Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 2002, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 15, 2002-25 3'21* p o 0%OFF ~~peIrS't o v-Senior Mustangs humbled in tier two finals Milton District's season ends with stinging loss at Ivor Wynne Stadium By STEVE LeBLANC Thie Champion [n the end. there was jusi no grouniding the senior Eagles. Milton District enjoyed the last opportuniiy to do so. as sorte- wbat surprising tier two finalisis yesterday morning ai Hamnilton's Ivor Wynne Stadium. But the Mustangs proved t0 be jusi another sictimn for undefeat- ed Q.E. Park who put the finishing touches on a perfect 9-0) campaign by rolling over MD 37-6. Turnovers turned oui 10 be a crippling blow for the underdog Mustangs through much of the championshtp showdown- par- icularly afier a haif back option touehdown just before baif-imie offered hope for a possible comneback. -That opening drive in the third quarter really hurt us," said head coach Keiîh Pearce. v.hose îeamn suffered the agony of a champi- onship bumbling jusi six days afier iasting the ecsîasy of a semifi- nal upsel over Burlingion Central. "Tuming il over and iben gel- ing scored on really shifîed the momenium back 10 themn. We did a lot oftitngs that didn't help us today." Opposing quarterback sharp Li\ ing Lîp 10 iheir nane. the Eagles soared througb the opening half wi th back-to-back toucbdov.n strikes by star pvot GJord Robertsoit. Proi here. îtîev tghîened the noose by recovering two funibles and picking ott MV'ustang QB Ryan Page earlv n the fouoriar ter. M t), lone i maor \ a'.dcl sered in i c sine moment,. of the tîrsi halt. sM ien tas' Price connecîed on a 24 \aî il 1eiîd-exne pas:fI a ieapiriîeTiîî .5Andersoin. A tss ci pîln oins 1cO attenpt sAas denied andti d tc e the NLiustaîîgs --du,.s rihs nrime at iîternîssiîin - ust cîiîidniî idthat Aitelusîs e IieaikttîroLîugh play that umîght base aftoss d tenîici lurn the tîde. Os eral. MD '.uffcred tîve tumnovers for the moming and lîad its four-game ss in streak snapped by the eventual champs- who besicles a narross regular-season win cîser Burlingion Central \Asere nese ;i'ei-iusly îreatened through 2g)2 play. Lee F'ritîeîîburg isas the chiel Mustang carrier yesierday highlîghting fis grcîund gamne witlh a buge 20 yard drive in the openîîîg framie x ile things were stlup for grabs. On the tlip sîde, be shossed sîrongly on defense as wel l with about a dozen iackles. Dan Cordner v.asnt far behind in this deparimeni wiib another sound performnance. Q.E. Park cave up just one iouchdown apiece n each of its three playof wiiiins. k I Tuim Anderson (lft haula in this touchdown pas for MD durung y.sterday'a Uier two finale. lb. - Mustangs bai 37-6. Poto by PETER C. McCUSKER 'Barnes secures bronze at worlds By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion I lai ry Banies has, finalis reaciiedi tfe iîicrîîational iumctlî. A tol ifre e ci'sfinisi t .1 tes. i Ic ti iatiiiiit cfi.mipiîîîsliis fiadc c tde I ihc lca ar ciicadin tîg lîllul iitîilloiniî i (itîtciii.Mexicoi Saturdavîîuîin But aîttîcst se i chiîîg eînperaiiîe'. sx luth ciaimed more thani a fe\v s îctinîs - Canadas, perenniai powerhouîse biazed is ssay to a iird place perormnn.ce amoîg 55 Io 59-year îld maies. Ht'. 26:3 i effort was a scant Isso sec- ondîs behînci Arizona's Dîck' Tomlfin. Bames said Iihai had lie knoîs i sxho the eventuai silver tredalist was before iîting the v.ire. their orler of finish xx ulci no diiubt hase been reversed. More ofien tban not. riaihietes arenit aware who iheir chief diis ion rivais are sice ail age diviî- sions compete at the same timie. -l lnîîîs 1 cîulci fiase sieppeuilt up ai Ille cntiand îîi vît h tr iTl init . hVil tr s.îîî'.î Cci xx iîh broînz,".aid the iîngtiîîe tri aiblete, who had cracked the top-lIt duning presi- ous world champi- Harry Barnes îînsbips in ontreal and Edmcinion. "I just wanted 10 get on the podium." While Bames hau thtris'ed in hot race conditions before. ex en lie bad Io case up ai limes on Salurday - especially during the final 101 km t ub. shen under a 32-degree suni energy-drained bodies were liîîered aluîng the course. Recalled Bamnes. "People were falling letit and rght. It v.,as brutal, a real suri iai (ut ihere. I probably could hase gisen more, but seeing bow bot il v.as I svas ners omis about pushing nîyself lotibarci. Ilx\\as liardt mi w kîîciss s îce ithat fine lme s ' The toc ai racer cîbsiocisly sta> ed on flic rigt ,, ide of'thaifine andfinishect ux ilini Mso i ntcs otage-ciass cfhamîpionî Bradiey Prîce otii t if- sho fîad fuetien Barries bs as much as 21f minutes, dut îng preVLS utnational esenis. "I' definiîely gaining on him,- he saîd. Nov. thai ihe search for a world chanmpi- onship medal bas bore fruit, the local triathiete says belIl take the nexi couiple of months 10 decide if be's got enouglb eft - menially as weil as physicaliv -10 reach for the ultimate prize. 'There's oniy one place 10 go."* Bamres said. referring 10 gold. 'Now I've got 10 figure outitif can come back and take thai next siep. iLClarke'"s Golf www.clarkesgolf.com SA" Free personalization of -Titlisi and Pinnacle Golf Salis NiM, Minimum order - 1 dozen,1 mi Three Unes ai 17 characters, Colora black, blue, red or green. Order by December 1s' for Christmas Delivery I j il Il, il T 'H 1S:-B1 'iD-Wl LLFY ( lAMu*i 18 Thompson Rd", Unit 7&S, Milton * Wlll"ýýIll'l.lli!11Ê:-IlllllLýý , A i tséew

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