Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 2002, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 26, 2002-23 si 61D01 WOODBI NE. E N TE AT A f N M EN T Join our dynamtic teain! We are ant industry leader in thte sports, gamneg, and eetertaoeement business and are seeking eeedusiastic, career oriented individu*ls wbo are flexible and coeoeuitted to custorner service excellence. We have fthe followig opporteenitiesat our MOHAWK location... Drive rs - 2 fil-time positions on will be respoaatble for efrivmng aff track equipment. job requirements incluele previoos experience driving wafer trocks, tractors. anod otirer track eqoîpmenf. You will also be responsible for the maintenance of ail tools aad equipmeet, screening anrd rolliog track for stanehrdbred racing. and cutting the track witb cutting barrow. You will also pick-up anod deliver parts and equipenent and perforne other dttes as required. Yohm must bave a valid Class 'DZ' drivers liceoce and qualify9 for ao Ontari o lactng Commission licence. Race Book Supervisor . part-timie You wiil take responsibiIiit for sopervising Race Book operatioos by maintaioing ctrtfpanf statndard., wifb Mutuels and customer service issufes. You wiit provide wagering and lorsePlatcr Ioteractive information t(o crtfonfers. our respoosibilities will include estfring tirartire cash advance. ABNI, and Race Btok s)steofs are sceore. operationai. and meef ail provincial anrd federal regolatitmns%. Attexcelleof conomunicator mitir soliti leadership skills. von iii monitor atrd resolve any tecinicai issues related f0 cquipment or transmission witb satellites. odds, audio signais. aod oe eqfipment. Yon hae an in-depti knoovledge rf custofer service protocol coupird with tmo years sopervisory erperience. You murst quaiiy for an Ontario Raciog Commtission licenrer. ooor knowledge of the Caiadian Pari Mutuel Agencq regulafions ssouid be an asset. Yoo most be availabie f0 work shift work, weekeefds. and holidays as required. Pirase apply in writing f0: 'Acodiine Entertainusent Group. 555 Rerdair Boulevard. PO. Box 156. Toronto. Ontario M9W 5L2 Fax: l-s 6213-2129 e-mail: f sbs@WoodbineEtrtertainmietot.com Warehouse/Shippiflg Lead Person SSI EQUIPMENT INC. edn tg fpfeOi o etrsctonsr u stosa n fobng sne wco Civil & Utilitiesl is expanding theix operatrona ito the western GTA by opening an office in Miton. We are currentiy recniing for a high performing indi- viduatot perforca the rote of Administrative Assistant he position es administrative support tai the estimating and opeationat staff. he succesaful candidate shoutd possess excelent organization, verbat & written communication and softwvare akitis. Estimatrog or industry experience is a deinite asaet. interested candidates ahoutd fonssrd their resumes hy Nov. 29tht t: Emrait: hr<'aecom.caca Fax: 9051 451-69l27 Clean Up and Detailing Miton Toyota and Gorrudo Ata Group are ookîng for a tnii tîmne nehîcie delsiier wth preeloas interior and exterior experience ta work n a bnsy Divan-up and Detaiting deparimrent. Other posttîons anaiabie incinde ful anad part-imne car washers and lot attendants. Competitive wageo andi beneits available- Pease forward applicatons la Raiph Haul aI 400 Sleeies Ae. Milon, Onario. Fax: 905-875-516 emaii: îîfo@mitontapota.com ýooîngfr a J .'0lokno fun er...... in er fr m ng clenn evcemeadi mantgte Bltyinldangadsf manervh picsAtsmstbeat 1 piertolermtical wt ork uch as recnquesa paintingredecoring and rlemoiggrae Tstanding. a ndimoatwi or ersantri eoutieinen ns e ,ired. pis n ass inpesefourrcesumg e rvto: idi Mantiicgh aeilt iHaeffran adsf maner. Te app in us e ali t Wepacn apprebusciae aida icains, rpis howtng eerati ndytos coe o integrvie wîll bce s e contcted FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. Sohool Bus Driver's Wanted CatIl905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company J c- O -I 1-rce Skilled in: Carpentry, Plambing, Electrical, Cetamic, Pantng, Wallpapeî, Drywall, Plaster, Fîxor covering + others. Flexible hauts. Rective sf cheque by Friday. Fl/PT avaîl. Must have awn tols, 10 yîs exp + reliable transpartatian. Cal Mr Arhar 905-578-4405 Ags16M 2 eas Eon nfactrnreuesa experience Shipper/Receivr Appicants Must have a positive attitude & able to work in a fast paced enviroment. Hea'Jy lifting is required. Day time hours Monday-Friday Excellent Benef les and Competitive Wages Please Fax Resume to i 905-878-9211 LOCAL FiE~tAUPfANT looking for expenienced reliabte ÇLEANING/DISHWASHING HELP FT Position. Day and evening shifis availabie. Good renumeratton & tips for the rght person Aiso accepttng appi for exp. watt staff & cooks. Caîl Domenic or Maria 905-693-1992 or Apply in person 248 Main St E. