Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 2002, p. 21

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Class ified The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 26, 2002-21 e SOFAS FOR LES Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting Fromi Uncompromising Qualty and Style. Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at prîces that vviii Delight yovl 1 99 1 1Burlington Power Centre - QEW & Brant St. 905-331-76001 257 267 EXECUTIVE TOWNHOME 1960 sq fi, 4hdrm ., 2 ful Saurs. Designer Fnshad, maîk oui t0 Hot Tuh!, Cnrance from Garage, Ceramîc Tule, Cruwn Moidng. A must see! Coul for your viaw- ing appointmant. 905-875-49911 INDUSTRIAL space wanted. Local resîdeni with business offices in town s nom mantiog to locale is factorp in Ml- ton. Reqares appros. 2000 sq.t. o space for ligh1 manufacturîng and distribution arehouse. Wllîrg 10 share facîl (ies wth the rght psrtp. Cal 9051 876-9996. 2600 sqft. of prime ot- tîce space. 7 pvate of- tîces, reception ares, boardroom, lots f park- ng. $2100/mo. 91000 rani. Golf Loyd Moore ai (905)878-77777 FOR Rani: 700sq ftt.of tînshed office or ratait opace. Prima location, Main Street, Mlon. Vary brîgt. Possession îmmediatefp. 905-469- 1999. DOWNTOWN Milton: Nce private second floor hacheior apani- ment avoulable Dec 1- $560 monthtp îciadiog heat. No Pets. Cafi 905- 854-0401 for appoint- ment 10 vîaw. GLEN EDEN COURT APART- MENTS 122 Bronte Street, South, Miton me ara 00w accepiîg appicatons for 2 edrovm aparmenis. For more information andior ta make an appoiniment, Please cati 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny 82 MILLSIDEODRIVE1 1&2Bedroom Apsl Cloeoownowrl B us sop a 905) 87h-249 NEW ore bedrovan brîght hasameot apani- ment. Non-smoking. protessional person. No pets. Separate an- trance, parking aod lavodrp Dec 1lot $850/mo. + utîities. Cati 905-693-9745 ONE bedroon base- ment apartment avail able Jan. f993. Laur- dry, treplace, patio, ail inclusive. $900/mo. Please caîl 905-878- 7824 For Rent: 1 bedroom b' ement apariment, $9001 /month ail inclusine. *1 edroom apaniment. $925/nenth ail incusive. A Y a uiJabk- in Miton CallAnelor ata 905875-1110 eut 247 2 BDRMV api. avalabie Jan 1/03 on adut floon. $925 a moth al inclu- sive. For appoinimeot caîl 905-878-5345 2 bedroom apaniment avalabla Jan. 1 mith balconp. Utlitias înclvd- ed. $90000. Golf 905- 876-4682, No dogs. 2 badroon spaciovo large, brighf suites. Nemlp decoratad with mary vpgradao. Utlitias ncluded. No doge. 416-918-5913. ACTON Apaisments For Rent: 1 badroom avait- able Decembar 'lot. open 7 daps/week. Sae Day Approsat. No Gogo. 519-853-4374 ACTON large one bed- room $600/mtb plus. 1 51 91)8 5 3 5080/(519)853-5352 CLEAN and quiet cen- ralty f ocatad 1 bedroom apariment on quiet street rn Milon. Rafar- enca reqairad. No pet, no smoking please. 905-844-9340 ROCKWOOD, oaooy, nice bachelor and 1 - bedroon sparimanis. and commercial opace, inclusive. Monanans person needed. 519- 856-4900. SELF-conlaîned one bedroom apaniment in the country. Uiliies on clvdad. $700/mo. Golf 519-853-1170. MILTON brard rew Graanpark 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 meoroon, tamîly roon, backyard. Ail broadloomad. Availabf e Nosamber. $1 695/mo. 416-898-1021 MILTON, 4 badroom, 21/2 bath, famify room, backyard, ail broad- loomed. Avail. imme- dîatafy. $1 799/mo. + uti- f izas 905-854-1023 or 416-898-1021 BONUS! IALLCaýAdsI WAREFIOUSE ALE Featurl.ng 2 Gift Wrap 2 Goeetoeng Cards 2 Gmft Bags & Tags 2 R.bbon & Bows 2 Candies 2 Party Tableware 2 Gft Items NOV 28 - DEC 1 DEC 