Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 2002, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 15, 2002-29 Stag <& oe for Tracy Hasselleldt Wayne Dolson Sat. Nov. 16 8-1 Milton Legon DANCE, Sidney Packridge Peacfefuly, et Milton Ditict Hosptal on Tesday No- namber 12, 202. Sidney Dance of Mlton in his 94th pear. Sidney was the lonng hanband of e9 ears to Edna (res Shencoodi. Dear fathen of Otan and his wife Helen and Mrina and her husband arl Mcçoy. AIneo urvvixng Sidney are hin 6 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildran. Frinds mre raceivad at the J. Scott Eanty Fanerai Home, 21 James St, Milton (905) 878-2669 yaofendap. A FaneraI Service will ba held on Fndcay Nonambar i th lodayl ai il AM irmm the FaneraI Home Chapel. In lieu off tomera, donationn ix the Miton Ditict Hospital Foundation or to tha chariiy of anas choica ould ha appnaciatad by the tamily. May the mnde of lova blow gently, And hpr so on cao haar, That me milI alweyo lova andt misa pou, Andt mîeh you wre hear. -GAZLEY: MARJORIE MABEL tNee Armour) Peacefelly, et Lyone Lava Centra iv Oakville, on Tharaday November 141h, 2002. Marona OGaziey for- mery fyatOakvile ivn 1hphear. Oaovad mife ofithe ata Lamrence . l'ait" Gaziay. Lving moher of Wifrad "Alan", Sidney "Lee" and ha wda Kaen and Lamrence 'Lanp" Staphans aithie wita Anna. Char- infreitgreedmoihen of Jason and hie mita Lauaeand Joet Gazley and Hidi and Gabrielle Acermen. Pre- deceeeed by han parents Wiffrad Johnon andt Mary Gertrade Armoun neea Sephenel, iormeniy f Nigara Fait. Muh lovait sisien of Dors andt hanhuehenit Aea Homard. Dean Aun of Mary Mtilda and han husbenit Richard Penin andt Lance Howard and hie ie Cathy. Medone ms e graduaeaof Sfamford Colegiate iv Nia- gene Fais, Hamiton Gaverai Hosptal and the Un- vereity oi Tontofa chool f Nusig. Sha preciiesithan nunsing skifeseseaPubic HeastesNrse iv Peer- ough and Dekvilie, Ontario. Friands wl ha nceîved at the J. Scott Early Funeral Home 21 James St. Mi- ton (906) 878-2669 on Sunay Novamhan 17th tom 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A Fanerai Service mieh haiton Mon- day Novemhar ltth, 2002 et 2 PM from the Fanerai Home Chaea. An expressions of ympethy, donations to the Heet & Stroka Foundetîve moult heaeppraciet- ed by the temily. WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER At Milton Dstict Hospital on Waitnaoday, Novamhar l3th 2002. Chistophar Wilams of Milton, bloxad hueband ot the laie Floence Williams. Lovîvg fathar of Cmest and hie mita Mary o Branford, Robert and hs mita Laura ot nulinton and Sheila Collingo f Mlton. Chritopher iiiha missad by hs 5 grandchîldrn and 1 great grundoon. Pradaceasad byea daughtar Shirley Anne. Fumily and friands man omîit t the MoKersie- Kochen Funerai Home 114 Main Steetf Miltan 905- 878-4452 ram 7-9 on Frîdey. The Fanera i miii h held in the Fanerai Home Chael on Saiurdey, Noxamber lth 2002 et 11:00 a.m Mamorîia donations to the Mlon District Hosptal Foundatîoould ha appraci- aed by the family. KEN SMITH ho posuait amen 10 yearo ago on Septembor 16,1992 We mien yoa 500 min mn s. We mise thingo pouusae to ta ua, And when aid timnu me do racal If's thon ma mise pou mout of ail. Lova Almays Sherry. Melissa, and your friand Joe. