Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 2002, p. 28

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9P--Tha(nnnrînn rhqninn Pisi invomda R9n *1~ - - - - - Brian& Marilyn Merley and Frank & Lînda Sambelis are pieased ta annaunce the farthcaming marriage ai their children Stephanie and Jeffre,. Loe ndbet isesfor a C future fuil ai happiness. FOR Sale: Al brick de- fached 3 bedroom bsn- gaIlow. Air conditîoned. Downfown Milfon. $215.000 or rent $1250+sfîlifies. Imme- diafely. Carmela 905- 876-1653. FOR Renf: 700sq.ft. of finshed office or refail space. Prime location, Main Sfreet, Milon. Very brighf. Possession im- medialely. 905-469- 1999. $$ GOVERNMENT -j Funda $$ Grants asd boans information f0 tart and espand yosr business or farm. 1-800- 505-8866. CAFE, Seafs 30, l- censed in Milfon. En- france f rom building and sreet. Mus seIl. 905- 279-5732 CALL Sinclair-Cock- burri- 1 -800-328-7887 ext. 321 1 -yr 4.15, 5-yr 5.40, ARM 1.99 Also eqsify morfgage programa, regardless of income or credif. 1 bedroom basement aparfmesl. Bright and suniny. $800 al inclu- sive. NO smoking/pela. Available Jas. 1. 905- 876-4561. 2 bedroora aparfmenl available Jas. 1 wfth bal- cony. Ufiliies included. $900.00. Cal) 905-876- 4682, No doga. I. M ým For Rent: 1 bedroom basement aparnent, $900/,nonth ail inclusive. 1 bedroom aparment. $850/month Al inclusive. *3 bedroom îownhouse, $1350/month. AUl ami/able in MUtait CallAneloria 905-875-1110 ext 247 L2 bedroom spacious large, brigh siles. Newly decoraled wilh many upgrades. Ufililies inclsded. No dogs. 416- 918-5913. ACCEPTING applica- fions tor 2-bdrm apto $925 a month, available Jan. 1/03 & Feb 1/03. For appoiniment cal) 905-878-5345 affer 6p.m. ACTON Apartments For Rent: 1 bedroom avail- able December 1st. Open 7 days/week. Same Day Approval. No Dogs. 519-853-4374 BURLINGTON, near Lake, shopping, schools. Freshly paisted 3 bedroom, 3 applianc- es, 1-1/2 balhs, ose parking. From 1099/mo. December. 905-333- 1190 COUNTRY Living 2bdr ground level apt. Fire- place, sep. entrasce, lasndry, pafio. 975/mo. incl. stilîfies. Cali Mike 905-854-7979 or 905- 876-4617 (work) FOR rent, dlean spa- cioss basemenf apt. Sep. entrasce. Lots of parking. Suitable tor workisg person. 650/mo. plus heaf. 905- 876-1343 or 905-299- 0195 FOR rent. Milton, per- fect downfown location, bright basement spart- ment, newly renovated, appliancea, separate enfrance, $700 plus ufil- lýies. Reterences, list& ast, Available Dec. 1sf 416-731-7464 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, South, Miltos We are tors acceptltg applications for 2 bedroom apartmenls. For mare information andlor la malce an appointment, Please caîl 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny LARGE 2+bdrm. Coun- try N. of Milton. $975.00 per mo. including heat & parking. Laundry and cable in bldg. Available December lst. Refer- ences required. 905- 854-2294. FSîLDETWER 82 MILLSIOE DRIVE1 &2 BedroomnApts Cls o Dorsotown. Bus sp ai (905) 876-1249 ROCKWOOD, Clean, sunny, spaciouS api s. Bachelor, ose bedroom and commercial space inclsdes parking and utililies. 519-856-4900. r' untry livngî. 2Ds l room tarmhouse, North Milton. No pets. $1275 + utilities. 905-878-6237.j llth Animal Burlington Kinsmen ~ Js35 03 r 1 Adres neartWI M Hecuria*& i. ov 1 &17 l.1 e nnounce the Brun HUiS CoiffuityCotre their daughter 2300 Duncuster Dr., BurlUgtOfl 1 Phase ra Io Steve,, Car (Esrasce off Bratt Sf. a Upper Midle Rd) - Wdîn ae1,, i& Paut Denno Admision: Dosa)ios ta the Food Bank 1 edn ae o take place Bake Goado Wod Crafts Caady Table, Ceramîco 1 Fx 2th, 2003 Cades taia ed Glast, Christmas ftemasMach Mre Kds Acivies, Ca aurig ContIsaI Kds, and fhsse yugaI hearf.. corne oct ard ove Bs Bear and S whtsplansed fsr1the2003 Burl. amily e Witer Cars vai MILTON. 4 bedroom, 21/2 bath, tamily room, backyard, ail broad- loomed. Aval). tmme- diately. $1799/mo. + uti- lizes 905-854-1023 or 416-898-1021 wuutmP" 5t1 A"b To and ft V MILTON "Hawfhorne Village' Maffamy end unif 3-bedroom lown- house. 