2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 12, 2002 -ýDowntown merchants to meet to develop business strategy By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion The future of a downtown with- out Quality Greens is the hot topic of a special meeting between mer- chants and the mayor tonight. Merchants are concernied about the impact of losing an anchor tenant in the downtown core, said Jacquelyn Garrard, coordinator of the Downtown Business Improvement Area, wbich is organizing the meeting. Quality Greens offieially closed November 3 after 20 years of business. "We're going to try to tum the negative of losing an anchor store into a positive," said Ms Garrard. "We have been througb a bard time witb the construction (on Main Street) for the last littie while and a lot of businesses have suffered. However, ets move forward. We have a great downtown. Let's use it. Let's promote it."* Store owners have been asked to attend the meeting - slated for 6 p.m. at Hugb Foster Hall - to share ideas about how the downtown can recover from the loss. "The impact downtown (of losing Quality Greens) is what we make it. It's not the end. Its a step off to a new direction," continued Ms Garrard. 'Whatever goes in there (Quality Greens location) needs to be a strong business; needs to be someone willing to participate in the downtown core." Mayor Gord Krantz and Andrew Siltala. Milton's economic development officer, are also sclieduled Io take part in the meet- ing. "Wc thoughit we'd go right to the top for economnical and planning developmcnt questions. We don't want to try and answer those witbout any background informa- tion" Ms Garrard said of inviting Town officiais. "We want evcrything out in tbe open. We want to nmove ahead as a community, as a group.- Can'tfind affordable housing T1here's belp for those who can't fmnd affordable bousing in the Milton area- the Housing Help Centre. The centre offers a variety of housing information in the local area, încludmng vacancy listings, search assistance, tenant r' rights and responsibilities and follow-up A ftee vaeancy listing service is alto available for landlords. .51, For more information, house seekers and landlords can contact Tara at the Housing Help Centre at 1-866-442-5866, ext. 7142, or on-line at w%,wwregion.halton.on.ca. 400 Stes Avenu $0804029$3851 $4 30904 td e olrerd Suly depwo $0 W$375.35 IMM5 J" pumimop0n rooM33 40R $5.705 40$1841750 1,2381 58$405.60$14341, on a IVI 0 n88% pl, 85 4 08448$56330/8980 4ffl59550453 I 6m 480 E44e00 0000806040000 45400US 050w 0 88040 94lo4 5480(LA0 5.481 E .t on80000548094aud0o048540 h waga«ay lem ClcaROO 004 =m odes 32TM 4HM - -lu1