4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 22, 2002 Town not sure highway answer to traffie woes If you witness breaking news, ca/I our news department at (905) 878-2341, ext. 234. and planning cîîmnilee heard Mondav recîueýsî I in the Mini sîry ofi of a cîîmpreheiisis plan. but is tinure lii that cn, l.he c'mnitee enfui secl a motioin Io advise Premier Emie Eves ihat the Town is supporlive of a comprehensive transportation plan for the Greater Toronto Area/Golden Horscsboe, but ont necessar- ily the Mid-Pcninsula Highway. The motion is in stark contrast 10 a 10 select a pilcieefiendi ronneclion forthie prîiposed highway. li's a htale premature 10 go off haif- cocked and really ont knowing exactly what some of the preferences are," Mayor Gord Krantz told The Champion, adding be believes the highway is needed as part By RICHARD VIVIAN The Town of Milton isn't con- vinced the Mid-Peninsula Highway is the answer to traffie woes along the Q.E.W. lnstead, there should be a stronger focus on rail transit, tbe Milton administration Ki-ithl Bob Lee kim@robertleeinsurance.com bob@rob.rtleeinsurance.com 245 Commercial St. Milton, Ontario. L9T 2J3 Fax: (905) 878-3692 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING ROAD RENAMING EXERCISE Notice is hereby given tIsaI pursuant 10 tIse Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, as amended, and other po tIs ue follow ing he C orpec tionof teTws) Mitnprpss: Fssab-lwt rn ph ow gs tretenalng/otIse coprtionof rets ono) itnpooe:bps ylwbrn Current Street Name Proposed Street Nane t 1,Mr5 Thompson Road South (South from Derry Road b ils southem linsit) AND THAT the Council of the said Corporation wil hear, in person or by counsel or agent, any person wbo claims tIsaI be wilI be adversely affected by thse proposed street name change and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held in tIse Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Town of Milton, on the 9tIs dayof December 2002 at thse Iour of 7:30 p.m. or so soon thereafter as thse said meeting may be Iseld. Further information conceming the street namne change can be obtained frýom the Planning & Development Department, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, L9T 5H2, (905) 878-7252 ext. 2132.7 DATED AT MILTON, ONTARIO this 5tIs day of November, 2002. Troy McHarg, Town Clerk SclnPooe Town of Milton frRnmn 43 Brown Street W Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 e1 - oM M r 1 NOTICE TO VEHICLE OWNERS By-law 1984-1 probibils parking on any Town streel during tIse winîer montbs from November 15 to April 15, Ietween thse hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. WIsile Ibis by-Iaw is in effect Halton Regional Police will take appropriaîe measures lo assist us which cao include towing. Your cooperation is request- I M IAto 7AM I This by-law is inîended to assist Town works crews in our effort to remove Community Services Dept. Nov 15 to prI15 snow during the winter months. (905) 878-7252 ext. 2156. L By1.awlue4- -When they (Pi uviiîcc> do the c'ns i n- mental assessment stuti. ihat's when I will take a position and l'm sure Milton council will take a position on cither endorsing or opposing it (route) depending on bow il affects Milton." The MTO is currently developing a terms of reference to conduet an environ- mental asscssmenl (EA) for the construc- tion of tbe Mid-Peninsula Higbway. Tbe bighway is proposed to connect Niagara to Hlamilton, before swinging east to conneet 10 Hwy. 6, Hwy. 401 or Hwy. 407. T'Me MTO bas asked the Town 10 respond to tbe options prcsented, indicating ils pref- crence. Howcver, Town staff felt tbat t0 be inappropriate at this time, calling the process to-date 'bias, flawed and inconsis- lent' because il docsn't address alI environ- mental concemns. "Staff bas indicated tbat il is not preparcd 10 bring forward an ultimate recommenda- lion for committee's consideration bccause of the many unrcsolvcd issues relating 10 the process and ils timing," a report pre- scntcd to the committce states. 'tAltcmativcly. staff is recommcnding that tbey be directed to continue 10 monitor the EA process and report back to counicil ai an appropniale lime." To date. several municipalities along tbe proposed route have raised concems about the need for sucb a highsvay. as well as thse impact il would have on enviroomental features sucb as the Niagara Escarpment - I whicb il would run parallel. Councillor Brian Penmnan added 10 the lisi of uîresolved conccmrs. asking Town staff 10 investigate the Province's intcndcd management of the higbway. Should tbe roadway be operaîed as a lotI road, it's imperative the Town reccîve a portion of taxes derived from ils use. be said. Milton council basn't addressed the com- mites motion alibhis lime, but is expeet- cd 10 do so Monday. Third Line -1~ '1