Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Nov 2002, p. 27

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General Houp Wanted Frnîcri'j ir ri r ert l inq Drive Clean Emnissions Inspector and learning Drive Cf ean Emnissions Program. Must have valid drivers license. Caii 905-878-7926 Fuli-Time Assistant Daycare Teachers for maternity leaves. -Supply Bus Driver. Must have class F drivers license. Please caI 905-875-1955. FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunily Company AZ DRIVER NEEDED A minimum of one year US experience needed Cali Don at 905-877-1190 SHOWROOM HOSTESS/HOST Due te maternity leave, eaoîng Ford dealership i0 currently seeking applicanto tor the above 00e year foil-lime contract position, which cold resoit in permanent emptoyment. The tollowng skllo reqoîredý -Preions Ford dealership experience an asset, - cperience onîng Reynolds & Reynolds sotwae and computers, ExFcelent cstomer communicatîi o ils -Excellent teephone mannerý - Abilty te metti-tank, - Gond rganizatinnat and tme management sklin. We aller a campelitive pay plan. SSubit your resume ta the attention of:" Shirley Hoiman, Qoalîty Manager Oak-land Ford Lncoln Saes Lîmted 570 Traagar Rd. akolte, L6J 3J2 nhntman@eaklandfordtînconnca.Faxo 05-844-4472 Prevono apptîcaots need ot appty We thank att appicrins in advance. however ontv thone setected for interview wîtt be contacted LIFT TRUCK OPERATOR OAKVILLE Failtime permanent Mid-day shift Mon-Fni $15 ater ime. service, 0.T affer 44hrs Ecelent benef ifs pkg deioer/mailtfae reseme t: Bo# 6393 Dakvifte Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Dakvit e, ON L6 3S4 Fax:1 -905-660-7581 WOMEN'S HEALTH CLUB on Bringion leeing fer eoergetic, enfbesiastic feam players for al positions. Mst enjoy warking witb people and possess excelent interpersonal skitis. Fax/Email resumo 90-265-1872 itnessposting@ yahoo.cam * NEED A JOB? m We Can HELP on the job taining positions available non': Generat Labourera a Retail Sales Cterk * Food Service Production Worker Tlese are asa mple of the ljobs aaitabte throsîgh JOB CONNECT * Cal the Hotline: Milton: 878-4956 x-Mississaiugo, OakviIIe , Burinaglon Hamiton and Waterdows-c W OFFER MORE: Great commissions; Carter advancement; Flex. work hours; Solid benef if program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, pieuse cli Kym aI 905-849-8808, Ext 221 TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS Retired Mechanio We ara lookinq for a re-ired mechanîn are or ýwo cays or i L y i io týý _1 nes. Please caii Alain at (905) 875-2915 or fax resumne (905) 875-2910 NO PHONE CALLS ON TUESDAY PLEASE! STELWIRE LTD. 0ur eurlingfon Works locafion currently lbas an opportunity for a: MAINTENANCE TECHIICIAN As a tcensed Miwrînht or Mtnr Mchanîc yen ciii appty yonr fraining tn the maintenance et combustion, mutl and meobiin eqipmeot. A seod Knnwledge of combusto i reqired. Pieterence witi Se ginen te those candidates pessessing an todostriat Maintenance technicien or Gt Gas Licese. Year duies ciii inctade trnabiesheeting, gan analysîs, miner etectricat and pipetittin repairs. This epporfe- nity es ideal tor a jack et ailt naIns and master et many Appicants wiii Se reqaired te cemptete an eamination testin their keewtedge. Please sabmît oar resome te: Haman Resaurces, Slolwire Lld., Straîhearno Ave. N. P.O. Box 2030, Hamilton, Onaria, LON 3T1. Feraneme:905-85-453 sales. marketing&cutnererieiahsiie- proeles. cesteer ervce and apolesnîp skls inresosNalT ait a gdii ingsi aiv potn. a Pblt leaf~resqume t.Se 9computer4> Mxin On aL9t BL Faxh soecue a905-875-45e3i2oc requîre for fn manufoiactuinivdplantr inBmtn.eofie.Mh uccscaate omuterxs.ýs litver ales.ciirosoft ce and Wei ord. Accons. hspsNaaii iireceivbeposure wol e an aset. E-maulWre6u3e1with orsala I ryruRm Se s0to Menilton O 1,9'1'5B Enh oegy Tekcco m mg xerece canr rfotdgmnt postions la promtn enrampoltion.tausses fie com- miateinsMicrsondacleaniveorsdt degreeisaymatblensecivaeetnigpogrm salry commissn Eandlons.