5-8 THUR-FRI - 10AM-8 PM SATURDAY - 10 AM 5 PMv SUNDÀY - 11 AM- 5 PM 581 McGeachie Drive, Unit #4, Milton lst street east of Court House on Steeles Ave. -> Harrop Dr. First Ieft EL ý on Harrop -> McGeachie Dr. CRAFT SALE Butter Brdhouses, Snowmen & so much more!! Dates: Fridoy November 29th Saturday November 301h Where: 84 Robarts Dr. (Greenpark) Thomas haro Novamber 0h/2002 ai 11.48 p.m. Prvad grandpareois ara Rohyn and Thomas Learmont ni Mion, Trfînîs Harris and Naîf Overiard of Acton yod Giland George Luvion 0f Pashlinch. Speciai Thaok pou t0ODr Lioke, Dr Skupsky and the nurses for thar excellent cars othe hrthîog unit ai Gakeitia Trafalgar Hospital MILTON 3 & 4 badroom avoulable îmmadîataly, please cai 905-876- 2581 CLASSIFIEDS Christmas Candie & Craft Open House Feayurine. f'arîyes- s aidyesand fendle fyl,der f rdeer frîm suuietirie catalogues. 'enchave diruîîrtiriued ieins at discounit prîsu ALSO H1aîdmiade Chrinrus .iyrcki,îe.,and 7reeSrs-rt Il"e haie reat Christmas qif ideas fer all hudgets f fer 150) tenis an display Date: Saturday. Nos. 30, 2002 il a.m. 10 4 p.m. Sundap Dec. 1i 2002 i1 a.m ta 4 p.m. Place: i11429 Steaies Ave. Georgetown I km sast of James Snow Parkwapi Kim Adkin ; Partyite Consultant RABISHAW: THOMAS PETER (Served with the Ca- nadian Army in 2nd Wortd War in Canada and Ger- many, True marr ot Canadian Legion Mton Branch 136, Worked many years with the Haton Regionai Roads Department) Pescefuiiy. or Surday November 24. 2002 iv hs hBiO yaar Thomas Raishaw of Mltion. Lovîng husSard of Ethet and cherîshed sîspiaiher of Mary Arr (Garryt Cii- wood of Mltion, George (Kathy) Prisriak of Milton. Pal- sy (aoh Waiker of Hishurg and itl (Frani Prioniair of Miton. Tom miaimapoS e rememhared Sy hîs grandchîtdren Jerry (Lorrai Kenney Jason and Trevor Waiker. Tracy (Isaac) Prisniain Jennîfar (Tîm) Terryher- ry, Amy Prisniair, Mchelle Prisniak. Lauren Prisniai n ad greai granduon Krstopher Amarai. Dear brother and brother in aw of Wiiiam (Rea) Rabîshaw of Deep Rie- er. Chrîs (Poiip) Rabîshaw of Peterborough, Cddy (Rose Maria) Rahîshaw of Peterborough, Leo Ru- hîshaw af Pembroke, Mary (Jean Paut) Tramhiay of Deep River, Chrîstîna (Bob) Matanîs of Deep River and sîstars in aw Anta Rabishaw oi Torono and Veronîca Ware of Harrow, Onaro. Pradeceased by hîs brother Mas Rahshaw Thomas iii ha nn the hearis ai mary other famiy reatves yod friands. Friande miii ha re- ceîved ai the J. Scott Cariy Fanerai Home. 21 James Si. Miton (905) 878-2669 on Taesday Novamber 26ih from 79 p.m. A prîvate famiy Fanerai Mass wiii take pace on Wednesday November 27th from the Fuserai Home Chapa wih intermant tofow ai Cuergraen Ce- mviaeryAsepressos afsympaihy, donations ta the Sateatîo Army and the Miton District Hospital Founida- tîve wouid ha appracîaied hy the famiy JOHNSON, PEARL IRENE <NEE PETERS) Peacefuily in her sieep vn Thursday, November 21 2002 ai Chester Village in Torono n her 90i0 year Pre- deceasad Sp her heisved hushand Arhur Dear moiher of James and Pamela, Gilbari and Denise, Gannis. Siephen and Wendy, Living grandma sf Piers. Maximil- Ian, Cuisit and Emma. Survived by hsr sisier Thora Wason, Dear sisier-in-aw of Ted Jshnssn and Peggy Johnson Pearl wiii be missed Sy the Peters and John- son familes. Lflorg supporier ni The Fee Meihodisi Cnurch in Hamilon, Visiing ai the Cresmunn Funerai Home, 322 Fenneli Avenus Cast, Hamilton sn Sunday. Decemher i 2002 from 2-4 p.m. and Mnnday Decem- ber 2nd from i-2 p.m. Service to fotiow in the Chapet ai 2 p. mIniermeni Mount Hamltion Cemeiery On Pearl s memory. donations iv ine Azheimer