The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 12, 2002-29 If you have any questions tiiese professionals can answer, please write to: "\5tc Tht' Petfîssionals" c/o [he Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Tina Ooney 86 Main St., Milton Connie Francoz PHYSIOTHERAPISTS 876-1515 I broke my ankie and arn going to have my cast off soon. The surgeon said that 1 wiII need physiotherapy. What kinds of things wiliII be doing? When yen break n bene ad are in a cuSt fr a number of weeks, many changes occur. When yen injnred yenr ankte, ikely the bones and seft tissue, muscles fer example. were bth injnred. Yenr boes have been heaîing over tbe weeks tbat yen have spent in yeur cut, bornoyer.itt is cemmen that ufter yeur cuIt cornes off, ibere is st heating and a lot of work te ho donc. Changes tbat yen might notice after the cast is removed incîndo put, sweîîing, brntstng, poor aiity te move the foot ad akte, weakness and difftcuty watktng or completing tasks around the bouse or t work. Yen may have been nstng a waîker or entiches te get areund. Pbystotberapy wttl iceIode un assoîsment te determtne the speciftc preblents yen are aving. Yonr therapist wilI work wth yenr spectat- ist (surgeon) te provide a therapy pregrurn that will hoîp yen get back te yonr usuan self grudually. Physietherapy tretment ivilI include educution te belp yen manage preblonts sncb as swelltng or pain and advise yen bec te safely progress yonr dily activtttes. Educatien ad training will help yen progress frem the use of crutches or cane te yonr usant walk. ad gradually help yo e rntot work actîvties. dance, fitness or ther eisure prsutts. Hands on troatment sncb as joint mobilîcatien or muscle techniques may ho nsed te help [oprove your ankle or foot movement. A good exrcise pregrant, progressed speifically is important te help yen impreve mevement, stretîgth ated balance. While this prevîdes yon with a very bastc idca et the therapy yiîu'lt rceiv, yen may have unique issues te address aid shonld dîvcnss yeur rehabiittien in dtait wth your phystetheraptst. Pleaue contact Tina or Connie at the Halton Community Rehabjlitation Centre, 86 Main Street Eaut, Milton 876-15)5, for questions about physiotherapy. BABElayne M. Tanner B.fl ,I BS.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayne M. Tanner QI arn very interested in the seminars you have been offring, but couldn't make il Iast time. Can you tell me what you have planned now before Christmias? A.: The somninars have heen inet with such intorosi ihat we wil h hosi- ing 2 of themn agan iis monnh. The Assertiveness for Women will ho on Frday Noveniher 22. 2002.9 ar.m- 4 pin. For $15000 +CJST you wlii receive communicationn skilstraining ihat cil aloc' yon tu presoni yono- selfin anasseriive, confidenimarliner.Ynn ill ii nto eognize aggres- svpassive and passive-apposr si yio' hat inak omuniciiuation difti- cui and ni-nciriRiaina iniivio dua iinih popile ho se ihesocon- iieiiing styles. Av pai ofiisî day, ce ciii he invrnced ini simple hui eftective techniiqueof elfvitdotonvo. iving iorned ihese mysel.i t.i tel oit onlii he> .areoiehinp ,iny>iornan canideo nid aiihongh youiniay îiocr nood hih ou yeuiiigain confidence and no(ilookikc i]dsS vie- ni. Yu iii s ivoiitaiiiiidrtlncnih adbreaks ,ivoeniinarhinder and the ciiinpanîiiisitior greiiciineinf linsig adhoiniitnivoiiting. The Separale and Divsorce Smart cerkshîip c ilx-h hoin Ice 3-heur evoningvt7- 10 piin tuMs Nîvenbio2iindt)eeiberih3. 21X)2 ithe of 2(itiitti+GST, This itliniclnde i.cksv.ho igesan ern narhbinderifuil ot saluihlo iogalinfoi îrnmationu.Thiscýorkvtiip. prevoiedhi lacsor M.riisuii SniueKiv.Ooesovhihnoandciiorin.Ynnciio, ann yiiiiîrighisanid îobligationiis chcr hore roi t heocenruio vii cnen pating separiiiuiiiiiidivorce..Whiegaiiiiithe necosir\ nomto o tie rigit ui for lii >0 Pa> mnt iihv i.,ih ior ciique iini dvacis vrquirod iii hoid nospot. iiae ai o inrihor intoiniiin og,îdîîîg iiiiof ii tiovoc orkshiip, Elayne Tanner & Associates. Ine. ;~iit m,î,oaiae.tannRtei-fférn iiynforoiie inldiiOiidi«iiin.gOnp eiwnrand re, Ionna 'yei'andiegliirriioo iinauinarnteit. Dr. Ton!J Wan'.9Y F ITAIR titi Wherewe mae yon féelet a home" I~a 1I I ICarpet: Vtnyl -Ceramîcs -Hardwood loo h QI kPaint -Wallcoverngs howroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Towne Dental Group Geraldi ne Hesketh 845 Main St. 1. Milto. 878-4280 Tony H. Wan Milton Malil - 55 Ontario St. Atetoai unse lre&ml.Hvyu B.Sc. D.D.S. (905) 876-11 88 lAtten to ail buinslae&alîHveilyou When should I take rny child to the dentist for the irst looked u ou uronigsxtey 1I o time? It is important te, gel un oarty stant on dental cure, s0 that your chiîd witt teamn that visiting the dentit is a regutur part of heatth caro. The first stop is 10, choose a dentint for your chitd. Il may ho your orne dentist or one who speciatizes in reating chitdren (catted a pediatrie dentist). Once you have setected a dentint, catI the office to find out t what ugo ho or she profers to seo chitd patients for the first tinte. Sonto dentints uggost a visit by ugeone0, while othors ike te, se eilîdren once att of their baby teeth (or primury teeth) have corne in (or