12 The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 22, 2002 Know of an înteresting A + arts and entertainment4 story/H Pease cii cS at (905) 878-234 1.111I>L itt IILtIII ' YNew Kilbride art gallery combie pSIecouple's artistie talents into one '- GEORGETOWN z CINEMAS 1235 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 O HARRY POrrER: THE F CHAMBER 0F SECRETS fl Daily 6:30 & 9:00 p.m. Sot. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. 0 Die Another DayMIl Daly64 & 9:00p.m Sat. &Sun. 2:00 p.ml. 10 Santa Claus 2 Daîiy :45& 9:00p.m Sat & Sun. 2:0 p.m. ** Treasure Planet Day700&900p.m.Sat.&Sun.2:00p.fll * Theatre Pa,* Available art Rour By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Tracy and Dave Repchuk want- ed to combine their artistic tal- ents into one union. Su the couple decided to place Ms Repcbuk's poems next to ber husbands paintings, creaiing one piece of art. "We've owned Bravo Software Group in Burlington for 201 years and did the art work on the side." Ms Repchuk said. I was writing poems and 1 tboughi. 'bow cao we make our work beiter and niake i mainstream?' Poetry is such a heautiful way of expression. So 1 gave my husband a poem and asked him tu paint a picture to accompany iC The grand opening of DOCNOT Gallery will take place tomotT()w from 6 to 8:30) p.m. at 6508 McNiven Rd. in Kilbride. The opening, dubbed 'Hand Delivering a Dream', will festure nine new acrylic psiniings and poems created by the couple, Ms Repchuk continued. "Tbis will be tbe first trne tbe public will see tbis series of work," sbe said, adding individuals wisbing tu attend the opening can regisier ai www.docnot.com. Sbe said some of tbe paintings depici a couple walking in tbe rain. a serene setiing of tes cups on a table and birds in a feeder. "Our next series will alto be acrylie and tbe iird senies will be watercolours.' Ms Repcbuk said sbes been wriing poeiry since age 12 and came in second out of 3,000 entries for an international poetry contest in Wasington, DC last summer. It wss tbe frsi poem 1 bad released.' Along witb ail work, the opening will alto fea- turc bors d'oeuvres and a sileni auciion for wine and various gift baskets, sbe said. In addition as ber work as a poet, sbe recently wrote 13 shows for a television series she cresied. Altbough the show, Luggage for Lizards, bas been acccpicd by a production company in Britisb Columbia, il wasn't known wbcn the show will be ilcviscd, sbc said, adding the show is about bow to travel witb your kids. 'Wc'rc boping for nexi Scpicmbcr but wc will bave to sec." Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Dave and Tracy Repchuk diaplay one of their pieces entitled 'Moming Tom', a collaboration of artWork and poetry. horstrsconcert coming up The Milton Choristers singmng group is getting ready for its 34th season, wbich begins December 7 ai St. Pauls United Cburch ai 7:30 p.m. Under Uic direction of ncw con- ductor Sonja van de Huef, Uic fisi concert of Uthesson will be 'From Pasi to Present', a selection of Christrnas music through Uic ages. The Choristers will welcomc soloisis Melyssa Kerr (soprano), Michael UIoth (bass) and Stephen Hum on tnumpet to jom Uice choir in one of Haxtdel's 'Mcssiab' and 'Hallclujah!'. Tickets are available ai Delacouri's on Main Street, Uic 1Paper zone ai Milton Mail or by Lcalling (905) 876-2401. I.* C>F I On page 1 of the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer in . effect from Saturday, November 23 to Friday November 29, 2002 the Doulton Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette spray should be 5OmL not lOOmL.We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. 1