Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Nov 2002, p. 13

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 19, 2002-13 H-and-washing remains best way to stop spread of viruses -rom CHILDREN on page 12 -f: . ýi. i ýW ' CO('agh gels warse irstead of better. Antibiotics are the leading cause of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Hand-washirtg remairis the best way 10 stop the spread of viruses and bacteria from person 10 person. Remember to wash your hands frequertîly when iii antd before eating and after using the bathroom or chartging a diaper. Teach children the proper way10 wash their hands with soap and water. Dont worry about huying every antibacterial scrub, soap, sanie l)aiterta, but îhey iau also strengtlhen the resistance in oîh ers. AIl you need is regular soap and water to keep your home environment healthy. For more information about antibiotie resistant bacteria, cail the Halton Region Health Department (905) 825-6060, ext. 7855, TY 905-827-9833, tou free l-866-4HALTON (1-866-442- 5866). Visit our Web site www.regiort.halton.ort.ea/health. Diabetes: Dont be a statistic! 1 J-/th Notes is pi îpart'd hv staff of the Ha/tan Region Health Hcdton His Speech Centre Communication is Vital " Language " Articulation " Voice " Stuttering " Swallowing " Reading *Stroke Rehabilitation eTutoring *Accent Improvement Providing therapy to children and aduits in Halton, Peel and Wellington Counties Evening and Saturday appoÎntments available Ph: 90-873-8400 Fax: 905-873-7291 iefloreia ea *-www.haltonspeech.com Onl Northview Centre Ciffforyoi, FRE Cmakd" (S) 87-2M15 minutes to 2 11 Guelph St., Suite 5 ~~ ~., ~~ Georgetown Gogtw kIIJiIiiI) io St.S.,lJit 18,) *tnI IeorgeoI y* : A most commun pain. Headache is humanilys mosi common pain. Sonner or laler, nearly ail of as gelonue. But 10 about 20 percent of te popula- tion, beadaches are more than an occasional discomfortz îhey are chronîc, or recurrent. No headache ts "normal". rather, il is a symptnm of snme underlyîng problem. Occasionally. thîs prnblem is easy 10 idenîify. such as trauma or allergies. Often. however. headaches are a symplom of some other heait condition which may be difficult 10 accuralely diagnose. If you trîed t0 "cure" your headaches witb paînkillers, you know hnw lruiiless thai apprnach is in te long run. The headaches keep cnming back because aspirin and oîher simitar drugs alteviale the symploru - (pain> wîthoui doing anything 10 correct te uoderlying probtem. What causes headaches? Many things cao cause a headache: strong smells; intense lighîs: sinus trouble; high blond pressure; dental problems; car, eye or vision conditions; fever: infections; tumorsz seizures; lumbar punclores: alcohnlic drinks: drugs; accidents and other causes. You can gei a headache just worrying about atl]te hings Ihat cause lhem. And Ihat teads us 10 the most comunon headache of ai;te muscle tension, wnrry or "stress" beadache thai make op 90% of ail headaches. Cao a chiropractor really gel rid of my headaches? -h il wilt help 10 undersland whaî causes most headaches. Your spine prolecîs your nervous syslemt which starts wilh the brain and becomes te spinal cord. When vertebrue in your neck are unabte 10 move prnperly. il irrilales or pots pressure in thal arac.'Tt can resuit in reactive muscle spasm caosing headaches. To correct this prnbiem (calied a subluxalion) a chiropraclor gently adjusl lite vertebrae. eadaches S nce mn t beadacbes are causcd by subtoxatons,îbey w Il soon dîsap- peur. Why would 1 have problemns in my neck? There are many reasons. Tbey can nrîgînatty occur during lte birtit prncess. As your body grows and matures, faIts, sports activities, injuries, molor vebîcte accidents. bad posture or simpty lthe stresses and sîrains of daily lite can cause spinal probteuns. ïtî s atsiî very common t'or beadacite sufferers to experience neck pain and stîffness. -But my headaches are migraines? Migraine beadacites arceîisually severe and sharp. titrobbîng in nature, and generat> affect one sîde of lthe iead. Tension beadaches tend 10 occur frequently, tasi a long tinte and are cbaracîerîeed by a doîl, steady pain ltai feets tîke a band nI pressure ,îruund the heud. But despite these dîfferences ihey are ctosety relted. Chiropractir care bas bren proven to be extremelv effective in îreatîng migraine and tension headaches as wett as neck pain and sîîlfness. Research Researchers have otten noted the retatinnshîp beîween the spinal cotumo and headaches. A study of 6000 patients who suffered from recorring headaches for 2 in 25 years showed thal cervical spine traumna was the most important factor in the cause of the headache and should be sus- pected in every non specific case of headache. One dramaîic stody of chîtdhood migraine sofferers fond spinal care 10 be especialty effective. Another sîndy învolving 100 headache sufferers foond spinal rare 10 bc especially effective. In a group of headache sufferers incloding bot "ýmuscle tension" and "migraine" types. 97% were found 10 have aboor- malities in the cervical spine visible on the x-ray motion studies. The resoîl of a sludy repnrted in lte British Medical Journal found ltaI improvement in pain symploms following chiropractie care lasîed for 1lwo years (the most recent published follow-up). Whal will the chiropractur do to treal my headaches? Your firsi vîsît wiil include a consultation, examination and possibty an x-ray Io help diagnose your problem. Once your condition is fully understood, your chiroprac- tor will explain your test and x-ray resuits and outtîne a treatment plan that is iai- lored to your needs. Your chiropractor will use hîghly skilled. gentle adjustments to correct the subluxaîjons. , Once my headaches stop, s dues the chiropractie cure end? Your body continues to heal after the pain has gone. Continuing to have chiropracttc adjustments helps t0 retraîn your vertebrae to hold their healthy positions. Your nervous system will fonction more efficiently and your body wtll be better able to heal iseif. ln lime, exercise, a healthy digest, and pertodic vîsits to the chiropractor will help you stay healthy, pain free, and lîve life t0 the fullest once again. Conclusion Chîropracttc is ont glorif-îed aspirin, because the focus of treatment is ont merely to alleviale the pain, but to rgnoye he cause. Chicopractors are the only healtit professionals who are trained 10 diagnose and correct spinal nerve stress, alto know as "vertebral subluxation". A heulthy spinal col- umn is critical to the normal neurology of the whole person. permitling the body 10 restore the normal balance of fonction and in effect heai itself. A public awareness program by your local chiropractic association 30MiSt 37 Oario.. S i50 ntri . S 10.ntri S. .6Waeied. D. a rie urnr 70MarinSt Dr Dvi . . . * s . z: he Js #25 D. . R Brro D. Ag 3 * t 0586188 D. MrayM* hi il

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