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F KATHLEEN CANT BROTCHIE estato of KATHLEEN CANT BROTCHIE, deceaseci, tata cf the Townnof Miton, in the Rogionat Munic- ipaiity of Haton, naho died on or aboue the 22nd day of Septambar, 2002, ara notifiaci ta sand them to the undersignait duty varifiad, on or beforo the th day of Decombar, 2002. Atan his data, the acctot a he aboa named estata iii ba distibuteit among te pereanseantitiaci to them, having re- gard oniy to cdaims cf which the execu- tors shati thon hava notice. DATED at the Tonnof Haiton His this 1 l th day of Novemben, 2002. JEFFREV L. EASON Barriser andi Solicitor 116 Guelph Street, PO. Box 159 Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y5 Solicitor for the Estato Trustees RAINBOW Village Deycare has limitod spacas for childran 18 monthe to 5 eare. Ouaiity chiidcare sinice 1989. (905878-7552. SAVE almoat 50% on "Lumber Seconda" Assorted lift sizes & product. Sol d in bundted lift units. Cati 905-878-9222, ask for Blt. 5-PIECE pearl expont drumn set, ocean biue. Inclados att hardmara, thronoe, peerl double- base padal. 12"AAX MtaI Splash, 20"AAX Met rida, 1 8"AAX Mtaf crash, 14'AAX Mtel H Hat, 20"Hand Hemmared Chinase. Everything iv mine con- dition. Asking $1,800. Acton, 519-853-3472. 52" Big Scroon RCA Telovision, picturo iv pictaro, 900 lnos of ns- otution. Buif-in scroov pratoctor. $1,800. Cati 905-875-3425. A King PiIotop Mat- tracs St mith ramne. Nom iv plastic. Cost $1.599.00 Sacrifice $65000. 416-567-9459 APPLIANCES - f ridgo. 2 door; Stovo; Maytag automatic machor, dry- or. Aso apartmovt caf. Undon warranty. 905- 637-8328 BED Quaon Piliotap Mattross, Box, Framoe, Nanan used stîli peck- aged. Cast $1,025.00 Soit $45000. 416-567- 4042. BEDROOM set. pca chorrywaod. Bed, chot, fidrssor, mirror, ight stands, dovefaîl con- struction. Nanan opavad. In basas. Cosi $9000. Sacrifica $2800. 416-748-3993. CARPET i hava saaarai 1,000 yrds. af vaw Staîsmaster & 10001. ny lon carpat. Wili do living- roomn & hall for $389. In- dodoes carpat, pod & in- stallation (30 yards) Stuxa, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM l4pce chenrywoait 92" doubla pedestal. 8 Chippandala chairs. Buffet, hatch, server, davataîl con- struction. Shil iv booas. Cool $14000. Sacrifice $5.000. 416-746-0995. Mna oFriday 9 a to5 pm ïNEED a comput- er... don't have cash? The Originel IBM PC, juat $1 a day ...no monay idcomn! Unlimitoit AOL & intareet irae for 6 monthsf Tho Buck A Day Ca. 1-800-772- 8617 wm.buclea- day.com $$$$ Wevtoed-Ail China, Silvor, Crystai, Tee Caps, Royal Doulfon, Smarovski, Glass, Jomoiry, oid tapu, col- lectiblas, ostafos. Cati John/Tracy, 905-331 - 2477. FIREWOOD, 4 cords, 4x4 hardmod. $150.00 pickup, $200.00 dolin- ary. 905-878-0343, Dave. 1996 Lincoln Continen- tel. Lika nom, 120k, 24 valve IN-TEC angîva, contfi ld. $9000. Cali Jîrs ai 519-054-4334 GORRUD'S SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES Wt - UY- SLL - LASt LARGEST SEILECTION OF LIStO OEHICLES INi MILTON 875-2277 aviwgous tdatogîrop.con Make it To bease or purchase your can on truck Hwy 25 S. et Denry Rd. 878-2393 ***ESTATE AUCTION SALE** F