-milsme wt la Sery aT@ertelecom Inc.CO ur enceution tobesnes hîbEfafectble cm- dge assgmusEntsfesiveuanng pckagei PArGUde. TPrOe coe 60K. TO $20jing as ACaceiqiaout surece ntbeneitprra rIngon@s avecolleon xpS.Om c etyevilsiti t oun ops.acomeitiv ACCOUNTANT Part-Thne A omnit Oakviie frm reqoîren part-fîme of accounfîng, up ta and inctudîng tînan- diat statemenîs, abitity fa work indepen- denfly and be a team member s must. Some reception duties included. 3 days/ week- Bam-5pm. Fax resume: 905-827-5445 ivatromammu Metrsiand rîntirg, Fublinhiro ard itrîbtîngir Mltoen han an immedîste epening for ar enperierced Sales Repreetative te jinn nar aes eam As amtiîvated nett- ntarter feu witi e renpennîbie fr he c-rdiratîog and neli- ng ot newnpaper duernîron, inIenar menthie rural publca- tien, The Nanngacayu Country Newn & oumernan fea- loins. Aine ieqnired a Telemarketentlaaaified Rep. Gend commuricatiors ekilis are eoeotiîal. Yna muni be abie te work under deadins & undertcnd Sec teo ugle numereus asnks. Saen exererce a dfînte annet. Previeut applîcente nned ne! re-appif. Oniy applicanie te Se îintraewed cr11 Se cenacied. Na Phane calta PIcote. Wenoffer as base nlsiy *car aliesance *lucrativue commiseion package stnable wceik nrirenmeni Pieuse frcard rennme te. Afentien; Wendy McNaS, Adverfîsing Manager Zbe (anabian (0anniton 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Fax: 905-876-2364 Deadline for reenmee es Fnday. November 29, 2002. 3tdi Barton .E Hamilton, Ont. 905-526-0856 Perks Perks Prks Juin Ontaria s largest Telus Dealer eas and the astesl growing iydosfry today. We require B23 sales reps & /t retail staff. Salary beretits & perks galore. Please drop resumne at our Telus Store, 3484 Fariew St., #Al, Burlinglon gary@primeline.ca CARE*PLUS NURSES FOR NURSES 'HERE WE GROW AGAIN...' Needed immediately!!! RNs & RPNs For Hospital * Expanding our services in Mississauga, Brampton, Georgetown, Oakville, Milton, and Etobicoke regions - Excellent pay rates *Flexible schedules * Owned and operated by Health Gare Professionals - CCHSA accredited and ISO 9002 certified 'I I(95) 0 i-2i Fo I* oainteviw .axr . I t (9i5 30617I cow goal and tani mîx. 905-826-1408. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 12, 2002-27 surgeny land rousted nrutsth s may euth e oprtqunry you are looking for. Post-secondary education is preferred and prevtous sales and/or food service experience is a a definite asset. WXe offer an attractive compensation and benefit package as wvell as a car aliowance upon completion of our Sales Training Program.f you woutd like ta pursue this opportunit)4 please frc ward youc resume ta: Human Iesources Deparement B Gordon Food Services Fao JL~'J/~ico 2999 James Snow Parkway FOOJr VICO Milton, ON L9T 504 Fax: (905) 693-3610 e-mail:canadahrgfs.com To find out more about Gordon food Service. please visit our Web-site at: vwgfs.rom WVe hk alappeicahn ve, nly cniae o eit-dwib otc Who Does ILt. 799ir.mrir M DELICIOUS INDIAN SI WET INDRAN FOOD - alporî - Paraina *Curry *Biryani Vtegntaiann Oîne - Samea ' Ail Day Tusday SIlocial Friday Dms EL rakfat Bayl1 cel 1Iindian Bullot Lunch Spociai - $3.99 112 Prico & Dinnr7.99 $529 OMM01E-I, TAEOUT à FIEE DE UVEAY Tnisr - Sulop@st~,ao 1*0 C-- 905-876-2559 88 Otane I lci , rm i lls 'tnChrysi I -e o I r -- 1l a THIS $POT COU LDpe BEYVOURS FOR CALL DIANEM 905-878-2341 EXT. 227q___ (0'S Coudt Advocate Specializing in Provincial Offences Court representaion with over 12 years experience. Parti1 ickets - Part Il by-laws - Part III suimmonses Email: janejmnows@hotmail.com Telephone: 905.693.3567 Free initiali nterview _j WOR. F* sNOM Hume Based Business that ReaIIy Works! Wo r ou rewlth heati and nmtlml coaipan. Foli training aid support prevlded. Central yur hurs and cm.. I Ér1sros il iL1110m 9flea ehv ointaion on Saturday, November 16, 2002. Irom 9ani - 10:3Oam. For loction, please ccli: Mn. or Mis. Takk @ (905) 875-0026, CelI: (416) 889-9886 email: sstaklc@hotmnail.com T. advertise lu this section, please eaul Diane at 905-878-2341 Ext. 227 114 1 ý, 1 il ràl ', KIOJ PI L' l ýý m m -à

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