kowat, Rosa November 30,1999 Dear Mom,1Oma As time unloidu anoiher year Memones heep yuu ever near, Sîleni houghls ofai mes ogellier -Hold memorios h01 wlil lorever. Ti roses loue iheir pelais. Ti heaiher has lostitis dem hii the end ofI Ome, Aar Moiher We wiii remember you Love Vour Family McTrash: Tony, Michael and John If on/y takes a little space To write how much we miss you But it will take the rest of our liues To forget the day we lost you. In memory of a dear husband Tong, August 3, 1992 and two wonderful sons Michael, February 19, 1957 John, September 27, 1997. Loue Always NeZ (Momn), Christine, Mark and Ally. Beaty Melba Hugh and te famly lank finonda and neiglibours for lheîr hndnesa & sympalhy duning Meibas ilness and death. A pariclar lhank you lu Dr Ruuall.lhe nurses ai Mil ton Dsiîct Hospial and Doug & Andrew Kocher The joyfui ceiebrati00 of Melba s fie epressed by tOn clergy & chioir of Grace Anglican Church mre parlicu- larly hoîplul. TONELU ALEXANDER The famly of the laie Alxander Tonelli wouid lke la express ber sîscere Ilianku la heir relatives, fends aod neigliboums for ail heir support durîng Aleu s ilnes and passîng an Nov. S. 2002. Yor cards, donations, liowers, fond and vîsîlO were a greal loibule 10 Ainu A specral thanks la Dr Kolowski. Dr Sawhney and the nuses ai Mion Disrnc Hospil for ler onderful care. Thanks lu tOn Kocher famly for their guidance and compassion. tai Judy andithe ladies for tOe excel- lent lunch and 1cr Fallier David and Faher Damian ai Hoiy Rosary Churcli soco"v In Memnonamrs in the form of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. MOVING SALE MUST SEEî EXCELLENT ITEMS!! SOME NEW, GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS. SATURDAY NOV 30TH & SUNDAY DEC. 1 ST 11 -3 P.M 10097 HWY. 25 NORTH 4,5 KMS FROM THE 401 FOUND ai Wings Up, BEDROOM sot. Bpce Waich. Speak Io cherrymood. Bod, chesi, Manager la îdontîfy. tindrosser, mîrror, nighi 905-876-1414 stands. donelail con- struction. Neyer opened. In boxes. Cosi $9000. Sacrifice $2800. 416-748-3993. DIVORCE Survival Siraiegies .. Before DININGROOM l4pce speniding large sumns on cherrywood. 92" double egal 1885, cati the Fam- pedesial. 8 Chppen- ly Law Centre. Our law- dale chairs. Buffet. yors wiii preseni >iOu hulch, servor. dovetail muSh options and offer consrucion. Stiîîin bon- smari and proven sîraf- e.Cs 1,0.Sci egies 10 hep reduce le-850s$40.Sar gai fees, safeguard as lfice $5.000. 416746- sels and defend your 0995. chld cusfody and ac- VIKING washer/Whirl- cess nihis. "Separale Smarftoiel1 Free 1-866- p3ool dryer. Good condi- 900-4529. ion. Bof h for $125 OBO. Caf I 905-878- RAINBOW Village Day- care has limited spaces for chitdreni 18 moniha $$SWantfed- Al China, 10 5 years. Qualbly child- Slver. Crysial, Tea care sînce 1989. Caps, Royal Doulfon, (905)878-7552. Smarovski, Glass, MORSES boarded. New Staffs. Hmy 25 (Speyside area). Pas- ture board also avait- able. CatI 905-878-2059 5-PIECE ~ peari espi.i, drum sel, ocean bIse. tacludes aI f hardware, throne, peari dosbflo- base pedai. 12'AAX Melal Spiash, 20"AAX Mefat ride, 18"AAX Metaf crash, 1 4AAX Metaf H Hat, 2O"Hand Hammerod Chinese Everything in minI con- dition. Askîng $1,700. Acton. 519-853-3472. A King Pillomfop Mat- tresa Set mt h rame. Newmin plastic. Coaf $1.599,00 Sacrifice $65000. 416-567-9459 APPLIANCES - frîdge, 2 door; Stone; Maytag aufomatic masher, dry- er. Also apartmenit set. Ijoder warranty. 905- 637-8328 BED Oueen PilomIop Mattreas, Box, Frame, Never used still packu- aged. Cost $102500 Sel $480,00. 416-567- 4042. teclibtes, estafes. Cati John/Tracy, 905-331 - ONL.Y one tehl! Austra- lias Shepherd puppy. firsf shots, nef cliecked, parents on site. Price negofiabte bto oving home. Caît 519-856- 2837 1996 Plymouth Grand Voyager. 5 door. New batlery. 139km. Fully foaded. $8950 OBO. Cafl f1-905-617-2033 2000 Toyota Echo. 27,000 km. Mint condi- tion. 4 dr. AM/FM Radio. 10,500 0.8.0. Caîf 905- 854-1400 GORRUD'S SALES à LEASIN NEW & M)E 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMLY BUSINESS WITII FAJIULY VALUES NE - O8V - SaLL - L.EAS LMlGES LEUON OF Lm WG N MTN ut 875-2M7 Tim Rader and Diane (nee Aquilina), are thrilled with thte arrivai of their firat bom son, James Nathanlel Bader bom November 5, 2002 weiyhiny 7lbs 1/2 MayE nBdOZ orda Proud Grandparents are Tony and Maria Aquilina of Milton and Dr. James and Congradulations Tim and Diane L Lots of love, ail your family MAUGERI Robert & Dondon are pioased 10 annoance ihn salle arrivai of ihoîr iwin boys Vittorio (Victor) and Matteo boro October 10102. 2 nom play- mains for big sîsier f sabeila, 121h & 13th grandchîid of Vittorio & Francesca Maugen, 510 & 610 grandchîid of Ray Macîinnon and Vîciona Macîinnon. Thanks so mach f0 Dr. Sharman & ihn Nurses of Oakviiio/Trafaigar Hospital for ihoîr dedîcalion and T.L.C. CET YOUB MOTOR BUNNINO 14CR bas the inside track on À AUTOMOTIVE JOBS n thte Miton arma, available immediately. o 0 0 Production Technicians 0 $11 - $12A1our , Ait shifts To make as te driving force behind your next job placement, contact HCR todayt 1-888-41 1-1660 - Fax: (416) 622-7258 - 1 n E N SNIFTING AUTOMOTIVE JOBS INTO IGH GEAR n Thiningof aCareer in We are seeking highly motîvated, qualufîed candidates inlerested n a career as a Police Offîcor. You wiil work in Haflon Region which is comprmsed of te communîlies of Burt ington, Oakvmf f o Milton, and Haton Huis. Police Recruitment Information Session Tuesday, December 3, 2002 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Burlington Convention Centre 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington, Ontario The information sessions oif i inctude an espianation of the Police Constable seleciion procesa. încludîng hos o 1 proparo for thie P.R.E P. lest. Vos mîli also ho gîven an opportunit'e 10 ask cqustion1o0plice recruiters and training personnel.~ Applications seil e avaifabto aI: Humana. Regional Police Service, 1151 Brante Rond, P.. Box 2709, Oakville. Ontario 1.6J15Ç?If -pou rire further informa4qn o re anable 10 attend, please c sgional Poell.esi<«bsg et: (905) 825-4747 ext. o Viait our Web-sile a "