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Retiia'd fin ffi , ttetpw itn hn î/niJýSenI î'tireil ,marîe Ï01apfe. îî't1îîmainteanc tr e au fl ki l soe fi u Rtý,ond totBox 303 9, a i.nadiin Chanpion-49 191 Main S.E., Milin. M NL9T1Ni Classified Hours 1_ Monday to Fnday 9 am to513m 510 Gen" Hep wanted Customer Service Representative aA iJuM IsiiiyP!jW currently seeking a responsible & reliable individual. THE SKILLS: *Strong customer relations *Excellent English communications *Good computer skills a defînite asset *Possess a pleasant telephone manner Please fax your resume ta: Attention: Human Resources Fresh Start Foods Inc. Fax:905-878-901 0 Importer avd Wholesalei teqaîtes AIR ADMINISTRATOR& ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Ysa hase a Mino 5 yeats expetience, ais a self siailet. highly malîvaled possesa excellent communimcationi skifls Accounlîîig and administraive educat on is ri-quited Veiy carripeitivf resimneiatioii SL-SPECIAL LABORATORIES LTD Fax: 905-876-3729 Part -Time ADMIN. ASSISTANT Needed for medicai publîshîng compaxy n Milton. Strong communication skîlls & exceltent computer knowiedge necevsary Fax remume 10 905-875-2864. Full Time Off ice Position January to July Basic office duties on breedîng farm in busy small off ice- Please fax your resume to: 905-854-0650 or phone 905-854-9991 for more mbf. FULL TIME OFFICE CLERK Required îmmvdiatviy for busy Miton office. Respnshi ires sncinde Order Entry Freigllt Inna cing. Othvr genviai office duttes as requined. Knowivdge oIf EI and Busineas Visions an asset. Pleaom fax reoume fa 905-878-3599 j r Experienced in industrial installations and control circuits. Exposure to PLC systema would be an asset. Minimum 5 1 years licensed experience. pies" fax rasme ta: M.S. Electric Co. Ltd. 905-827-7430I VON Haiton Branch H/RING PSW's, HCA's & HSW's Burlington, Oakville & Nodh Haton Fax resume 10 Cheryl: 905-827-3390 THE MILTON JR. A. HOCKEY TEAM NEEDS MORE HELP... Soroidortlaloa..Foaiioo This positona auld trciudî markeing & sains actînîtte iiato uanmiaaasuine.star- sorship rngrams anpromotions, This positona aonid aima ysa ta work onttfni our rami or ast Miton oiîcn nîth a min, oi 20 hrstaii j âme Daa..Cotlrdlg > The nnsniîcid idîduai iii se respons ie tor tii coordnaionro gain day atmtes inCud- mng gain and promoiionai staf Home garnis arn prtmariip Friday nights aihsomoi Siandaps, Bots positions renomr an enthusiastîn, energlitc urdîsîduat. Hockey Knowidgî rat issîntiai. For more mnformaio contact David Deme, Mondas fhrough Thurrday aetO0-673-5060exol. 6D4 or fax four resrme to 905-673-6738. Pro(ýmic Driver Speciaîists Fuli-time Pronamic Distribution mnc., is a major food distributor 10 KFC, Pizza Huf and Taco Bell restaurants. We are seeking hard working, reliable professionals: Qualifications cde: . Class AZ certification with tandem tractox trailer experience. . $18.601 houx starting rate . Escellent driving record. . Strong customer service skills 0 Ability t lift up ta 50 lbs. on a con- tinuous basis Flexibility t worlc nights. weekends nd holidays a must for ail applicants. Apply in person at: Pronamic Distribution Inc. MsisuaON LMR3K5 Or Fax resume to (905) 568-2973 We thank ail applicanfs but only those selected for an interview will be confacted. Fust Paced Restaurant requires.. Assistant Manager Min. 2 yrs Experience. Benefies! Compefiive Wloges! Free Uniformi! Flexible Hoursl Enjoyable Aimosphere!! Fui! rime DaySta5 Fre Uniforms! Paid Training!l Flexible Hoursîl Compeltive Wgs noable Aimosphereli Please bring your resume or pick up an application: 50 Market Drive, Milton 905-878-7733 mi 9 vvvvw.WoodbineEnt 1 mi massage People tpreferabty hicensedl Grand Opening Studio Burton 37 Barton St. E. Hamilton, On(. 905-526-0856 Maxi xpeak cnglish Tholisandsocf ioas Become a TESOL cerlified fvache, (A real opporttinity for advenfure) 5-Day 1Intersive cmu -r Evenirgs WpeckeD Dec. 4ff, - 8th Attend an open house Nov. 27tfr 7 p ni a* Shvr han College.,a 715 Movîtg& $tomgep MOVING/ Packîng. Do- mextîclInternational. Free wardrobe whîle on site. Urgent loba wel- comne. 905-829-1282, 1- (866)666-1313. MANURE, cow, goal and lamb mîaed and topsoil sncf tripte min. 905-826-t1408. JOURNEY to Saccesa Tutoring Services. Tu- torîng avaîtable in anvar- iety of tenets. subiecta & g rades. PIease cait for FREE Consultation. 905-876-5648.

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