26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 12, 2002 lu 1--eIh ~KVÂUNUh~~~- mfl 87-l8 5-PIECIE peari export drum set, ocean blue. In- cludas ail hardware, throne, peari double-base pad- ai. 12"AAX Mtai Spiash, 20"AAX Mtai ride, 1 8"AAX Mtai crash, 1 4'AAX Mtai H Hat, 20"Hand Hammered Chinase. Evarything in mint condition. Asking $1,800. Acton, 519-853-3472. 52" Big Scraan RCA Tlaision, pictura in pictura, 900 uines ot resolution. Buit-in acrean protactor. $1,800. Cati 905-875-3425. A King Piiiowfop Mattrasa Set with rame. New in plastic. Coat $159900 Sacrifice $65000. 416-567- 9459 BED Queen Piitowtop Mattreas, Box, Frama, Neyer usad stili packaged. Cost $1,025.00 Sali $45000. 416-567-4042. BEDROOM set. 8pce charrywood. Bad, chesi, tri- dresser, mirror, night stands, dovafail construction. Neyer opaned. In boxas. Cot $9000. Sacrifice $2800. 416-748-3993. CARPET i hase sasarai 1,000 yrds. ot naw Stain- master & 100%/ nylon carpat. Wii do lvngroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards> Steve, 905-639-2902 DESK and cradanza and prntar stand. In excellent cond. $200. 905-854-1641 DININGROOM l4pca charrywood. 92" double ped- axial. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, semver, dosatail construction. Stilli n boxas. Cxxi $14.000. Sacrifice $5.000. 416-746-0995. NEED a computr...doe't have cash" The Original IBM PC, just $1 a day ... no monay dxwni Uniited AOL & intrasitree tor 6 montra! The Buck A Day Co. 1-800-772-8617 www.buckadaycom SAVE atmost 50% on "Lumber Seconda" Assorted lift sizes & product. Sotd in bundted lift units. Cuit 905-878-9222, ask for Bit!, $$$$ Wantad- Al Chinia, Slsar, Crystai, Tex Cups, Royal Doulton, Swarxsski, Glass, Jawalry, oid ixys, colectibias, asiates. Cail John/Tracy, 905-331 - 2477. GARAGE SALE 256 Elmwood res. Nos.1602 7am- l2pm Furn tura Christmas Decorations, fndge and much more WATERDOWN THE 20TH ANNUAL CRAFT GALLERY Sun, Nov. 17 Illam -4pm THE Royal Canadian Legion 79 Hamilton ST. North Admission iv a donation ix the Cystic Fbrosîs research. HAWKCINS ANIMAL HOSPITAL This very busy hospit requiers a fureher Ft Time Rtgisttred Veterinaxy Technician, By Post: 5a-550 Ontariao . S. Miltron L9T 5E4 Fax: 905-875-6853 Marketing t naed someone to teorn mybusiness. Mushave teadarsip aitity and strong desira for aboveaveraga incomae. 905-681-5515 ext. 48 or 43 - -I The N APA Cambridge Distribution Centre lN Iooking. fo ili: FnUi and part-tiine jobs availableI aoi Are ,yon filed a( Candisdate-s shoold hi- uble to resul, write andl oieak amnuntng tu the t-îîy la English and work with nuinhers. A llimn Si-lugobl diplonua soould be anoasset. mrk? Have :vou bd-en out We offer a compstitive salary, an attractive loo-fits the job market îand are tpackage anol opportunitirs for ailvance'moct. 1 AP im looklng ta re-enter the looking for snergstii', enthusiastic and flex'ilel inîivirluals who shuoswpridin ii ing ca good Ijoli, If ytoma are up for tlo c hallenoge, ljiîcîêst- fîrari yior résumé tuin CA~<ambridgte 24t,1 Bridgteport Road hms. Suite 50 9 emplo.nent? If von are Waerlomb. Ontarltb N2J 2.11 eonnnhtted aod teana- Faxt 14Mt"t-472418t1 orlented, then UAP eoulF al nop. lie the rlght plaee for yon. Yoeur résumé mlusttlu reî'eivî'd bufore 5 .m. Tuesday, Novenaber 19, 200)2. UJAP INC. la a Canaîlian leader ini the distribution, merchandising and remanufaeturing of autoinotive parts and replacemsent arressories for cars, trucks and heavy vehairles. W wish tee ehank oU epplanis for terr ieterest, howiever, only candidates sel.eceed ta praceed in the selectjan preecess udf bc contacted. PAR"4lD HOME HEALTH CARE RN's & RPN's For North Halton Area As an eMplover ai choice we ofter: aPay-by the visit " One on ont nursing " Self-scheduling " Monday-Friday dayslor evenings " WE'slEvening shift i df. " Paid Mileage " Education opportunities (paid) " Fuit team support Para -Med is looking for current reaistrafo " Reliabte vehicle an asset " Ful-timne or part-time " Community experience an asset. Mail or fa.x Vour resumne Afin: Roberfa Dunn ParaMed Home Health are 515 Rebecca St., Ste 301 Oakille, On 161 5G8, Fax: 905-847-1038 A leader in communhty heath & support services (We wecome a/I applicants, ho we ver on/y Ihose seîected for an interview wl/I be contac/ed) Finding a cxuch was so easy. Jusi opening Àclassified section is Phoine 905-878-2341 ix place - sur ad isday! C a n adcl a n YTh ra peutic C Colt ega Professionai