i 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday November 26, 2002 f~Ilton S Don Peters Restaurant at Ramada features new atmosphere and award-winning chef By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion When Don Chuchmach and Peter Stemman glanced inside what used to be Diana's Bar and Grill at the Ramada Inn, they knew they had their work cut out for themn. The room had been used as a storage facilily since 1999 and needed major repair. The partners quickly realized if lhey were going to gel their business up and running. they virtually had t0 re- due the entire room. "We have aIl new kitchen equipmenl. the chairs are re-fumished, we have a new floor, carpeling. tables and fixtures," Mr. Chuchmach said. 'We tried 10 do a nice, country. cozy feeling. 1 think we bit il rigbl on the nose." Although Don Peters Restaurant bas only been open a short three months. Mr. Chuchmach and Mr. Stemman botb agreed business is living up 10 expeclations. "lt's getting busier aIl the ime," Mr. Chuchmach conîinued. "*We do a continental breakfast and lunch." Mr. Stemman, owner of Wally's Meats and the Meat Terminal as well as former co-owner of the now-closed Steakyard Steakhouse on Main Street. echoed is parlner's sentiments. Ils been wonderful so far, a greal response. Customers are very happy somelhing is here now. Milton really needs something like Iis.- Wealth of experience The men, who each have more than 30 years experience in the food industry, said îhey spent about eighl monîbs getting Don Peters Restaurant ready for whaî you see îoday. "We're always improving, every week the sales are up"- Mr. Stemman said. "Customers are very happy we're bere now. We bave a top noîcb chef and our kitchen is state of the ant." Mr. Cbucbmacb said patrons of the restaurant can expect excel- lent food, a warm reception and a comfortable almosphere. "We're keeping our Sunday bruncb. We will be getting mbt more dinner specials, like prime nib nigbt and pasta nigbts." Those specials are created by chef Thomas Flaim, wbo recenîly travelled 10 Sicily, Italy, 10 receive a certificate and medal in recog- nition of more than 25 years of promoting Italian cuisine from the Italian Chef Association. "AIl I wanted lo be was a chef," be said. "I neyer looked for any- thing else. Maybe if 1 bad grown up in a big ciîy instead of a small town I migbt bave looked for sometbing cite." After completing is training in taly, Mr. Flaim took a job in Germany as a chef ai a botel, be said. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Restaurant owners Peter Stemman (Ieft) and Don Chuchmach (centre) bring plenty of food industry experience to Don Peters Restaurant, while chef Thomas Flaim offers an award-winning flair in the kitchen. After several years of moving from restaurant 10 restaurant in Germany, be lefi Europe and headed lu Canada, wbere he landed a job as a chef at the Royal York Hotel. I worked my way up as a nighl chef." Mr. Flaim took other positions as a chef before recently landing aI Don Peters Restaurant. I was expecling il lu be a little more busy but I see potenlial bere," he said. Wben asked if be bad a specialty dish, Mr. Flaim said be puIs 100 per cent mbt everysbing be makes. "If I make a soup today that's what I'm proud of, if I make somelbing cIsc tomorrow that's wbat I'm most proud of. I put al my effort mbt evcrytbing 1 make. You bave 10 make everytbing the bell you can because the public is very demanding." Altbougbh's won several awards for bis lime of work, Mr. Flaim said be doesn't believe in competition. '1 like 10 cook and 1 like 10 eaî. I don't need competition to, do that." GEl READY FOR WINTER WITH GALLINGER FORD LINCOLN HAD AN ACIDNT 5~AVV I~E~U Speclalzlng 1 UIIUkAIIU~5?8 insurance '~ FORD LIN COLN clainis. A Tradition of Value & Trust since 1967 655à rMI TR mi 9575FR MLTGN-OR ?a«emmq e4u Visit us ut www.Ualflngorford.com or omali: grsatdoaIs(@PguIlngsrford.com Jý 1 i