Society woutd ba ~appreciaiedo HARKER: DOROTHY HENRIETTA MINERVA (NEE BROOKS) Peaceivity, ai Atendais Nursng t-ome vn Saivrdop Ny- vembor 23, 2002 Dorviny Harker ofMMtion ýn her 93rd year Predeceassd Sp har Osbard Stanley- and son RberLvved moirer of Cordon. Maria and Wîtma Moore. Doroihp wil Sa sadiy mssed by Crandchitdren Clizabeth and har husbard Joe Marna, Les and Fer nosband Garry Preston, Cindy and her husband Buti McMavtin, Chris and nils wie Lsa Harker. Richard and nîs wfe Mary Murray and arani and hs wmue Cynihîs Murray, Sre wtt atways Sa rememhered Sp heu i4 Greai-Crracnîtaren and her iier May Byers ni Toron- o. Friands may catitha Jý Scott Carty Funerat Home. 21 James Si Miton t905t 878-2h69.Cremuior ias taken pace murh an iiermeri ai Sprirgcreek Cemeiary rn Cturkson to ioiiow. As expressionsuoi Sympairy dora- iýons Io Atendais Nrsirg Home movîd ha apprecîaied Oy ire iamiy McMilan: Grant Macolm Suddeniy ai ire Mlton District Hospitat or Frîday. No- vemher 22, 2002 ir is 89iF year Deariy beîoved nhusoard of Crstîra tariront and ire aie Aieer fClarridgsi Lovnrs airer oi Donna (Tomt Mares and cherîsnad grardiaiher of aitl Sait. Srad (Di- are). Barry (Tracyt ard Jaris.Creai grandfaihar of ie greai grandchiidran, Loved roiher of Perte Hatt and Don (Catherne) McMian. Dear siep-faihar of Jean and Don Marin, Judy and Cari eus., Mariera Fosier, aarh and Chartes Twss and Sharon and George Handerson. aeioved siep-grandiaiher of toutser siep-grardchii- dren and tour greai siap-grandchidren. The famiy receîved friands and reatves ai tira MacKin- non famiy Forerai Home, *Shoamaker Chapet" 55 Miii Street Cust. Acion, on Surday. Novemhar 24, 2002 from 2-4 p.m. and 79 p m. The Forerai Service was heid in the 'Shoamakar Chap- ai' on Monday ait1:00 p.m The inermeni foiiowed a Nassagoapa Presbyterian Church Cemeiery Memoriai donations to Nassagamepa Preobyterian Church Cametery Fard orsa chariy of yvur owr choîce wouid Se greaaiiy pprecîaied hy the famiy. IMonuments Markrs - Bronze Markers 1 Camnetery Lettaning The (amilies of Sidney Dance thank their friends, neighbours and relatives for the many acts of kindness shown to them during Sidney's illness and his passing. Seci al thanks to Drs. Bremermann, Mal c, Kolbasnik, Koslowski and the nurse at Milton District Hospital. Also a special thanks for the flowers, charitable donations and to the Milton Legion la- dies for tue luncheon, to Reverend Amy Cousineau of Grace Anglican Churc, andi. Scott Early Funeral home. Glen & Helen Dance & Family, Earl & Mrina McCoy & Family ~~ - ~n Memoriams in the form of donations to The Cnda Cancer Society are deepi y appreciated. BILL'S AUTO BODY SHOP Ries Bners WrieneHand er*nI say t Copiete euto body and refinishing services 155 Nipissing Rd., Miton (M) 878-2721 WIrLCOME% , WGON -New n town? *Getting married ti ,tcî nr more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US communusy Weicome Lîndla 905-554-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313, Tracy 905-876-4330 Graoe 905-3191110, WINNRSth Johnl rze #432 Ienza Scscna2ndl L'j tnsonO 3d #7 Chu Hochkss- 4 f#390 Jean Howdan 5h 839 Ms o e 9 Brokv FOUND package et IODE Raffle boolh. Zali- ers Parchase. Colt 905- 878-9898 f0 identify. DAYCARE Loving, soa anviroomrreni wilh natIn- lîoao meals, ouldoor play, maiko, craflo and racaîpla. 905-876-0620. RAINBOW Vlage Day- cana bas tîmitad spacas for chtîdrar 18 montha 10 5 paons. Qualily cbifd- cora sinca 1989. (905)878-7552. ALCOHOLIOS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 1

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