The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 26, 2002-3 -Town helping find new tenant for former Quality Greens site Loblaws purchases property A currently undeveloped portion of MMUons Representatives at the Loblaws head olfii expanded central business district miay soon sec tight-lipped about the pttrchase. declining comr progress. any plans for the land. Grocery store chan Loblaws recently purchased the Under current zoning. the propcrty could sec property on the southwest corner of Main Street and of commercial uses, including a hardware stor Thompson Road. food store. Fresh Pizza Dough .591 C£.-.EIE*E Im<DIfEFUýE CHEESE DEMO THIS WEEK, THURS, FRI & SAT. Featurlng speclalty chuese from Saput,~ -~ S corne & have a f ree taste on us! 199 AILA PRICES IN EFFEOT NOVEMBER 26- DECEMBIER 2 A ? StoreHours MON. - MO URSý Saturday 830 arn - 6 PM 9:00 A. 0P Sunday 9:00 arn 5 PMn.