26-The Canadien Champion, Friday, November 8, 2002 FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted CaIl 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company Redwood Pet Resort has a Fulil ime position available. Transportation required. Excellent wages with experience. Fax resume ta, 905-878-1154 or oeil 905-878-9410 for interview. THE BENEFITS ARE CLEAR! Dur enceptiaxal bexetîts, high pay & blue-chîp assignments sCier yuu a wixnixg package' PAYROLL PROCESSOR..TO $20/NR STAFF ACCOUNTANT ...TO $18IUR COST ACOUNTANT...TO $17/HR A/P & AIRCLERKS ....TO $141HR PIIS(O(S] liii [~ mmi iI~-1 Cafeteria help uh1 ni alt110 i cook, Mon-Fni. Midn/ght cook Sun-Thurs. Muse have own transportation. Muse have cafeteria experience. Please fax resumes to 905-876-1519 Attn: Cafeteria Manager MYvis, this womain so upset? NCO Financial Services, Inc. CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The CSR serves as a tront Ine cutomer service or our clients and a liaison between our clients and internat deparîments. Responsibilit/es include responding to account inquiries, processing correspondence, esponding to e-mail inquiries and compiling internat and externat reports. We currently have a ui-t/me, permanent position available in our Missiaaauga location. Candidates must have recent cutomer service experience and have prof/c/ont knowledge of Off ice 97, MS Word and Excel. The position requires an individual who possesses excellent communication, t/me management and organizational skila. The ability to work welI under preasure is assone/at. E-mail resu... ta: hlring.mlssissuoea@ncogroup.coel Cali ta nquire about our excellent benetits program Phione: 905-319-9384 Fax: 905-319-2095 burlinglon@accountsmps.com Visit us aI: accountmnps.cam Classi/ied Hours Monday ta Friday 9 arn to 5 pm Ca/I 905-875-3300 or fax 905-876-2364 ta place your ad! IiI~1Fuil Time Driver 15~ILumber Delivery Fulltirme posieion avaitabte toc a driver in aur Lamber Dinision. Must have minimum Ctass "D Lîcense a clean dnivîng abstract. Boom experience pcefecced but wil train. Must enjoy meeting the public. neai. wett gcoomed and efficient. Fax restiue to 905-878-4049 Milton Home Hardware Building Centre 385 Steeles Ave, Milton, Ontario General Help Wanted Energet/c persan interested in becomning Drive Clean Emnissions Inspector and learnîng Drive Clean Emîissions Program. Muse have validi drivers license. Call 905-878-7926 We are a growing cnmparry with ocations acrasu Ca- nada. We are laaking for an eoperîenced candidate wilt a praven track record, tue the position ut: ORDER FIUER./ASSEMDSLER Il VENTORY ASSOCMAME Yoa bring the tall/awa experîence anrd asnets Detail orienled iadividoal, Coxscîentaus, lnaentaryl waretrnuse knnwledge, Preiaus experience picking orders, Experence uing MicrosoftlOffice and Wnd- ows 98, 2000 or XP. Business Vsion, Techical / Mechanical aptitude, Ability lu assemble mechanical campanents huom 2D drawings, Transport or heaxy equipment industry knnwledge, Abîlity ta aork in a fast paced enairoment, Excellent interpersanal skilîs, Able ta meut deadîrnes, Positive attitude and a team ployer Ploas foruard youerusunie ln confidence Atta. to: A. KMy, Fax: 905-875-2125 nagya@cpIsyfiS.coll OONEOALLSON UTSDA Lîore oi norare rd mevac îdda l lèrn skîtts. hîcNa axisiaiîv05 posir-291 orieaelx resume l9057-9-1403 MiiPH ON . LON TUE85 sales, marketing& uonesevcinabytnur elfiep hne seperienceanddaeasanst os ntrpn aesrsonekIs, goo ad tproin and an abltPoleax fuictSme computer-403 Tlpoeexperence an a e a Fan resume: 905-875-4532 Are you an eneretic persan, FFN wanîlng l9 or0 in afasr W EL paced environmnenr' We are cretyaccefring apprîca- F/TP/T Cooks P/T Servers F/T Maintenance F/T 12m-8m Sun-Iburs. Store Cieek W pide ouiseives as a faniy nabusies.shat piavîder. FlHexible heurs -uineiiive xwex $7.00-$10.00lie. Aibeeitusdiedue aenund funiy resPuixblie No nKince nssry Appyin rnýîn errWheei rck Stop 40 Chihoier Dr-Mitonr ASSISTANT SUPERINTENET Required for high ils e apareenn buildînj. Semi- rerîred mature couple, wir/r mainteenance cdean- in skitts, so0 office coverage required. Must lrre-rn. Rexpxnd ex Ban 3039, c/o Canadian Champion 19t Main Si. E., Miltron, ON L9T 4N9 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT lis cirrently tooking for Studets te work PIT Monday-Saturdey shifts, difference days available. Good starting wage. If interested please tax your resume to Alex Caîhoun at: 905-337-5557 Treaiment Faster Cars Agmncy Requies: PART-TIME RESOURCE WGRKERS CAS experience a mustt CHILO &YOUTH WORKERS CYW Diplome, also Çhild & Youth Workers wanting f0 become oster parents in own homes above average per Dîems. Foster parents for developmentally handicapped adolescents. MSWS, BSW'S for Counselling / Therapy Fax resumne 10 905-639-2679 We are an estabtîshed, progressive transportation campaxo speciatîzing on the planning and coordination xt grxund transportatio services thrxughaut North Amerrca. We affer a great work eniroment and secure empixyment. ADMINISTRATOR/BOOKKEEPER This lu initiatly a ane-year centract but may graw ino a tati-t/me salaried position. Applicants must be computer literate and haxe some bxakkeeping experience. Dutes will include N/P, A/R, general baakkeeping, it/ng and same receptiax dulies. The candidate must passeso excellent communication and arganizatienal skitls and be capable of werking with minimal supervision. tf yau are interested in jain/ng aur team, ptease tarward yaur resume in confidence, ta: Gateway Freight Systema mnc. 1235 North Service Rd. West, Suite 201 05kv/île, ON L6M 2W2 Fax: 905-842-5407 Email: hr@gatewayfrt.com More Office Help Positions listed on the next page She missed Ut l(ampîou Classified Deadine! Dont you miss it too! DEADLINS: Tuesday'sPapen~ Monday's at llam Friday's Paper Thursdays at llam $20-$25/HR National company witb lots o work lonking Cor REMODELLERS REND VATORS IIANDYMEN Own ehicletols. +10 years experence Cali Mr Arthur 905-578-440 WOMEWS HEALTH CLUB in Burlnglon lookîng lot energelic, en/bus- anie team players lor ail positions. Must oojoy working wil people nd pssess excelent interpersonal skilis. FaxlEmail resume 905-265-1872 fitnessposting@ yaboa.com Perks Perks Perks Joîn Onarios largesl Telus Dealer eam and te as/est gtowîng indus/ry /oday. We requîre B28 sales reps & ffl tail saf. Salay benleits & perks galote. Please drop resumne a/ our Telus Sore, 3484 Fairview S.. #Al, Burling/on gary©prîmelintt ca CHALLNGER MQTOR FREIGHT REQUIRES Exp*lened Z Fatbed Company Drivers ,$2500.00 net sign on bonus *Company single & teams * Os van & fiadw Exgtrt remun.n S&benefit package F*xr«Ul*"*l»88076.0870 a 16