rupted). This ix generalty between uges two and three. If's important te make the firut visit a positive experience for your chitd. That ix one reuson why it's bout to visit before a probtom devetops. If you think there is a probtont, however, take your chitd to the dentist right away, no mat- ter what ugo. If you are a nervoux dental patient, uxk your spouse or unother family member to take the chitd for the uppointment. If your chitd sonnes that you are nervous, ho or sho may foot nervous too. When you tatk to your chitd about going to the dontint. expluin what witt happen with- out adding words ike "it wont hurt" or 'dont ho scared. Be sure 10, get an earty start on regutar dental cure t home. Stan cteuning your childus mouth with a soft damp ctoth before toeth corne in and continue with a soft toothbntsh once ho or sho han a first tootti. Limit the number of sugary trots you give your child, and focus on healthy food choic- on from the very beginning. ~-rn1 Have you ever noticed when going into sorne commer- cial environments how blah they are? Why is that? Hospitals, chools, offices-We work 8 f0 10 bours a day and wonder why we cant wait to leave. I love decorating home offices as they are more cons jousi of their surroundings choosing a comforatble look and thereby increasing business. Once visiting a medical building with lots of varous offices, the dental office was gorgeous down to a fire- place and wingback chairs and was very busy. 1 wonder why? No, we can't expeet ail business to ho quite that suave, but at least when refurbishing go with brighter tonen, a mixture of colour in the carpet will ide stains btter and increase wearability with a good commercial grade. No more grey level loop carpet which wilI show soiling faster anyway. Work shouîd be enjoyable too. Want f0 increase productivity & sales? Decorate! Corne & ueo our extensive ibrary of commercial carpets & co-ordinate colours or we'Il come to your business and make working a pleasure! Tel« (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street EaSt, Suite 204 Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 A: FRnancial Panning PLiiOlnling Lnunu MMWBnd CFP, Rt What is the $400 Canadian Education Savings Grant (CESG> and is it too late for this year? Oneo îfthe best ways te save fer yonr child's nr grandchld's fntnre cdncatînn needs is thrnngh an RESP (Registerod Edncatinnal Savings Plan). One of the main attractions nf the RESP is the matching federai grant of 20% te a maximum of $400 on yîîur annual cnntribution. Aithnugh ynn may contribute ap te $4000 annuaity the CESG s capped t $400 onu $2000 et new RESP invesiment contribu- tioins. If yîîu cannot use the CESG roem n any gtven year ynn can carry tiirwrnd the grant renm and dlaim it against future con- tributions.Fo an ovample if yen only contrihnted $1000 tn 2002. yîîu would rocoîvo a grant of $200. If you thon citntrihnte $3((i n 20(03, yîîu are eligihie for $600 in grants- $200 frnm 2i()2 and $400 frîrtu 2003. i h tii Newconiitrbntions tir an RESP cen atematically trigger the CESG and yîîu eau contrihute ut uny time during the year. Whether yoîn take monthiy, contributions or a lump sum contri- bution ouce a yoar. itis îimportant te remember that Dec. 31lst ts a criticai date in toons ofi the annual eligible amount and the CESC duollars avaiuable in thîs year and next. To qualîty iîor the CESG. the child musi have a Social lusurans.c Nutuor (SIN) and iueet age requtrements. A child can thaeetitre than one RF-SP but the total from al RESPs (sic the chiid casnit exceod the anuîîmaximum. ($400)» lîaiiîng tor a ehiids future oducattonal nceds is very impor- tat.Th ES G nbcamjorb LAWoyoR ECd Bc ., D. mee vurneds Plas (905)oyCone8s78 90)479 -94 i rn eas neD, ie GMilgton, Ontaro L7 4W46 Greg J. Lawrence (905) 702-1611 BSe., D. Ch. Member of the Ontario Society of Chropodlsts and The Ontaro Collage of Chropodists Q. How do you treat Ieg length differerices? A. Treatment ot leg length ditterences (LLD) must be done on an individual patient basis. Every case is ditterent and must be assessed based on the individuals age, itness, and ability to adapt to treatment. For example, LLD in a shorter person has a more adverse impact on the body than a taller person. And while a youniger, tlexible spine wil accept more correction than a highly degenerative one, this doesnt mean that an elderly person with LLD will not benetit tron treatment. When it cornes to treating children with LLD and tiattfeet many peo- pie believe that we should not initertere with a childs development. But what better time to do it than when the body is most able to respond to change and adapt accordingly? Not treating LLD or tiat teet in a young person is more likely to adversely attect their growth and proper development over the long term. X-rays are the most accurate method tor measuring LLD. This tech- nique is not as popular as manual measurement because LLD is still seen by many as a minor orthopedic inding. A popular method ot LLD treatment is to lift 50% ot the measured ditterence. Some patients have severe symptoms with only minimal leg length ditterences, and even a 3 mm lift cani make an improve- ment. 54