Training Sprts Injury Therapist or Reg'd Massage Therapist APPLYNOW For January 2M0 IFnaicalAsistance Asaiabs If Eigbae wwwcanadiantherapeuticcotlege.com STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Intermediate/Senior Structural Engineers, 5 /0 10 years experience in the management, design and rehabilitation of a wide variety of bridge and transportation structures. PEO registration mandatory. TRANSPORTATION / ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS 5 years experience in roadway/transit planning or Environmental Assessment planning. Positions require excellent oral and written communication skills. Locations: Mississauga and Kitchener. Competitive salaries offered with comprehensive benefits package. Redwood Pet Resort has a Fuiltlime position avaitabte. Transportation required. Excellent wages with experience. Fax resumne ta 905-878-1154 or cail 905-878-9410 for interview. Mourelf gly Msd requiresiparsurnelading to fit- imekils safornie ofsitiýon. Miniumdas preferred bt.wE..wiltorandt iL9t p4N. If yss are hardssrlisg, depeadabir aeed lte tes dean, Please sait 905-877-3443 Ful Time Driver LubrDelivery Fuîlt ime position avaitahie for a driver in our Lumber Division. Must have minimum Class "D" License a dlean driving abstract. Boom experience preferred but wilI train. Must enjoy meeting the public, neat, weil groomed and efficient. Fax resume to 905-878-4049 Milton Home Hardware Building Centre 385 Steeles Ave, Milton, Ontario 7itar;et R!s'earhnayst Position is based in OakvilI7e,ý W:e liV:vailvo: .1it/J topp/Jvili y loi v iitviiQWl,:: uels orgnized and detiîl ocesled, ê'Cari assume respsssibîlily toc market research for aur national chaîn of ladies weur sores; ViCaii pîssîde prîmary market research supporitfor clo ansd carry oiii a vacîoly of commanîty dtfvelciprriet aîîd market research activîties, îîîî.ilîtîi.ivlccconer suvys and iscus groups, wtlila', flii:alility Io tlk ciipeople in qualitative ,î:rc mlirlî', " ,scisg communication ,kili, /vi:itiel/wiileiii& 'itrnq riamerîcai5kils; VIl lai/î:iiiii wîllî ci:,i:dn,fi vicîpliei, csnituctisg ruma c iai:!rl',iticq aieiicy, asing Ve l;i, i;j ,lcf:tii: ciilcitia iti o'ri " ccmarketing Vilti', ;i iiiiiiiliiii vcf w, j ia riic<iirig vaperiesce seAliliij cl ;,»Iii a i r: i ccl i xii ',', WE CAN OFFER: VA rnAliva i rîci peuple Ioccwccîk wlh, VA conipecitive bcîrieils package, VAn xuttanding associais discoxunt plicy. If yox are isterested, fax yxur reoume in confidencv o lx do Personne/ ai 905-815-6845 b y Frida y No vember 22 2002. We are an equal oppolue/ty employer 77/& A.o ýc7Xel//Voa eePl R ai-e e '/kv2221-J829 saorklors-e? Are von ai student or a yonng pare-ni seeklng part-i-ime 2 *LCENED*ORKIFTOPEATO S NEDE A watt estab/ished tumber company is looking for enfhusiastic hardwork- ing and committed individuals. These are DAYshift, long term positions starting immediate/y// One operator must be icensed Counterbalance driser t0 ioad trucks. One operator musi ba icensed Raymond Reach driver to pick lumber orders. Pay between $1 2-14/ hr + Quantum aiso pays 4%/ vacation esery week/ Please fax resumes fa: Rab Louden or Linda Smpson at 905-276-7739 Or emait: rtouden@quantumn.ca or Istmpson@quantum.ca .u.ntUM AZ with pnaumratic tank axperiance 3-5 years for GTA pick- ups and delisenies. (905) 846-7435 or fax rasumne and abstract ix (905)840-9526. Cafeteria iielp Fuil-tima aftarnoon cook, Mon.-Frl. Midnight cook Sun.-Thurs. Muai hase own transportation. Must hava cafeteria asperianca. Please fax resumes to 905-876-1519 Attn: Cafeteria Manager PIow Truck Diivers Wanted. Must have DZ license. Guaranteed standby rate. WiII train. Cail Tim 905-878-0943 Wodchtsttr Cotllision Requirss: Bodyshop Deail parsxn enprtinced in detaiiing sehiclex. Paineri Httper esperaînce in sanding & maxking sehicies. We xtter excellant wxrkîng conditions, benetîts and cages for tht right indisidual. Please sait Kein 905-828-2010 Experloocod Lf Truck Mochanlo or Machanic ixxking for a changetoix ork an li/f trucks. Mechaie's icesse sot reqa/rad. Excellant cages and benefit pkg. Fax rosumo: Halton LI Truck 905-849-3515 1 1 lé Il'% L-1 1 , FCF 1, 0 W L' R S Burlington Hyundai Service/Parts Manlager Duval purpose iniv iduai, eslcemely vrgaoczed eulh superîi cusmor services skilîs, reqvîred for start-op opecalîve. ContatuolVîsce Juesý Tel 905-320-9374 vmivses@csseco.ca VM COMMUS Wnil se nx)b" in joiffing our ùyevatwe le of prolussior,