User fees to rise with inflation Area residents cao expect Town user fees 'r!( ,-'r ' n' i,"' l '!'Il r per cent in ianuary. Miltoî's adminisration and planning commitîee approved the fee increases Monday. "Staff bas reviewed the latest consumer price indexes and bas incorporated an adjustment to the majority of existing approved user fees," states a staff report presented 10 the committee. *'Some fees have been adjusted by an amount greater than the index to recognize market conditions or the current cosi nf the service.' Milton council hasnt adopied a position on user tee increases at this time. but is expecîed to address the issue Monday. Operating costs coming in below budget The To\s n of Mlton is eveiinez $112.-486 surplus inthe1k2002 opei'atttîg budget. as forecasted ai thts tîme. According to a staff report presenicd to Gouncil briefi the Milton administrati on and planning commitiee Monday. the surplus is. in part. the resuli of a delay in hirng for the 'help desk', collected revenues that were uncounted and an increase in program rev- entues. Council will address the surplus during budget discussions later ibis year. G'O Trransit to open nem, layover station GO TIransit is looking to construct a ness layoser staion ini Milton. north ol the CP Rail il acfs. cast of lamnes Sîtow l>rk\ý,ay and ofst ifluth Line. Mliltoos ýadminitraîtion and planning comrnitee cnouuu sd the pr(iposal 'inpnnri cîple londay. providing G(if) eets all 'fous ilplanning uqu a m n d agrees luo inttgating îasrs An\ mitigating factor are cxpected to Oc identified during an environmental assess- If ultimately approved by town council and the Ministry of the Environment, the station would be used to bouse train cars ovemnight. Town council is expected to address the uin-principle" approval Monday. 'We pay you 3 ways to lose weight" Ail Natural Programs start at $34.00 + s&t Ask me how 1-888-706-0046 The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 22, 2002-13 TRG Insurance Brokers Inc. MILTON OFFICE The Management of TRG Insurance Brokers Inc., is pleased to announce the opening of TRG's Milton Office. TRG is one of Ontario's leading independent losurance brokers, representing many major Canadian Insurers, including a staff of over 75 insurance professionals. TRG offers a fulli une of insurance Products including Auto, Life, Home & Business Insurance. Personal service and competi- tive rates are the hallmarks of TRG's success. NIAGAR.A FALLS è ST. CATHARINES é STONEY CREEK , MILTON CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY. 17 WILSON DR., UNIT 3, MILTON Il (905) 875-3001 Tour brings in $30,OOO ICE AND A GO THROUGH SLEET F U R SNO W CE T HL IZZA K DURINS q 'CE .,AK D 1 T THE ErRIDGESTONE SNOW TIRE SWITCH! Christmas bas come early for the Ut..ed Way of Milton. The non-profit organization reachec l s fundraising goal of $30,00f) f'or ibis y cars A Towol and Country Christmas tHmuse Tour. The tour, wicb took place Saturday. iea- tured six honmes decoraied in the spirit of Christmas in Milton, Campbeillsille and Moffat. More than 1,000 tickets svere sold for the event. said Anie Eadie, executive director of the United Way. "Il went very well, wve bad a good tumnout." she said, adding lasi year $20,t00 was raised from the tour. "Ive beard non complaînts. The six bous- es were s0 different from eacb other so 1 really cant say there was a favourite. There was sometbing beautulul about each bouse." The special lunch offered Saîurday ai the LlarrOp Restaurant totiStecles Asverue usas also us il reccis cd, sOc added. Ms Eadte saisI thc sneaf-peaf bouse ltur ast Frtday,. ssiich alloss d 12(0 individuals fî rsi lartce ai the homes, ss as a success. "The Friday nîght lotir was a nies addt- lion thîs vear. Wevc sil) definitely consider having i again nexi scuir ant adting addi- itonal ticket availahility. Il ss as really dii- fereni to sec the hommes decorated in the evenîng ss'th tOc lighis ,and candies. Il gave tl a differeni feelinig." The Friday nighî group met ai Springridge Faon and îras'elled by bus ii the vartous homes before reiumîng îo tOc farm for wioe and hors d'oeuvres. "The couire tour \vas a renuendous suc- cess and sve really appreciated the commu- niiv's suppot. We are already planning nexi year's ltur so people su ho wisb t base their home part of the tour shtuld contact the LUnited Way." Have yesr sommer tires switcbod anar for a set ei liza inter tires iroin Bridgestone. Blizzak la TH reqeested naine by ainter tira buyors. The WlnterbIter' The BLIZZAI For " Multiceil Compound R" igh-Pronnance Sedans for anoin and Ice par- B Proides wuIIl-balanced tonnance wthout overali performiance studs. both lnt wtnte and vri: " UNI-T technology or dry conditions. improves snow traction a For perfornmance tourlng and brakIng. sedans MILIZAKm The. BUZZN for 01gb Pednoce Coupes "MA higli atîlca conten trad cosnound enhancebu&h la Wlntw and wet peronnic. "*Fer pelonnaocetourln ui-r IS 1HE IFFEIIENCE UNI-T. the Utimata Natwoub ef Ieteiibet lire Teebnology, jlis- mo sapoior nt tainegpou- tommaue intbmo aacrIcial dry v $Newoinpolaesce. The REM for Ught Trucks and SUVs- 30~mqwwwww fraction and road staMIlly. Wkp Mdcelr conqmnd hmmicawimmee NLWZd IOU * *ERTIR ilUQARER AM Miltown Tire SIervice Ltd. Miîtown Tire Service Ltd. èT 675 Steeles Ave. E., Milton ,u 905-878-6785 'i Meta tbe sature main serice "reiruenof Me1k abber Manelacturlra smoil(fM) Mid U»rneUberAMMONiaflnm Cmaad. fRAC). 1 1