Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Nov 2002, p. 6

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6 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday November 12, 2002 SCOMMENT NEWSAMDII NEW Hydro going to pot? L o RE9US The escalating cost of hydro is just one more good reason to help Halton Regional Police shut down illegal drug-growing operations. There are some groups - particularly a vocal segment from British Columbia that e-mails The Champion on a regular basis - that believe the police have far more womrsome criminals to chase than the folks who choose to grow marijuana for a living. But today we don't want to debale the issue of decriminalizing pot. Instead we want to reiterate the danger these pothouses pose to other- wise quiet, safe neighbourhoods as well as the cost of stealing elec- tricity. Often the electrical power supply meters inside the bouses are altered so that sufficient power can be routed inside without il register- ing on the meter, explain police. IMMIGR« Not only does this method of sourcing electricity create a fire hazard, 1+9 it also steals hydro from the utility producing it. This in îumn increases power usage and can affect power prices. And we think we know how Milton residents feel about the surge in hydro costs. Halton police are asking for help in tracking down grow bouses. If you suspect there's one on your street, Crime Stoppers is just a cal away. Closing down grow houses isn't about the pros and cons of legalîz- ing pot. It's about safety and theft. O UR READERS WRITE Quallty Greens' closure upsetting: reader Dear Editor: lt's witb a sad feeling that 1 write this leiter regarding Quality Greens closmng its doors for thse latt une. I've lived in Milton ail my life, nealy 46 years. lan ail that time, and for yearn before, there han, always been a grocery store in ilsat exact location. Wben 1 was little, thse store was known as Ledwit's. 1 treasure thse memorien I have going ito that store with my mother and sister every week to get our groceries. We were always greeted in thse produce depart- ment by Charlie Heffeman and without doubt would stop and have a few laughs with Stu Hannant in thse meat depart- ment. George Penson and Mike Ledwith are other frendly faces 1reaili. As the years passed and 1 had a daugh- ter of my own. We would walk to Quaiity Greens to get our groceries. My daughter had a cookie card that allowed ber to have a free cookie from the bakery on each visit. Quality Greens maintained the amali- town feeling established by its predeces- sors. A trip t Quality Greens mont often resulted ini spending time chatting with several of thse employees and exchanging jokes, and always a friendly greeting. Sandy Ch.skey Mlfton +THE CANADL4N CI-lAMPION Box 248.,191 Main St. E, Mlton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Aaaoiate Publisher Jili Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Advertiing Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager Tihe Canadien Campion, puitisiied every Tuesday and Friday at 191 main St. E., Milon, Ont..L9T 4N9 (tox 248). s orne o Tite Mtroland Printias, Pubishitng & ttstrbuting Ld group ai suiturban campanies whitCi includea: Aiaal/Pickerng News Advetiser, Allistan HeadCauriin, tarrie Aaance, Barys tay Tiis Week, oatina Eneaprise, trampton taarulian, Burlinglan Post, tualingtan Sitoppng News, Cty Parent, City oi Tork Guardian, ColingwodWasaga Cnnecion, Easitanok Mirtai, tin Advacate/Countay Raues, Etoiabcke Guaniian, Fambanaugit Post, Freaet Yoang, Georgetown n ndepnndenetAclan Fine Preis, Halaon Business Times, Hurania Business Tmes, Kngston This Week, Lndsay Tiis Week, Makiat Ecanamît & Su, MiriaarlPenetanguisheran Miran, Milan Shoapping News, Msissauga Business Tmes, Mssssauga Nws, Napaaee Gude, Nassagaweyia News, NeaîmaktAuroaa ta-tanner. Nrtumberlandl News, Nortit Tank Mîtan, akaie teauna, akaie Shoapping News, Oldilmens Hockey News, Oillis Taiay, Osiawa/lSiitiby/lCanîaiglan/Pan Penny Tiis Wnek, PeerbrouaaghtTiis Wenk, Pctan Caunly Guide, Ricitmond iilllTatrnitillVaughan Lberal, Scaabataîgh it îrar, Slaufiaillnldnbridge Tibune. Adenising is accepleil an thte candtian ma, in the ruent ai a typo- graphîcal nana, tai partionaiflire adannising space accupind by lhe rin- neaus itm, lagniimn nit a aasanable aliawancn ior sîgnaurn, iii nul bn citaîgnd fa, but lhn baancn ai lhe adaniisnmena wili e paid fon ai lin appli- cable ain. Tn publîsiten asenans tl i sbi lacaingalian adaniisnmenas on decline. Tire Minie Cadiar Championr s a Renjiairie Pedeni Quality Greens was a vital part of Mlton's downtown core and wîll be mîssed: reader Dear Editor: 1 was greatly dismayed to leamn that Quality Greens bas closcd its doors. The comments made by Mayor Gord Krmntz in the Tuesday. Nov. 5 issue of The Champion are disturb- ing. Perhaps Mr. Krantz needs Io drive to downtown Brmntford tu sec what a downtown core looks like whcn businesses tai to close their doors. Boardcd up windows, locked doors mnd empty parking lots aren't attractive sights for mnyone. Quality Greens was a wonderful fittie grocery store that always car- ricd fresh meats, cold cuts mnd a beautiful array of fruits mnd vegeta- bIen. And they did su with a smile. Thcrc was always someone there to carry oui your bags for you. take your name for that special order or even run downstairs for that store- made roasi beef that was almost donc. 1 always felt welcome at Quality Greens, and i cm say in aIl honesty that I even went out of my way to shop thcre to ensure they received my money. AIl of my fresh produce and meats wcre bought there - as well as my bottled water and lottery tickets. Yes, 1 cmn buy those products mnywbere. but would 1 get a smile? Would mnyone ask me if l'm able to carry my load? l'm sure it's difficult for Mr. the store owncrs feit - after ail, he is paid wbcther construction takes place or not. However, he may wonder what Milton paid for in the end when Main Street is the ghost section of this growing town. 1 say, as a fellow Miltonian, let any extra tax money, or Mohawk Raceway eamings, go to support the downtown store owners who have had to, sufer through the nec- essary renovations. Future generations deserve to have a downtown core that's stable and inviting. Donna Waugh Mlton Have your say on a local issue wîth a letter ta the editor. E-mail letters ta miltoned@haltonsearch.com or fax ta (905) 878-4943. Puid by Steve Nease

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