or the Fstate of P Thtomas Ridqe of Georgetown îri.erîrr o 1si > Orîi,_02 im V, riU Shenwood Humes Auction Arena, 4th Lente, Mlton , Ontario., Partial List ofIFeatures 4 Pc Eastlake Bedrxom Suite with high back bied, lovely mirrxred dresser and wastistand ail wth orig stensils and chip cerving, Victorian bedroom suite with large dresser, bed and washstand in beautiful refinished condition, Chatham cupboard,hoxded pîne cradie from xig farm property c 1860, early pine flat te thie watt cuphoard, large sideboard with primative hand painted Penn Dutch style finish( very unusat primativel, Excellent country kitchen targe drap teaf table wth ice turneit tegi possibîn cherry, favcy nron bedfdblf,OAK dlaw- foot dining table with roled skirt/4 chairs, Morris chair, 2 quarter sut Oak Lg dressera with fancy mimeor, fancy Oak plant stand, McLagev Oak hait mirror with hooks, Victorian Oak rocker, 9 ns Oak dlv- ingroom suite, MISStON rocker and matchîng side chair, fansy occa- sioval tables, set of Victorian ide chairs with floral carving, Eastlake platform rocker and matching ide chairs, chitds pressed back rocker, McLagen china cabinet as found, toto more reatîn great Victorian and primatises... lass and China: Lovetn floral pitcher and basin set, Beswick sets, pr g Beswick vases, oner U0 pss Royal Albert Old Country Roses" comn plete dinner set includes dlock, Set of Wedgewood Dinnerware, assone- ment of Wedgewood Jasperware, beautiful porcetain dresser set, hand painted plates and dresser pcs, assortet Royal Doulton figurines HN # 2315, 1934, 2336, 3047, 2234, , pr of Meissen urns assortet pcs of Cranberry glass, head vase, German porcetain figurines, quantity of black amytheot gtass,quite a large assortement of Blue Willow includ- ing cups and saucers, compotes, etc as welI as Blue Onion ware, Fow Blue platters, Nippon , Noritake, Hummel Bank( Litte Thriftyi, Dreoden figuraI candle ticks,Royal Doulton and Bunnykino childs dishes, Lg Bayreuth turkey platter, depression glass, fise assortement of crystal pss, porselain figurines, cookie jars, oIt perfume bottes, Moorcroft table ware, very oIt Quimper pcs ETC.. Quantity of oIt duck decoys in variet conditions, Arts and Crafts ash boxan assortment of oIt stocks including heavy case muntte stocks, Carick/ Fergus oIt station watt stock, etc Herse Brass, pair of coas' lampo, everat fise lampa, brass henging watt fixture, oIt set of woot- en skates, 2 Victorien tyle telephones, Crockery and oit baskets, goot assortment of cotourful oIt enamet ware inctuting kettles, soffee pots, roasters etc, 2 HO Scale train sets, several top farm Cactons andt acces- soriesoît quilts, croquette set Hutsons Bey blanket, old Corgy, Dinky and Matchbox tops, oIt Raggedp Ann, and Brbie dotîs, toIt crib and assorted other play articles, battery operatet bertender tcay, assorted fancy linens, oit quilts,2 oIt bicycles, Coke case, cat iron, prints ant pintingo, greet bac lots!!! Nice househoît upholstery couch, occa- olonal chairs Limpert coffer table. Delcraft side table, wing chairs quantity of chriatmnas articles, etc.. Ladies ant gentleman hia estate has a goot selection of Victorien and primative items removet tram the house ant drive