2 -. Downtown merchants meeting to make business strategy Magna lights I casting shadow on family caîxabTan (~unptou #4~w~ 6~'~96& A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 143 No. 69 Tuesday, November 12, 2002 44 Pages . . . . . . . . . . ..... e page 8 .Property manager accused of taking $250,OOO from condos' reserve funds Re ieAsea he ill h v o m k p tels much money," commented Knstmna Montagliani Resientsjea the hav ma e Up~ . lss of the Bronte Pine complex. "It's up to $2,000, By RICHARD VIVIAN years, about $250,000 was taken from reserve $300eeyn -'dhv opti. The Champion funds for the Bronte Pine (235 Bronte St.) and Those comments were echoed by Ness Cuhm of A Milton man faces fraud and theft West Sixteen Mile Creek (318 Laurier Ave.) con- the West Sixteen Mile Creek complex. saying she dominiums- both of which Mr. Malalicu man- was glad 10 hear the police were mnvolved. charges for allegedly misapproprtating aged. "There are a lot of people«really, really pissed funds from two properties he managed. Residents of the two condo complexes off." she told The Champion. -There are a lot of John (Mark) Mallalicu was charged Thursday expressed anger and frustration over the situation, seniors here who could have problems (if they with two counits of fraud over $5.000 and two "People might lose their houses over this. Condo have to contribute tu re-building the reserve counts of theft over $5.000. corporations have to have a fund of money in case fund)." He was released from custody the same day. something happens. If that money goes missing - Mr. Mallalicu is scheduled 10 appear in Milton P ie urin he n.,ýt t10 ehih it has - then each bouse bas to put up so court December 5 to answer to the charges. M ~ Lm~4 ~-M JiJ~I~ ~ U Wi~U II1XM~i~I~Ei2iIi~ L ' 7 AVAILABLE WITII VARIIU OPTION PACKAGE AOS & AIR BAGS ARE STANDARD or 0 o 0months or LOUS @ 1.5% for ~H O 48 months wth &~WNOl1St paYMe Plus Freght & Taxes or Security Dpost Includes Automatic teniiired. New 2002 CaUUi IIlla5DE~ CASHMERE ON NEUTRAL LEATIIER *AIL THE STANDARD CADILLAC OPTIONS *PLUS 4YR/80,000 KM WRAT N MAINTENANCE PAID FOR BY CADILLAC CASH PRICES MRONM rM o . or F48elicefor10 or Eblul for 89 j ý -Lest = we forget At left, war veterans from ail branches of the services march toward the cenotaph at Evergroen Cemetery ta the applause of onlook- ers yesterday. Th emembrance Dycrmn on the il th hour of the 11lth day honoured those who fought for frocdom. Above, Bert Pôrter, a veteran of the Army Service Corps, remembers the fallen. Sec coverage of Sunday's service at Victoria Park on page 3. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE 00 Comment ......6-7 Business........ 10 Dateline........ 17 Classified..25-27 0lww.da, »Nowh12 0 .2 torl Plu* uiess f Dow*p *Spo<thsM * eMolly Mhld * Mrd COUtR" Gardene*a A Dbsignhrs Tomch* e Rona Homo anti Garden * aThe Homoe IDocs* - Sears*e Blacks Phetography* *Seloctsd areas: snl r~L ProetY e s ent Austen & Noble Imisuraucte specializing in residential rand rural properties IAuto Business 205 Main St. E. 878-7217 1-800-413-5701 scrvlng Milonu mnce1950 $ 1.00 (GST included) willuil Il liab - Uluil uaý.ý -.- ý-, - 1- -1, - Halton Regional Police say aunng ine pasi ap Àjk --x a mm 20021*