2-1/2 baîha. 1580 sq.ft. Immediafe. $1 500/mo. 905-601- 2691. TOWNHOUSE, 3 bed- room, 2 balhrooms, ga- rage, gas fireplace. Use of pool. 341 Wilson Dr. Milton. $11 50/month plus ufilities. First/last/references. Available Dec. 1. 905- 659-4349. ROOMS for rent 10 quiet nonamoking fe- maIes. Caîl for Defails. 905-878-4977 WATERDOWN THE 20TH ANNUAL CRAFT GALLERY Sun, Nov. 17 llam -4pmn THE Royal Canadian Legion 79 Hamilton ST. North Admission is a donation fa fhe Cysic Fibrosis research. Saturda? November, i 61h 30-M0 off everything 1 74 Martin St. (ai Woodward> 40'. S~Grace Anglican Church Yuletide Fayre Lots of tables feturing crafto, baked goods, oewin, raffle, sulent auction, show box asfl nd much, much * more. ~\And while yo're there ... dont forget ta treat youroelf ta the "best lunch" in town! Saturday, November 16 9 am - 3 pm Grace Anglican Church 317 Main Street, Milton GMAR AGEcm"SAAE Nov. ER16/01200 10am.- 42p.m Decora ions $2d.00d uc 526moore s Postal Code________ Email __________ Send f0: National Bridai Shows c/o Premier Consumer Show s467 Speers Rd., Oakville IlL6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 a division ut WLCOME%' *New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Cammunily Welcame Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby & Bridai Tracy 905-876-4330 Grace 905-319-1110 NEED help carrying home yosr grocer- ies?. We can help. Go efficient and reli- able grocery shop- ping & delivery serv- îce. Please cali Brenda aI 905-875- 0719 LOST. Bell Mobility pag- er. In the Heslop/Com- mercial street. Cail Dia- nna ai 693-1517 DIVORCE Survivaf Siralegies . .. Befote spending large sm or legs) tees, calthe Fam- ily Law Centre. Our law- yers will preseni yos wilh options and otter smart and provenstarai- egies 10 help reduce le- gai tees,sasteguard as- sets, and detend your child cuslody snd sc- ceas righîs. "Separste Smart" Toil Fr90 1-866- 900-4529. CLASSFID HOTIN: 905475M330 CLASIED ROUIS: Moiday to Fiday 9:.00 am - 5:00 pin Classit'iediie As ppara Steven carved it on a tr7ee 'Met will yau marry me? With a tear in her eye, She rephied "Absolutety'" Mr & Mrs Se are pteased ta en agement Ofi S Me uieBe.bara the son ai Rosa, Wedd t LENEHAN- Kelly & Darlene (Mitchell) are plessed to announce the arrivai of thear daugh- ter Abigail Marene bors Oclober 27, 2002 at 2:22 p.m. weîghing 7b 7oz. Fourth grandchild for GIes & Mary Mitchell of Mîdfand & Thîrd for Joe & Laurette Coleman of Waubashene. Fosrfh Great-grasdchild for Harold& Mae Dennis of Milon & Seventh Great-grandchild for Charlie & Clara Mitchell of Csmpbellille. MITCHELL- Michael & Barbara (Caston) are pleased 10 annoonce the arrivai of fheîr son Aaron Michael bort November 5, 2002 at 12:45 pra., meîghing 10Ib 1/4oz. Fiffh grand- child for Glen & Mary Mitchell of Midland & Second for Sheila & Garry Caston of Loring. Fiffh Greaf-grsndchild for Harold & Mae Dennis of Milfon & Eighth Great-granchifd for Charlie & Clara Mifchell of Campbelille. MORANOIN- Pasl & Jiliîsn oeOsard) joylslly sn- sosoce the birth of Jamie Elaine- 6îbs l4oz on Oct. 219t, 2002. Prouri grandparests are Wayne & Elamne Suant and AI & Tisa Morandin. A niece for Erin & Chrialopher Gsard, Lias & Lesie Clendenisg and Lors & Mary Morandin. Tfas ta afily and frienda for their ongsîsg support & to Dr. Boss)) atd Dr. Liske for Penny and Kirk Mauro of Burlinglon are plessed 10 announce the safe arrivai of their dsughfer. Abbey Doris, bots October 3Ofh aI Oskville Traalgar Hospifal. Big siater Hayley la thrilled wilh her baby sisier. Abbey la welcomned by Donna & Rager Mauro, Doris & Roy Weafons snd Corinne, John and James Gilbert. Special Ihanks ta Dr. Sharma for hia wondertul care snd atenlion. So Place Ybur Ad Today! Cali 90"-75-3300 or drop by at 191 Main Steet! Monday to Frday 9amfl-5 pm - 1 ne uanaclian viampion, t-rldaY, November 15, zuuz 1 25-

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