Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Nov 2002, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 12, 2002-7 SO UR REA4DERS WR-ITE Richard Vi vian 's column 'Democracy failed us' is misleading: Malboeuf Dear Editor: As a member of council t take offence to the coiumn in the November 5 Champion by Richard Vivian entiîied 'Democracy faiied us'. 'Me colunmn impiies that what occurred at the counicil meeting of October 28 perlaining to the smoking byiaw was improper and undemnocralie. That is not the case. When the mayor calied for the vote on the motion to review the byiaw, four members of council raised their hands in favor whiie five members raised their hands in opposition. In the opinion of the mayor, Councilior Art Melanson didn't raise is hand to vote. Had Mr. Melanson actuaily voted and the mayor had sini- piy missed it, ail Mr. Melanson had to do was rise and advise the mayor of that fact. Mr. Melanson didn't, therefore that ieads me to believe that he had decided at that time to abstain from voting, which is is right. Mr. Melanson has been on council for ntore than 20 years. He shouid know the procedure by now. As for the request for a second recorded vote, Robert's rules of debale, which is what we go by, clearly stales that a second vote on an issue can- not be asked for immediateIy foiiowing the orig- inal vote. Aiso oniy a member who was on the winning side of the original vote can bring forward a motion to revisit a resolution aiready passed. Councilior Barry Lee, who requested the sec- ond vote, was on the losing side of the original vote and therefore couidn'î request the second vote. Councilior John Chailinor was correct in chaiienging the chair on those points. The fact that nobody supported the mayor on the challenge means either that the other count- cillors fel as I did, that a cati for a second vote wasn't proper or they were asleep at the switch. Whatever motions were made, votes were called and votes were counted and those asking for a review of the bylaw iost, and even if the vote to review had gone the other way the byIaw wouldn'l have changed conceming bars and restaurants. In order to amend the bylaw it requires a two- thirds majority vote, and if we're to believe the public statements made by members of counicil, there aren't seven members of this council who are prepared to allow smoking again in bars and restaurants. The only amendment that may corne about from a revisit is the removai of the exceptions for the casino floor, the bingo hall and the Legion. Finaiîy, Mr. Vivian suggests that we set up a committee to make a recommendation to counicil conceming the smoking bylaw. Thats exactly what council did last year. CiSuncii appointed a committee of representa- tives from various sectors of the community to look at the smoking issue and make recommen- dations to council. After four-and-a-half months of work that committee came forward with a recommenda- lion that council approved and is now the current bylaw. Council bas deait with this issue in depth and the majority of council has spoken. I's time to move on. The voters of Milton will have the opporlunity corne next November bo let us know if they agree with what we did. That's democra- cy. Rick MalboeuIf, Town and regional councillor Reader says people need to exercise more caution at four-lane crosswalks Dear Edilor: The crosswaik signais on four-lane streets shouid work so that when a button is pushed on one side the other side engages as weii. On more than one occasion i've seen people who sep off the crosswaik siand without firsi pressing the button. If al the ights flashed ai the sa-ne ime il wouid aIiow oncoming traffic advanced warnmng thal there's somneone attempting to, cross the road and give then ime t0 slow down and stop. Please don't assume thal because you have hit the button on your side of the road and moved to the centre isiand that every- one was aware of il i think the crosswalk signais shouid be regarded much like a school bus flasher once engaged ail traffie in the area shouid corne 1o a compicie stop. Milton bell' occhioi ! e gifts & good thingsa -1 500 Steeles Ave. E., Milton, (905) 693-9888 bell' occhio Christmas Open bouse Saturday, November l6th 9:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Beautiful Christmas Gifts f or Home, Family & Friends otTH BllRakmîtartias NE cameO TIitrlr RONTESFUTRE "IMuprel ova mpoetacnd M FePr eromance tean and brakio. seadans Tb@ aunE fer Ilob-etereCae MA hl iic onanm ram canqiosa immboUm ln ha r umatm i UI-P IS THE DIFFERENCE WlI-T, the Ultimata Natorit of intellgeet Tra Technolouy, delil- emi supelor met stoppîna per- formanmetlMomt sacrtficing dry or snome perormance. Tb O UZZAK fer Ught Trucks NLandZSAI% I * * il, 1 BMilftown Tire Service Ltd. Miltown Tire Service Ltd. TRMLTM 675 Steeles Ave. E., Milton 905-878-6785 Meebtheim sasara snemeservice raqairememltsof the Ralmier Manutacturers Amscliton (MAI and lime Rubber Association et Canada. IRAC). L- 1 7- uuy-

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