8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 15, 2002 HIGH SCHQQOL REPORT i3e4bi ~~,<I Belywasbers Wide Vari et ! ATrM plu't 14- onperie DATE161NE DRUET Julianna Clarke Sara Grimbly Jordan Lumb Na na na, na na na ... DRURY! HolY green and -vellow. Spartan-rmai, lias il beeti one n hole week alirea(d.v' Reporting frmm the Spartan-cav~e (a.k.a. the Dntiy Alhletic Building).,lte Jr. Girls' Basketball coach, Mr. Houldcroft, says tIai this year's basketball season han been the bcst ever! flic girls' earas carent season record is 1"-. WHAM! Last week, tIe girls pulverized our cross-towvn rvals, Milton District. 51-16. POW! A special mention goes out to Laura Welstead and Katiierine Greaves for iheir excellent gamne skills. Andi moving from Uie court to Uic Wresdling roomn, wherc you cati findth Ie wrestlers pr.cticing dailynanuor bas it that Mooch is "]aly cracking tie whip. OUCH! l'lie boys' hnckey tearn is really cracked up oser their Hockey Nights in Halton Iis week; tic puck droppe t iThoropson Arena on Tuesday ai a game againsi MD., andi again on Wednesday anti Thursday in other batles. Lasi week in Uie Drama deparment. Uiec cwtain rose, under thc careful direcion nf Mes. Roberts and Ms. Frank, for Uie successful production of "Murder on Centre Stage". The show went off wiUiout a hitch ... we gucss everybody did break a teg. Maybc Uic talented actors will congratulate thcmselvcs on a job well donc by going ou thc trip tolItaly. Any E.C. Druey student cati indulge ini Iis oppor- tunity nf a lifeim-e. l'fli adseniurotis unvellers wll he departing ou Sunday. April 13tI, andi retuming Tuesday, April 22nd. Information regarding Unis excursion is available ai Uce(Guidance Office. tics badda boom, badda bing' On a more scious note, Wedncsday was the faidiful day tIsa E.C.D. stu- dents receivedt hcir nid-lensi reports. Our senior students beter have achieseti gond maks, considcning tIai starting nex week, University applications will be sent oui via Uic intemet. AIhhIsh! But oint to wnrry, evelynnes favourie guidance couniseilor, M. Murray, will ha on hand to lessen the anxity anti answr any questions. But befre nur seniors hum rubber outta here, Uey bet- ter purehase their E.C. Dnary Spirt Gear. What captures your years here ai E.C.D. beterUdmaicool pair ofpants that read"*EC Grads 2003"on the but? Ortier utins for Uise clothing items are avatablc in Uic mai office. AIl orders must ha placeti by Noverohar 19iI. You know that you'll look so gond in thero! WOW! Hol -v chips and cands, bars Spariati-man! I., Honesi Eruiie',çfinails cpen? The famous school store openeti for Uic fin-i time Iis ycar last Wedncstiay. Howcs'er. Uic store can ha expecting t, lose tome customners on Wednesday. Noverohar 20th, duc to tIe muc-anticipaied Krispy Krenie Day, helti by Uic Wrestlers. Get your hantis on Ibese mouUi watering treais for Uic low price of $800 per dozen. KA-ZAAM! 'fli merohars of Uic Spartn sAIletic Society were happy not to miss Krispy Kremc Day, whan Uey venturedtet Canterbury last Thursday, whcre Uicy gaineti some valuable cadership skills. Includeti on Iis getaway, were Tanya Aiznpardi and Lori Wollaston, who jusî happcnt inha Ocohrs SAS mcm- hars of thc monU. ZOW! Congratulations arc also in order tor Aaron Vinskî anti Kaihanine Greaves, last monUi's AUletes ni Uic MonUi. WHOA! 'l'lanks for tunitig into Spartat-man, sec you next wcck. saine Spartan time, samc Spartan page. COUNTDOWN TO CH-RISTMAS: 39 days! Jenna Masciantonio Meredith Murphy DISHOP REDINO Hien SCIGOLI BR's Fact of the Week: Elephants are the only animais that can't jump. Monday, November 11ith, the schooi assembled in the cafeteria to remember Canada's falien soidiers. The band, choir and art students complemented the Remembrance Day ceremony helping to estabiish a meaningfui message. Darreli Fox an'ived Wednesday momning to receive the cheque for more than eleven thousand dollars. The Student Athletic Association presented him with BR's donation that resuited from the first annual Terry Fox Run. Ail students should be proud of their contribution. Today, the majority of the student body ieft their smeily, boring back dress shoes in the cioset. With a smaii donation of one dollar, students were walking on clouds in their warrn, comfy sneakers. The annuai Talent Show took place iast night. Al acts were dazzlingly spectacular! The gifted students performeri songs, dances, skits, and even a cheerleading entry. The show was a great success thoroughiy enjoyed by the audiences as weli as the coordinators of the event. Thank you to Mr. Vacca, Mr. Caîzonetti and Mrs. Lepore for their time and effort. It was an evening of captivat- ing entertamfment. BR is preparing for the Christmas season. On Monday, tickets became availabie to students for the annual Snowflake Bail. This winter's formai will undoubtedly be better than ever. So be sure to buy your tickets befote it's too late! Cold weather, momning frost and the occasionai snow flurry indicate that fail is drawing to a close. Whiie il may be cold outside BR's winter sports are juat begin- ning. Tryouts for Junior and Senior girls Voleybail were held this week. The skilied players ilustrated the abun- dance of Bishop Reding's athietic talent. In the mean- time boys Basketbail hit the court preparing for the test- ing season ahead. No doubt the Royals wili once again rise to the challenge. The games begin next month, su clear your calendar and come support BR's athietes! "We otake a liv'ing b>' w/t we get, we otake a lîjè hv what wve gise." -Winston Churchill. Megan Cavon Stoph Creighton MILTION DISTRICT 1H SCHOOL '"MUSTANG MESSENGER", Milton Champion Article 9 Blue and white, that's night, Mustang Football has put up a fight! It started on a Friday with a jamboree, And ended yesterday for ail to see. T1hey trained and trained and trained some more, Knowing that they had to score. Mr. Pearce and the volunteers, Made them a teamf that others fear. They beat Biakelock and White Oaks too, .So defeating B.R. was nothing new. Burlington Central went down like the rest, Because our Mustangs are ' nothing but the best.' They made it to the piayoffs, which is no easy feat, Proving they're a team that is rareiy beat. Yesterday they traveiied to Ivor Wynine, and 7 buses travelled with them. Whether in that final game they won or lost, We know what getting there had to cost. So congratulations. you made us proud. "Go 'Stangs" we scream out loud! Megatî Cao