sheds. Some really interesting items. Att will be soIdtot the highest bidter subject to inclu- sions and tetetions. TERMS: Cash, Visa, MC , debit, check. Foot wilt be avaitable on site. Large hall wth goot seating. Directions: Hwy 401 ta James Snow Parkway N, tumn L an Steeles ta 4th Line R, 3km ta hall Signs postet . NORM WEBSTER CENTRAL ONTARIO AUCTIONEERS f NC Further information : Heather Fiesen 905-704-8519/email hea39tAaol.com. Our local client ls a mnil, well-esfabllsfed and ver succaseul, enflrprneurlal Sales and distribution capanry that services a captivatai .arkcet prî.arlly ln IMe USA. INSIDE SALES REP. We oeed a eas player ifh af basf fixe pers expe -g noence pamperîng cuofomers mîfh excepional servy ce. If pou excel bandlîng complex lelephone inquiries, prîcîng, praparing quooes, eopedîfîng produci sompleo, assisfing mîfh frade shows, demonofrafe initiafîve and ara generalin knoom for pîfctîng i, hen me encourage yn o xrapin f0 [THE RICHTERRAYMOND GROUP Emi-richterraymand@an.albn.cam Hairstylist Wanted Vory busy haie salon roquiros fuît on part ime oxpaniancool hairstyiist. Cati or drop by mith resumo: Studio 14 Hair Design 42 Bronte St Unit 14 (basida Vida Spa) (905) 876-2671 Cafeteria halp Fuil-time afttrnoon cook, Mon.-Fnl. Midnight coak Sun.-Thurs. Must have onn tranoportation. Must hava cafteais oxperionco. Ploase fax resumes 10 905-876-1519 Atfn: Cafeteria Manager Staff G DR IghRS Requird b Mlon istribtin To 375 .Beeit rormOI.hr d Faxresrneto905-84-9 865 ithth amsrocrw f hlpers e d70stratelephon dMretoe.t BlNonDuda rimsby & Haimitn Greatffn dastas& ges lo itrbtrwiltart o n aemers21,2013 For ro quno, is Se Rd 1m.866 055264930 CHRITMAFOR iMTAWI$$ Cef Fîitf peirfo rs *ofShtppngeceîvî flhcrut tepn ie ab , i0, el, hu Surin, hto 1.0., Saeyos Aim sy ts amilable Gr eatpfu Loisng;tem & erostio Th andyinatersamust511 PlansRd.Eurhing t an Fornwr ifoew M SPD$$ EU MUSN??? eLgt/eavPckaEgigand f eraveL bo ure Nemto exp., ilu agaiscl, o, m TEO pLyut he orld tnd.er 10,0 gro doli teaching worldaideiv 80 countides. Great Jobs, gret salaries, great advanfure. 1-800-344-6579 www.toachmndraval.com JOBS GUARANTEFO FREE INFO SESSION 7pm TUES, NOV 191h Burlinglon Holiday Inni 3063 South Service Rd. Supervised Grad. tees/ing week in Mexico inc. pleaxa c ali Kym ut 05-849-888, Ext 22 xisaynamî, xcltl , eiulte ta Hnamailto nd custormsrie WeaeceaDFîn F e MORLE:IWSOR Greatlmision ara okiifr art-tmet Ass. ocii ous l Choene a rogra *SeAAm E ANLoINTEIEWsa, Dynae eli,frendyOnrgti S, hav ifnty unoproixlnce culomer servîce. We sre reatigoacoensMaPLEIo STOnEfisakdv aend chanc e oprkwle a oeus.s & rogsivrelaltae piin eellpence ayin cuersvne Mapleview Mail- 900 Mapie Avp.;i r ingtý:î The Homos resoorces Deparîrnenoo viaïpi1 vor Calalogue os the lippe! level Applicalio -, aceprt i bvlwexn lOam and 4prv Nov 14- 3 2002 Soirs Cavias.x mcv i. ile4vd/ lopvrt iy i y d CAFETERIA help required F/T Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. P/T Cafeteria help Tues Only. Please call 905-878-1145 487 Lautier Ave., lf on /8î8288j In Mernoniama in the torm 0fl donations ta The Canad ian SCancer Society are deeply approciafed.1

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